Hunting High School

Chapter 264: Choice (End)

When Zheng Qing was babbling and singing.

A gleam of hope suddenly flashed in Nikita's eyes. She clearly saw the shocked look on the wizard's face, and easily deduced why he was shocked.

It's that little witch!

She is my only hope now!

"She's going to die!" The banshee sat up straight and looked at Zheng Qing nervously: "You have to find a way to take her out, take her back to school, so that she can survive! Stay here, and she's going to die soon!"

Zheng Qing withdrew his gaze from 'Faceless'.

"Who? Who is going to die?" He asked subconsciously.

But deep down in his heart he knew the answer to that question.

"That little witch." Nikita stared closely at any slight change of expression on the wizard's face, quickly counting with his fingers under the sleeve of the robe: "Round face, seven or eight years old, wearing a shabby black robe, holding a Looking at a small mirror...Zhu Zhu was sent by me to find her!"

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"She stayed in the dreamland for too long, and her vitality was exhausted by the boundless phantoms. If it wasn't for the support of her obsession, she might have dissipated long ago."

"You take her back now, and you still have to save her... The school will definitely save her back!"

The banshee speaks very fast, but expresses very clearly.

Zheng Qing supported his forehead and felt a little dizzy.

He tried his best to restrain the uncontrollable impulse in his heart—it was very difficult, just like a seven or eight-year-old child jumping on a galloping horse and trying to hold its rein—Zheng Qing knew clearly that if the horse was allowed to run wild Go down, and I will soon return to the 'blank land'.

When the wizard began to try to stop the self-explosion, Nikita obviously felt oppressed in the boundless darkness in his heart, and a tiny ray of light lit up.

At the last moment of falling into the abyss, she struggled again and grabbed the fleeting hope.

"Where is she...?" Zheng Qing frowned, gritted his teeth, and tried hard to keep the Lingtai awake, turning his head to look at the little banshee sitting on the purple spider's back.

The little banshee bit her finger, looked at the wizard's red eyes, and seemed a little curious: "Have you been transformed too? But I feel that you still smell a little weird, like a wizard..."

"Answer him!" Nikita growled in a low voice, and gave the little banshee a fierce look.

Zhu Zhu was obviously taken aback.

"I didn't catch her!" She only stayed for a second, then immediately came back to her senses, and replied quickly: "It was almost. A group of passing ghosts were chasing her, as if they wanted to drag her back to the crypt Li... I only have Xiao Zi, I can't beat them, so I came back first..."

The little purple in her mouth should be the petite big purple spider under her.

As for ghosts, Zheng Qing also knows a thing or two. It is a magical creature the size of a pony with dirty nature. Life is in the crypt of the dreamland, and it will get sick and Death in the sun. It has the habit of cannibalism, and also captures other creatures for food-because they have similar Human appearance, so humanoids are their favorite objects to capture.

Evil, dirty, and depraved.

Zheng Qing's heart sank gradually, and the urge to lose control in his mind became stronger and stronger.

Nikita looked at his uncertain eyes, feeling that the light in the darkness was rapidly disappearing.

"We can help you get her back," she said sincerely and urgently: "I have the Mischats...that is, those Zugs, they are very capable of tracking; I also want the Gug titan, Shantak flock, Swarms of ghouls...they can easily tear apart any goblin! Just give me a little time."

Zheng Qing pressed his eyebrows, took small mouthfuls, and took a light breath.

It was like walking on a tightrope with a bowl of porridge piping hot to the brim, and he was sick.

"I also want to give you some time," his voice was a little weak, "but it's not for me to decide... I'm just a small embankment, about to meet the peak of the flood. I can't stop it even if I try my best."

"If it can't be blocked, it can be unblocked!" Nikita shouted in despair: "There is so much water, why do you have to block it all? Let it out a little bit, and you can buy more time!"

Zheng Qing slowly closed his eyes.

Block or unblock, he now has two choices.

Just like killing Nikita and rescuing Jusi, he can only choose one.

When a train is running on the rails, there is a fork in front of it, with one person lying on the left and a hundred people lying on the right. If Zheng Qing had to choose, he might not know how to choose.

But when the train is facing a fork in the road, if you can save a good person by going left, and kill a bad person if you go right, then Zheng Qing will definitely choose to save the good person.

After all, when a good person dies, he really dies.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, the usually calm sea is now under the gust of wind.

A group of pale blue cyclones floated in mid-air.

The cyclone was very small at the beginning, only the size of a fist, but like a heart, it would slowly contract and pump. Every time it expanded and contracted, several small breezes spewed out from all around and landed on the cyclone. Above, and then the group of cyclones suddenly increased by a point.

Grains of yellow, windmill-like symbols were imprinted on the cyclone, ups and downs. If Zheng Qing could see those symbols, he would definitely be able to recognize them, which belonged to the king in yellow.

so repeatedly.

Just a few moments later, the cyclone had become enormous, almost filling the entire sea of ​​consciousness—the sea surface was flattened by the air mass and forced to bend downward; And a heavy crackling sound.

When this air mass breaks through the sea of ​​consciousness, it will be the moment when the forbidden spell erupts.

Originally, Zheng Qing let all these develop naturally.

But he has changed his mind now.

He entered the dreamland to bring Jusi home, not to watch her die here.

The urgent desire in his heart and the strong thought of being the master of the sea of ​​consciousness slowed down the speed of the air mass's contraction and pumping. But that's not enough.

A light blue tube made of runes dropped from the sea of ​​consciousness, and stretched into the air mass, desperately extracting the energy in the blue cyclone.

The light blue energy was sucked away by the tube like flowing water.

Compress all the way, converge all the way.

In the end, it was poured into a red glowing talisman.


Enchanted Forest.

In front of Nikita and Zhu Zhu.

A double-barreled shotgun slowly appeared in the hands of the young public finance student.

Even through the dark blue magazines, the Banshees could still 'see' an extremely dazzling red tumbling and brewing. There are many finely crushed yellow runes in between.

Nikita looked at the rune gun and burst into tears.

Although this rune gun became more dangerous than the one in the cat and cat tavern, the boundless darkness that had always enveloped her heart was slowly receding.

The light of living is getting brighter and brighter.

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