Hunting High School

Chapter 63: The Thirteenth Week Begins

Zheng Qing didn't know that some staff of the Three-pronged Sword were planning to present him with a silk banner.

What happened on Sunday night, he and Jiang Yu did not mention it to anyone in the school.

On the one hand, parts of the affair ended up being a bit embarrassing. Two outstanding students from the First University were brought down by black wizards outside the school with indiscriminate means. One turned into a cat, and the other was drooling with crooked eyes. They were almost kidnapped and had their organs harvested.

It's frustrating to think about.

On the other hand, they didn't want to bring new troubles to Korma—Zheng Qing didn't know that Korma watched his battle process—in the narrow but knowledgeable cognition of the young public finance student, because of the dedication Due to the sacrifice of magic, the current situation in the North District of Beta Town is already very sensitive. If people from the First University or the Wizarding Union use the excuse of 'hunting black wizards' to make a fuss, there will be new and bigger conflicts with the wizards in the North District. If there is conflict, it is a great crime.

So this matter passed quietly in the tacit silence of the two young wizards.

Of course, out of risk and moral considerations, after returning to school, Zheng Qing flew a paper crane to Senior Sister Keerma, briefly described to her what happened at night, and reminded her to clean up the recent problems in the North District. The flood of dark wizards.

It's just that Senior Sister Kerma's reply made the young public funder a little confused:

"Received, thank you!"

"Exceeding the cat's expectations... very good!"

Two lines, two answers.

The first row of writing is clear and neat, as if it was printed. This sentence has clear semantics and clear meaning, which makes people understand at a glance.

But the second sentence is a bit strange. In addition to the somewhat inexplicable content, the handwriting is also somewhat scribbled, as if left by a witch on a whim.

If it wasn't for the fact that the handwriting of the upper and lower sentences was consistent in ink color, continuous strokes, and some details of the bends, and the reply magic seal was clear, Zheng Qing would have suspected that this letter was written by two people.


The boy pinched his smooth chin, frowned, and thought over the meaning of this sentence over and over - did the senior sister mean that my performance surpassed that of Jiang Yu? But how does she know? Or, does she feel that my defeat of the two dark wizards is beyond her expectations? But she's not a cat either? There is also a string of ellipsis, which is quite meaningful.

Very good. There is no ambiguity in the three words, it is a compliment to me.

The brown parchment exudes a faint smell of paper in the sun, as if it can make people smell the heavy sense of culture and history. Zheng Qing stared at Senior Sister Kerma's slanted cursive characters on the second line—somewhat scribbled, but very beautiful.

He was very suspicious that the senior sister had replied to the wrong letter, and sent the reply to others to himself.

Otherwise, why is that sentence so incomprehensible?

"What are you looking at? You've been staring at that piece of paper for ten minutes." Fatty's greasy breath squeezed over with his voice, and the young public fee student suddenly felt out of breath.

"Stay away from me!" Zheng Qing slapped Fatty's round face with a slap to stop him from approaching any further, and replied vaguely, "It's just a reply to a complaint...I can't read it."

"Complaint? Who are you complaining about? Is it the school work committee?" Xiao Xiao also looked away from his notebook when he heard this.

Not long ago, Lin Guo's black goat was lost. Zheng Qing accompanied the little wizard to the school work committee to apply for assistance in finding the goat, but he was given a perfunctory answer full of bureaucracy and formalism.

This is not the first time.

Annoyed, Zheng Qing asked Xiao Xiao to submit a 'goat milk investigation report' at the last forgiveness hunting team meeting, and at the same time seconded a complaint, suggesting that the school working committee improve their work style.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Not surprisingly, the complaint fell into the sea without any response.

So Xiao Xiao thought that Zheng Qing was persistent and filed a second complaint.

The young public-funded student immediately realized the meaning of the doctor's words, and couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Complain to them? Heh... other than wasting my precious time and ink, what's the use?"

"It's a waste of saliva." Xin Fatty added seriously.

Zheng Qing rolled up Kerma's reply letter, put it away, and carefully stuffed it deep into the gray cloth bag. At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at Jiang Yu who was sitting in the first row of the classroom.

She seemed to be teaching Li Meng a paper.

Sim Fatty coughed loudly from the side.

Zheng Qing glanced back, and Fatty tried to force a disgusted expression on his face. It's just that in addition to that fake disgust, there is also full of envy and excitement hidden.

"Scumbag." He pointed at Zheng Qing while pinching the orchid, and cursed at the throat.

"" Zheng Qing pointed at the tip of his nose, feeling inexplicable: "Why are you so crazy in the morning?"

Xiao Xiao's slow voice sounded from the side, explaining Fatty's accusation: "He's saying, Irina hasn't been out of school for half a month, and you're planning to turn the spare tire into a regular one... This kind of behavior is very bad, very bad. will make other girls in the school think that the boys in Tianwen Class 08-1 are philandering."

For some unexplainable reasons, the school did not notify all the staff of Elena's accident, and everyone only knew that she was temporarily suspended from school for a period of time due to physical reasons-although it was a bit sudden, such things did not happen in history.

Hearing Xiao Xiao's explanation, Zheng Qing's face immediately turned purple-he could almost be Zhang Jixin's cousin-he took out a stack of suppressing symbols without hesitation, and slapped them on the desk.

"I allow you to reorganize the language." The young public-funded student was a little stern, and slammed the desk.

This caught the attention of other people in the class, especially Jiang Yu who was sitting in the front row, also cast their gazes over. This immediately reduced the intensity of the boy's slapping on the table, and the heat on his face became a little more intense.

Xiao Xiao raised his hands decisively, signaling surrender.

Fatty also put away his previous sissy appearance, with a generous smile on his face, patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder in full view, and whispered, "Did you go to Beta Town with Jiang Yu last night?"

"That's official business!" Zheng anxiously argued with a pale face.

"I understand, I understand... Don't you need this kind of excuse at the beginning..."

Fatty didn't finish his sentence.

Like a duck that had been strangled, it suddenly lost its voice.

Similar to him, the bustling Tianwen 08-1 class also became quiet at the same time.

Everyone held their breath, trying to pretend that nothing had happened, but this oppressive and quiet atmosphere made everything look extraordinarily abnormal.

The reason for the anomaly is simple.

Because Liu Feifei walked into the classroom with Nicholas.

The stick figures behind the door hardly made fun of the two young wizards who were about to be late. They just lay on the ground, leaning on their cheeks, with a playful expression on their faces—as one of the most well-informed guys in the school, Obviously, it also knew what happened to Nicholas.

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