Hunting High School

Chapter 84: In The Mirror

The floor-to-ceiling mirror was about three feet wide and nearly two meters high. The base was a solid piece of obsidian, and it was carved with small figures holding their hands. Those little people raised their heads and looked at where the mirror was, with fanaticism on their faces.

On the left and right of the mirror are two Roman relief columns, date-colored red sandalwood. On the left side of the plinth is a monster with ram horns and bat wings, and on the right side of the plinth is a naked man and woman entangled. Two busts of wizards emerged from the tops of the pillars, the man on the left and the woman on the right, both wearing pointed hats and holding wands. Hollow and carved incantations supported the heavy lintel, and a line of words was carved on the stone.

Because the sky was too dark and the handwriting was a bit blurry, Zheng Qing couldn't see what was written on it for a while, and could only vaguely see words like 'water' and 'human'.

At this moment, all his attention was on the terrifying reflection in the mirror.

He would bet that the monster in the mirror that looked like him, wore his clothes, was full of fangs, and bleeding from the corners of his mouth had nothing to do with him.

"Who is that?!"

Screaming, the wizard took a step toward the retreated.

Mr. pressed his shoulder to stop his plan to exit the pavilion: "It's just an interesting shadow, don't worry about it... Like I said, next, we will go to an interesting world."

After realizing that the horror picture could not scare the people outside the mirror, the person in the mirror showed an annoyed expression, pulled up the cloak on his body to cover his head, and revealed his image again, which was already the appearance of Zheng Qing in women's clothing.

Black bow, white ruffled apron, lace belt, garter belt, and small round-toed shoes. As if in order to fit in with this attire, the guy in the mirror stepped on his inner horoscope and half covered his face with a paper fan in his hand. The young public finance student who was looking straight at him turned red and burst into anger.

"Insane! It's lawless!" He opened his eyes wide angrily, and said without hesitation, intending to smash the mirror with a punch, but he was worried that his hands would be scratched, so he could only look around, trying to find a solid stone.

"Don't pay attention to these details." The gentleman raised his hand and flicked his fingers at the shadow in the mirror. The monster in women's clothing screamed, rolled, and was bounced deeper into the mirror until it turned into a small dot and disappeared completely in the mirror. in the mirror.

But this does not make Zheng Qing feel at ease.

The thought of some costumed monster pretending to be himself screaming somewhere in the world made him shake from head to toe like he'd eaten a mouthful of mustard.

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As if feeling the boy's unstable mood, the husband patted him on the shoulder comfortingly.

"Are you ready?" he asked, tilting his head.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, with a stiff expression, tentatively stretched out his fingers, and touched the silver mirror.

The mirror surface rippled like water waves.

"Let's go."

Sir's voice echoed in his ears. Immediately, Zheng Qing felt that the hand he was holding was pulled hard, and the whole person was pulled into the air, his feet were off the ground, and then he crashed heavily into the silver wave.


There was a sound like falling into the water, and the eyes were dark. Zheng Qing can clearly feel that he is passing through one piece after another of rotating, twisting, and black barriers, and is constantly falling towards the 'deep' and 'deeper'.

Until a dark yellow light pierced his eyelids.

Zheng Qing stepped heavily, and his whole body regained the feeling of weight.

When he got used to the surrounding environment, he realized that his husband and he were in a long and narrow corridor. On the top of the head is an upside-down candle. Under the action of gravity, the pale yellow candlelight is pulled out of the smooth spindle, and a gloomy and jumping light and shadow are scattered.



The gentleman put his right index finger on his lips and hissed softly, signaling the boy to observe quietly.

The light and shadow danced in the corridor, and Zheng Qing's sight gradually became clear. On both sides of the original deep and narrow corridor, many burning torches suddenly lit up. Under the torch, there are closed doors.

There is such a door near Zheng Qing.

There is no room number on the paulownia door, nor any decoration or rune, just a piece of transparent glass embedded in the center of the door. Looking in through the glass, there is a bathroom—cubicle, urinal, washstand, broom and mop hanging behind the door, no different from any school bathroom.

Zheng Qing took a few glances before realizing that this glass should be in front of the sink in the bathroom.

After the boys wash their hands, they seldom smear in front of the mirror, but there are also a few guys with greasy hair and pink faces who come to the glass to fix their shiny hair.

"So, why not the women's restroom." The boy thought about it regrettably, and then realized that the husband was beside him, and immediately denied it in his heart: "No, no, I'm actually not that dirty... It's human nature... …If it was really a women's room, I would immediately close my eyes."

While he was doing mental construction, behind the glass window, the bathroom door opened with a bang.

Several boys came in pushing and shoving.

One of them is short and thin, wearing rectangular black-rimmed glasses; the other three, two are big and round, have shaved almost bald hairstyles, and one has long hair and fair skin.

The few boys who were going to the toilet showed horrified expressions on their faces, lifted their pants, and escaped without even washing their hands. The door of the toilet was slammed shut and jammed with a mop.

The three of them surrounded the thin and bespectacled man in the corner of the toilet, pushing and shoving, chatting about something. From time to time, the fair-skinned boy would raise his hand and slap the glasses man.

Two big and round attendants laughed, one on the left and the other on the right, pinching the thin boy's shoulders to prevent him from resisting.

Uninspired, bullying scenes.

Punks want protection money.

The thin boy said weakly that he had no money.

In exchange for a burst of punching and kicking.

The boy who was beaten squatted down with his stomach in his arms, and was immediately picked up by his ears, and was slapped several times.

After beating like this for a while, someone pushed the skinny boy against the wall with too much force. The boy's head hit a raised angle iron on the wall, and blood flowed all over his face in the blink of an eye.

The two followers were taken aback, and the hands holding the boy's shoulders involuntarily let go.

But the fair-skinned boy didn't care, he lifted the skinny boy's school uniform, wiped his face indiscriminately, and warned him not to talk nonsense outside. Then the three walked away.

The thin boy stumbled to the mirror, took off his glasses, and revealed a pair of eyes that were intertwined with anger and fear.

"Help me," he murmured, whispering into the empty mirror and empty toilet, "help me...kill them...kill..."

The voice behind was distorted, and Zheng Qing couldn't hear what he said.

He only saw the boy's blood-stained hand pressing on the glass, leaving a trace full of curses and magic.

Light and shadow flowed, and the three bullying boys suffered in the toilet one after another. Two attendants broke their legs while going to the toilet, and the fair-skinned guy fell directly into the toilet and was drowned - the people from the school security office could not understand after a long investigation, why a toilet pit less than two feet deep could drown a one-meter-deep Seven boys.

This incident has become a legend that has been circulated on this campus for decades.

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