Hunting High School

Chapter 325: Nails, Pliers, And Locks

"There is a long life in the law, and fighting is the Immortal protection Daoist."

Duke Milton didn't want to have any disputes with the witch on any topic, so he used an ancient verse, and quickly skipped Su Shijun's pride, and turned the topic back to what he was talking about:

"My father once said to me, 'If you want to walk on the road of truth safely, you must understand the true meaning of 'struggle', and war is the most intense and clearest of all 'struggle' part."

Because the words Milton quoted involved the legendary patriarch of the Karen family, Su Shijun and Wilhelm Potter also had to express enough respect to listen to this passage quietly.

Then Milton asked Su Shijun back: "Since the war is so do you think the war between wizards should be conducted?"

Su Shijun hasn't spoken yet.

Mr. Werewolf, who had been listening for a long time, couldn't help but sneer again and again: "Magic, blood and claws, these are the answers that all newborn wolf cubs know."

"So you are called barbarians among wizards." Milton did not hide the contempt in his eyes.

A low growl came from Wilhelm's throat, and there was a tinge of blood in his eyes.

Su Shijun didn't want the Council under the Moon to lose face in front of the great wizards of the Black Prison Castle, so he quickly turned around and smoothed things over: "War of wizards? It should be that the two sides lined up and then shouted and started throwing fireballs at each other?"

At the end, she couldn't help laughing herself.

As the saying goes, "When you look back and smile, you are full of beauty", the witch's smile made the whole lounge seem to lose its color, and even the dark world outside the window brightened up a lot.

Under this smile, the werewolf and vampire also forgot to hate and confront each other.

Milton froze for a few seconds before recovering.

"Of course not," he said with a hoarse voice, impatient to explain: "Small-scale, low-intensity conflicts - such as three or five low-level wizard duels - can throw big fireballs at each other, set up magic traps, Prepare formations in advance. Constrained by capabilities, this kind of conflict can at best blow up a few mountains and overturn one or two rivers."

"But a large-scale, high-intensity war is different."

"Because a large-scale war will involve high rank wizards. And a battle between two high rank wizards requires preparation from a higher dimension beyond reality."

"For example, you need to consider whether the opponent will use divination magic, calculate your preparations in advance, and then make targeted arrangements; another example, is it possible for the opponent to make a black hand, go back along the timeline, and eliminate the battle before it happened? ;For another example, the opponent has prepared six or seven Horcruxes or phylactery, so that even if you defeat the opponent in a duel and kill him, you cannot completely wipe out the roots... Then a short conflict turned into a long one. torture."

"The battle between two high rank wizards is already so complicated, then the complexity of a large-scale war involving dozens or even hundreds of high rank wizards will increase exponentially... this complexity is enough Let the brains of the most powerful fortune-tellers boil instantly, and make the highest-rank fortune-telling formations fall into chaos."

"It's really scary." Su Shijun almost immediately deduced that terrible scene, shaking his head again and again, and even the foxtails behind him calmed down a lot, temporarily giving up the plan to teach the vampire a lesson.

"Undoubtedly." The Vampire Duke nodded reassuringly, took a sip of red wine, his beautiful fangs were exposed at the corners of his mouth, and continued after he collected himself, ", in order to avoid such Terrible scenes, wars involving high rank wizards require adequate 'pre-battle preparations'."

"Pre-war preparations?"

"To use the words of the old-school wizards, it is to prepare 'nails, pliers and locks'." Duke Milton said something incomprehensible again.

"Speak human." The witch urged with a little displeasure.

Duke Milton wanted to say that he was a vampire, not a human, so naturally he couldn't speak human words.

But looking at the face of the witch, Mr. Duke did not dare to continue talking, but immediately briefly explained the three concepts just mentioned: "This sentence means, 'Put nails into the nodes of fate, use pincers to attack Confirm the only possibility, and then lock the battlefield with eight golden locks'."

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While speaking, the vampire raised his hand, and the thin red rope mist covered the tall French windows.

Through the mist, you can faintly see many slender golden threads traveling through it, interweaving a fine and large net, and constructing a classic "Klein model" - this is the simplicity of high-dimensional concepts presented in the low-dimensional world image.

"It's very interesting." The witch folded her arms and looked at the model in the red mist, her face showing seriousness in contemplation.

"If the world in the vision of high rank wizards is simplified into this model," Duke Milton raised his hand and poked at the nodes where the golden thin lines intertwined on Klein's model: "Nails must be nailed to these nodes Up... this is the node of fate in the long river of time and space."

"Fate is sensitive and suspicious. He is like a rabbit covered with long and thin fur. Any slight movement in the grass, touching a certain fluff on his body, can make the rabbit run around in fright."

"The most common phrase that fortune tellers say is 'fate is risky, and you need to be cautious in divination'. Sometimes, wizards who are proficient in divination only need to throw a small pebble into the river to completely change the life of some opponents." Change. When the fortune-teller throws enough and big enough stones, it can even block the river of fate and collapse the whole world.”

"How to find the node of fate has become the most researched topic of fortune tellers."

"Human life is like a lamp, converging into a river, it is the river of destiny."

"In this world, every ten seconds, forty-one lamps of life are lit for the lives that fall into this river; every ten seconds, another eighteen lamps of life leave this river. The big river, drifting into Guixu, slowly extinguished."

"The lighting and extinguishing of most life lamps will not have any impact on this world, because they are so small, so small that few people know about them from birth to death... But there are always some life lights. Lamps, because they exist in a special position, their lighting and extinguishing affect thousands of other life lights, and even leave a deep imprint in the long river of time and space."

As he spoke, Duke Milton grabbed the node he had just poked.

Pull it up slowly.

It was like picking up a dim little lamp. But behind this lamp, a large golden net was dragged, and the net was covered with countless bright lamps of life:

"Many wizards have discussed the same question. What would the world be like if Mr. Qiu Chuji hadn't passed by Niujia Village?"

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