Hunting High School

Chapter 249 White Lies

"So, we knew each other before?"

"Of course... Do you remember a world with many mirrors? There is a maze of big mirrors there. You showed me the way and told me how to get out of that maze."

"Huh? Am I that good? But... I hate mirrors the most."

"Don't you have a little mirror in your hand?"

"This is a gift! It's not a mirror!" Zhu Si angrily hid the own small mirror, paused for a moment, and then spoke again: "Since you have already left, why are you back?"

"Because you invited me to a big meal, I want to invite you back."

"The big meal I invited?" The little witch showed a look of interest on her face: "What's there?"

"There are chicken heads, green vegetables, and's the big meal in the picture album in your arms."

"It turns out that there are food in this album! Let me tell you, it smells delicious..."

"...Don't you know what's in this album?"

"It's been empty for a long time."

"Then why do you keep holding it?"

"Forgot...maybe it's a habit."

The young public fee student and the little witch sat side by side on the trunk of an old oak tree.

Zheng Qing raised his head and looked at the colorful night sky above his head that pierced through the gaps in the leaves. The little witch lowered her head, teasing a little mouse wearing a wizard robe in her palm.

In front of the two of them was a large piece of sackcloth with purple-red checkered stripes, but in the dim night, the patterns on it looked vague and heavy, like scrutinizing eyes.

The sackcloth is full of various things.

The sugar figures and cats of Shuang Tang Ji are playing in the exquisite glass box; the latest fruit puffs of Miao Miao Dessert exude a sweet smell, which attracts the sound of slapping the chest from time to time in the depths of the forest ; the classic hairpins and headbands of the Mushiniang, even after decades and a world away, can still be loved by little witches; there are also Pandora's boxes sold in the Apple Pavilion, which are neatly placed in a row. Before opening the box, even Zheng Qing, who is the buyer, didn't know what strange things could be opened.

For example, just now, the little witch opened a little mouse wearing a wizard robe from the magic box. It wore an old-fashioned pointed wizard hat on its head, and waved a wand the length of a matchstick in its hand. It ran on the purple sackcloth blanket. Running around, waving the wand from time to time, a string of golden sparks came out from the tip of the wand.

The little witch had a great time playing with it.

Correspondingly, her vigilance against Zheng Qing has also decreased a lot, and she is willing to talk to him a lot.

The long chat made Zheng Qing realize that as long as he didn't mention how Zhu Si arrived in this world, and didn't ask some essential topics, the little witch would still be that little witch.

Alert, smart, immature and sophisticated.

It is not fear or sorrow that breaks people's hearts the most, but a sense of helplessness that makes them feel helpless. As long as there is a support, even in the abyss, it will not make people despair.

What's more, the two of them are not in the abyss right now, but in a quiet oak forest.

Thinking of the oak forest, Zheng Qing recalled the place where he had just fallen into this world—he had enough reason to suspect that the two of them were now in the depths of the Enchanted Forest—this suspicion was triggered by the sight of several old trees nearby. After the furtive, peeping brown figure behind the oak, and the faint sound of flapping, it became affirmative.

Zheng Qing once saw Nikita's "army" in the "real vision" provided by Atal Elder. In addition to the terrifying titan and ferocious big bird, there was also a large group of people with oily fur, short stature, and Mouse-like creatures.

"We can't stay here for too long?" The young public fee student glanced at the deep forest and struggled, trying to stand up: "It's too dangerous here."

The aftereffects of using the blood rune bomb have not completely subsided, and the wizard felt as if his head was being pricked by a needle after consuming a little bit of mana. He covered his head and grunted? He sat back under the oak tree again.

"Don't be afraid, the Zugs look fierce, but they are actually very timid." Compared with him, Zhu Si was much calmer. She put the little mouse in her palm on her shoulder, stretched out her arm, and patted the mouse. Patted Zheng Qing's arm? Comfortingly said: "They never dare to attack guys taller than them. And they are most afraid of cats..."

As she spoke, she took a peek at the black cat tail behind Zheng Qing? She nodded in satisfaction: "...We have both of these."

Zheng Qing has the heart to argue that she is not a cat.

But after the tail behind him swayed weakly for a couple of times? He finally gave up arguing.

"It's not Zug," the young public servant waved his hand, indicating that he was not afraid of those brown mice: "It's something more dangerous. They will appear in this forest at any time... These Zug must belong to them eyeliner."

"However," the little witch bit her lip, and twisted her fingers unconsciously: "I want to find my father and mother here...they must be waiting for me somewhere."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, intending to tell her that this is just a world sandwiched between fantasy and reality, it is impossible to have her parents, even if there are, it is just an illusion.

But he couldn't say it.

Not only because after speaking out, the little witch may fall back into a chaotic state, but also because this simple and persistent belief may be the only reason why she is still awake now.

Say it, and it will kill her.

"Your parents are outside, not in this forest." Zheng Qing hesitated for a long time, and finally chose to deceive. He looked into Zhu Si's eyes and said seriously: "There are only oaks, mushrooms and Zugs in this forest." , there are no are a wizard, your parents are wizards, and I am a wizard."

The persuasiveness of identity, the exquisite sugar figurines, sweet puffs, and the playful mouse doll waving a magic wand finally made Zhu Si change his mind.

"You said, you know where they are," she opened her bright eyes and looked at the boy: "I believe you. I will go with you. But if you can't find them, I will come back."

Zheng Qing nodded vigorously.

"Then shall we leave now?"

"...Take a rest for a while, I need to take a few potions."

"Why do you take medicine?"

"Because I used too much magic power before."

"Oh, I know, it's hard to use too much magic power... I have had that time before, and I feel that my whole body has been hollowed out. Later, a big sister with red eyes gave me a delicious brew made by Zugs, to come back to life.”

"...The next time you see that big sister with red eyes, you must stay away. She is not a good person."

Zhu Si nodded, but shook his head again: "Red eyes are really bad, and I also remember to avoid them...but that big sister is very nice, she told me that as long as I can survive, find my parents, It doesn't matter what color the eyes are."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

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