Hunting High School

Two Hundred And Fiftieth Ix Wake Up Time

who is he?

where is this

Am I not looking for dad and mom?

The little witch held the small mirror in her hand and placed it across her chest, looking vigilantly at the red robe crooked among the mushroom bushes, her mind went blank.

She couldn't remember what Heavenly Stems did yesterday, where she went, where she came from, or where she was going. She only remembered that her family was in a very warm big house, outside the house there were tall beeches, a spacious small playground, a soft green lawn, golden sunlight, and wizards wearing various robes, Uncle Aunt, big brother sisters.

She raised her head and glanced at the sky through the gaps in the oak leaves.

The sun here is pale and cold. The sun just came out, and a few stars could still be seen blinking in the sky—just as the little witch looked up at the sky for a short while, she saw those stars go out one by one, as if being blown by the wind. As if blown out.

My name is Jusi.

I am looking for my father and mother.

The thoughts in her mind gradually became clear, and the little witch's eyes finally stopped being confused. However, the guy in the red robe beside him is still a problem.

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The wizard leaned sideways among the mushroom bushes, his eyes closed, and he kept frowning even in his sleep.

She didn't remember who he was, but looked familiar to him.

Maybe it was a kind passer-by, Zhu Si thought to himself, maybe he thought he was pitiful yesterday, so he kept himself for dinner? Maybe even treat yourself to a small glass of milk or juice.

However, the little witch touched her shriveled pocket with a look of embarrassment on her face.

She had no good food or heavy gold to give him.

On her wrists, however, were still a few leaves of myrtlewood, strung with red strings and enchanted. But those leaves have lost their magical effect, and are worthless except for a little commemorative significance.

Next to the mushroom bushes, under the oak tree, there is a big blanket covered with beautiful hairpins and headdresses. The clean white porcelain plate was filled with sweet bread, and several sugar cats lay lazily on the bread. The icing on their bodies melted in the morning mist, revealing a translucent luster.

Zhu Si swallowed quietly.

She looked at the red robe in her sleep, and at the rich food on the blanket.

"You can't finish it."

The little witch muttered as she unfolded her own handkerchief. She didn't take those puffs that smelled so sweet, and she turned a blind eye to the sugar cats wagging their tails and paws at her on the snack plate. She just carefully wrapped a few pieces of white bread, and A small bottle of already opened orange juice.

"When I find Mom and Dad, I'll come back and pay you back." Zhu Si muttered in a low voice, with a bit of anxiety and guilt, she got up quietly, took her little bundle, raised her hood, and was about to slip away.

Then a small mouse wearing a pointed wizard hat fell out of her hood and landed on a piece of fat mushroom umbrella.


The mouse screamed, and swung the small matchstick-like wand in his hand vigorously, throwing out a stream of golden sparks, which was very beautiful. Sparks landed on the canopy of the mushroom, searing a yellow spot.

Faster than it screamed was Zhu Si's movement.

At the same time that the sparks shot out from the tip of the wand, the little witch raised the small mirror in her hand, and covered the Mr. Mouse wearing the pointed wizard hat with the light of the mirror.

"Who are you?" she asked calmly.

The mouse waved the magic wand in his hand, pulling out a wand flower, as if performing on a stage, but turned a blind eye to the little witch's question and turned a deaf ear to it.

Zhu Si glanced at the mouse wizard, and then at the sleeping wizard who was frowning in the mushroom bushes, thoughtfully: "Are you with him?"

The mouse was still there fiddling with its wand, only this time it added the motion of tipping its hat in thanks.

"I'm sorry to disturb your rest...but I'm going to find Mom and Dad, so I won't play with you." The little witch put away the small mirror in her hand, apologized softly to the little mouse in front of her, then tiptoed, stepping on the morning light , turned and walked to the depths of the oak forest.

behind her.

The mouse wizard put on his pointed wizard hat again, leaned on his wand, and stumbled after him.

Behind the shade of the trees, the slapping of the chests of the ancestors and the soft chirping of the birds after getting up can be heard, which is the accompaniment of the little witch's outing.



When Zhu Si left quietly in the morning light.

Zheng Qing is witnessing all kinds of wind in the dream.

To be precise, it was a dream within a dream—he wasn't sure if he was still in the land favored by Hastur, or even if he was still in the dreamland.

The only thing that is certain is the wind.

Cold wind, warm wind, mountain breeze, sea breeze, spring breeze, east wind, the wind blowing over the leaf tips on the grassland, the wind piercing through the treetops in the forest, the free and unrestrained wind mixed with salty smell, rushing straight to the sky and breaking through The wind with heavy clouds.

All kinds of winds whirled and roared, or whipped him heavily like whips; or touched his face gently like pairs of small hands; with.


Thinking of her husband's face, Zheng Qing in the crowd suddenly froze.

He vaguely felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

At the end of the group of winds, out of the sight of the wizard, there is a seedling growing at a speed visible to the naked eye amidst the cheers and singing of the group of winds.

One leaf, two leaves, three leaves.

One branch, two branches, three branches.

Winds that were similar in nature but different in appearance blew from a distance, landed on the seedling, and disappeared. Every wisp of wind that disappears will make the seedling grow a little bit.

The wind is getting less and less, and the seedlings are getting bigger and bigger.

Gradually from a budding state, it grows into a small tree. Although it is not too tall, looking from a distance, it gives people a feeling of being indomitable.

There are not many leaves, less than fifty in number, but they are like small open hands, helping the little tree to support the world.

When the last ray of wind disappeared from the tree, the whole world suddenly became empty.

There were crisp and continuous breaking sounds from outside the sky, and golden nets and complex runes could be vaguely seen sliding across the sky, like meteorites falling from the sky, with long burning tails behind them.

Zheng Qing raised his head, staring blankly at this scene that seemed like the end of the world, but also like the beginning of the prehistoric era.

The image of the small tree was reflected in the sky.

It waved its branches, as if declaring its own growth.

After a long time, the young wizard suddenly realized that this was the deepest world of his soul, and that little tree was a seed that had just germinated not long ago.

The moment Zheng Qing woke up in his heart, a huge attraction came from the outside to the inside, throwing his consciousness out of the sea of ​​consciousness. Zheng Qing once again experienced the feeling of falling from the sky.

In the oak forest, among the mushroom bushes.

The sleeping young wizard shuddered, sat up straight, and scared the Zugs who had been watching to flee in all directions.

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