Hunting High School

Chapter 77: Agnieg

"Agneg! Agneg!"

"God said."

"I swear by my eternal life."

"Every knee will bow before me."

"Ten thousand tongues will confess to me."

"The radiance of God shines upon the mysteries hidden in eternity."

"Strengthen our hearts."

"The mystery is now revealed."

"And according to eternal life, Agnieg's life."

"Tell the peoples of the nations and convince them by the books of the prophets."


"Agneg! Agneg!" 1

The crisp and ethereal voices of the little murlocs echoed in the fish skin tent, creating a holy atmosphere. In this atmosphere, even if she was as careless as Senior Colmar, she showed a serious expression.

Although Zheng Qing doesn't have much research on religion, because of the knowledge involved in mystery, he can get in touch with a lot on weekdays. According to the hymns sung by the little murlocs, he could easily tell that the name of the god these wandering murlocs worshiped was 'Agneg'.

The old murloc's next words also proved this point.

"Agneg! Our God!"

It praised with a deep aria, and then the voice returned to normal, and introduced to the guests: "When we were wandering, He protected us from being hunted down by monsters, troubled by wizards, and teased by dragons... But we stopped Footsteps, He is wearing a dragon skin cloak, sitting in the shrine and resting."

"Agnieg! Our God!" the little murlocs sang in unison.

Zheng Qing shuddered involuntarily.

With the support of two little murlocs, the old murloc priest stood up tremblingly, leaning on a bone staff, and walked to the side of the long case. Only then did Zheng Qing notice that there was a one-meter-high stone platform built beside the long table, covered with a wide and heavy cloak. From the perspective of the guests, he could only see the Chi Xu stone base.

The wizard realized in his heart that this was probably the 'shrine' mentioned by the old murloc just now. That cloak should be the dragonskin cloak, and 'Agnieg' is under the cloak.

The murloc priest walked up to the stone platform, lifted up his tattered robe, exposing two bony bare knees. There was no flesh left around the knees, only wrinkled bluish-black skin could be seen.

The old murloc dropped the bone stick, pushed away the little murloc supporting it, knelt down with great effort, and kowtowed a few times in front of the stone platform.

Then he grabbed the bone staff and stood up slowly and firmly.

During this process, the two little murlocs stood quietly behind it all the time, without making a sound or stepping forward to help it, like two stone sculptures.

"Sacred's dragonskin cloak!" The old priest walked slowly to the stone platform, stroked the cloak, and chanted, "The guardian of the secrets of the gods! Block the blasphemous eyes! Wait for the arrival of holiness!"

After singing, it waved its bone staff, raised its dragon skin cloak, and revealed the stone platform below.

It is said to be a stone platform, but it is actually a stone armchair—the stone is blue-gray, the surface of the stone is rough, and yellow-green moss and water erosion spots can be seen faintly on the edge. Zheng Qing very much doubts that this chair is these stray fish It was built temporarily after people came to the market.

Because of its weight, it was impossible for these murlocs to carry it around.

And the 'sitting' on the stone chair is the god 'Agneg' of these wandering murlocs - to be precise, it is the skull of Agneg.

A huge octopus skull is placed on the chair, the upper part is a human skull, and the lower part is crawling with eight octopus tentacles. After the cloak was lifted, the tentacles that had been 'sleeping' woke up one after another, wriggling feebly on the stone platform.

A small stone plate is installed on the head of the armrests on both sides of the stone chair.

There is a light layer of golden yellow flood oil on the plate, like solidified beeswax. The old murloc priest took out a few pieces of dried moss from his sleeve and threw them into the plate.

call! call!

The blue-black flame suddenly stood up, twisting and dancing in the stone plate.

The old murloc didn't stop, and kept taking out all kinds of things from his sleeves - palm-sized leaves, grasses tied with fish tendons, broken tortoise shells, blackened bones, and even two pagodas. Luo card.

After these messy things fell into the stone tray, thick bluish-white smoke came out of the tray immediately, and the young wizards who had already adapted to the air in the tent couldn't help coughing in low voices.

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"Who wants to spy on fate."

The old murloc turned to look at several young wizards, and reminded: "The spectator does not need to be a follower of Agneg, but he must be barefooted, bareknees, and barehanded to show piety."

The witches looked at each other and retreated half step slightly.

Xiao Xiao took a step forward without hesitation, intending to be the first person to eat crabs.

The old murloc nodded slightly, and stood the bone stick with the dragon skin cloak on one side of the table, then stepped forward, picked up the octopus skull on the chair with difficulty, and looked at Xiao Xiao:

"Sit on."

Xiao Xiao put away the notebook in his hand, and climbed up the slightly higher chair with great effort. When he sat in, his whole body seemed to be in a deep pit. Zheng Qing could see that he was trying to tap the ground with his toes, but he couldn't reach it. This made the public fee student secretly laugh.

The two little murlocs who were originally standing behind the old murloc came out more and more, each holding a small bowl and walked in front of Xiao Xiao.

A bowl contains brightly colored fish roe, a soft ball, wrapped in seaweed, and steaming.

Another bowl contained a viscous liquid like milk, which looked suspicious.

"Use them," the old murloc ordered.

Xiao Xiao picked up the ball of fish roe with two fingers, sniffed it, and then swallowed it with his neck raised. Then he picked up the bowl of 'milk' and sniffed it for a long time, his face full of dazed and disgusted expressions.

"What is this?" Xiao Xiao looked at the old priest and confirmed.

"The essence of Agnieg." The murloc priest replied.

The doctor rolled his eyes, pinched his nose, and poured the bowl of octopus skull essence into his mouth: "... I hope the result will not disappoint."

He muttered vaguely.

"I wouldn't try this kind of divination even if I was killed." Korma whispered in Zheng Qing's ear, "I kind of know why this method of divination is abandoned by mainstream wizards... After all, your hunter is really brave !"

Jiang Yu stood beside Zheng Qing with a stern face, and covered Poseidon's eyes with his hands to prevent him from looking randomly. This made the little fox a little irritable, its paws and tail fluttered wildly. But the witch insisted on covering its eyes.

Zheng Qing didn't have time to comment on the doctor's bravery and the reaction of the two witches.

Because after Xiao Xiao ate the two 'sacrifices', the old murloc buckled the octopus skull on the doctor's head with a completely different agility than before.

The huge skull completely engulfed Xiao Xiao's upper body, leaving only his two legs.

Immediately, the eight tentacles of the octopus skull shook violently like an electric shock, straightened, then collapsed, and then trembled again. The whole process didn't last long, until a contented sigh came from the black mouth of the octopus skull:


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