Hunting High School

Chapter 58: The Real Dark Wizard (Part 2)

The complete 'Mintian Jiwei' is called the Heaven's Punishment Curse, which is said to be able to destroy all existences of the dark side on a large scale. When Su Shijun came to the sandbox Minor World in the hunting competition last winter, Zheng Qing was "fortunately" briefly felt the power of that spell.

It's really God and Buddha's change, and the power of heaven is unpredictable.

But right now, the spell Jiang Yu used can only be regarded as a part of the "Heavenly Punishment Curse", with a small deterrent range and weak power.

But no matter how weak it is, there should be some movement.

After Zheng Qing closed his eyes, he counted to three silently in his heart. At the same time, he imagined the two mean-spirited guys on the opposite side, guessing what they would look like under this spell—meat sauce or burnt black?

half an hour.

After the spell was spoken, Zheng Qing didn't hear anything for a long while.

He opened his eyes in surprise, and the two black wizards were looking at him in surprise. Turning his head, the wizard found that the witch who was standing beside him had disappeared without a trace.

Immediately, he felt a slight tug at the bottom of his trousers.

He lowered his head, squatting at his feet was a familiar white kitten, poking its claws at the corner of his robe.

The white cat flicked its tail, and the cat's face was also blank.

Was this backlashed by a spell? This thought crossed Zheng Qing's mind. But then he denied this speculation. Mintian Jiwei and Transfiguration belong to two different series of spells. It doesn't make sense that the spell backlash can turn a wizard into a cat.

"It turned out to be a 'forced transformation technique'?!" The short wizard's words woke up the young wizard from his shock.

Zheng Qing immediately realized that now is not the time to be in a daze.

He turned his head, and the short Fatty on the opposite side had taken off the sunglasses on his face at some point, and was raising his arm, bringing his hand to his eyes for a closer look. On the middle finger of his right hand, the emerald stone embedded in a gold ring had been removed from his face. There was a gap in the middle, and the inspiration contained in the whole gemstone dissipated, turning into a stubborn stone.

"It's too wasteful, too wasteful." The short Fatty wizard murmured, his brows and eyes full of pain: "How could it be a 'forced transformation'...I thought it was a 'self-defense spell'...Obviously there are cheaper The could this be..."

"It's not your fault." The dwarf's companion, the tall and thin wizard, bent down and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly: "Very few people would seal such precious magic in a piece of emerald. It's worth staying together In the emerald."

"It's too wasteful," the dwarf was still muttering to himself, rubbing the discolored emerald on his finger over and over again: "Obviously there is a cheaper way..."

Listening to the conversation between the two dark wizards, Zheng Qing finally came to his senses.

The gemstone inlaid with emeralds should be the 'trophy' that the dwarf got from somewhere before, but he was blind for a while, and mistakenly thought it was a protective spell, but unexpectedly the gemstone was sealed with a 'forced transformation spell'.

And this also solved the biggest confusion in Zheng Qing's heart.

The forced transformation spell is a kind of magic that can only be learned by high rank registered wizards who are proficient in transfiguration. It can forcibly transform the designated target into the animal form that the opponent has used before. The duration varies from one minute to a lifetime depending on the ability of the caster.

The biggest feature of this magic is not its transformation, but its harmlessness.

Animals that are forced to transform are immune to any physical and magical attacks during the transformation, and will quickly recover the damage they have received—if there is no "forced transformation" that is a slightly weird "side effect", this magic can completely become a hunting ground The best auxiliary magic in the world.

It was these characteristics that made Zheng Qing realize why Jiang Yu was turned into a cat without any resistance.

Because the magic cast by the opponent is not offensive magic, nor does it contain any vicious curses, on the contrary, this magic has a very good recovery effect. So it was not hindered by those talismans and treasures on Jiang Yu.

Thinking of this, the boy breathed a sigh of relief, moved his slightly stiff fingers that had been pinching the book—considering the inferiority of the emerald stone, the duration of this 'forced transformation' would definitely not be long. Too long, maybe even a minute.

He needs to deal with each other for as long as possible.

"It would be better if you were more careful." The wizard muttered, took out the book and held it in front of him.

The tips of the white cat's ears were a little red, and it leaped to Zheng Qing's shoulder three times, five times and two times, and barked fiercely at Zheng Qing twice. The little frog that was lying on Zheng Qing's shoulder shrank obediently, letting the white cat's paws step on its forehead.

The two black wizards looked over in unison.

Zheng Qing's hand holding the Dharma book remained motionless, and there was a faint green halo on the Dharma book.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your reflection time." The young public finance student said very sincerely: "...Is the proposal of the previous three golden beans still valid?"

There was an appreciative smile on the chunky wizard's face.

"No, it's not three golden beans." He held up a finger and shook it: "You heard me wrong, I just said two golden beans. You give us two golden beans, and we will let you go. "

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

His tone was very firm, as if he didn't see the increasingly strong fluctuations in magic power on the magic book in Zheng Qing's hand.

Zheng Qing was almost laughed at by the other party's shamelessness - although he only wanted to delay the time, he didn't expect the other party to be so shameless that he turned his head and swallowed what he just said.

The little white cat suddenly became a little anxious, waving its paws and smearing Zheng Qing's face.

Zheng Qing turned his head sideways, carefully avoiding her claws, glanced at her reproachfully, and looked vigilantly at the two dark wizards opposite: "I have golden beans...but how can I believe what you say?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he regretted a little.

Seeing the flash of greed in that short Fatty's eyes, he immediately thought of an idiom, seeking skin from a tiger.

You can't just procrastinate.

This idea crossed the boy's mind, one hand was still holding the book in front of him, and the other hand was raised, grabbed the little white cat's belly, and took her off his shoulders—it seemed that it was because of the little white cat. The cat is in the way, so move her somewhere.

The moment the wizard picked it up, the little white cat became stiff all over.

She originally wanted to bite off the wizard's ear with all her teeth and claws - Zheng Qing's ear was not far from her mouth, and she could bite it off with just stretching her neck.

But immediately, she felt a slightly stiff piece of paper between Zheng Qing's palm and her belly. The rising temperature on the paper made her realize that it was a talisman paper.

Do things urgently.

So, the little white cat gritted its teeth, and let the boy put her on the ground in a huff.

A faint red light flashed from the bottom of Zheng Qing's hand. After realizing that the talisman paper had fallen on the ground, Zheng Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief and took two steps towards the retreat.

The little white cat followed in his footsteps and also took two steps towards the retreat.

They took two steps back, and the two dark wizards on the opposite side took two steps forward, always standing ten steps away from the young wizards, neither approaching nor leaving.

Zheng Qing felt that the Dharma book in his hands had been soaked with sweat, and the cover had become a little slippery.

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