Hunting High School

Chapter 55: The Wizard Wearing Sunglasses

When Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu saw Korma, there was another guest in the living room.

It is said to be the living room, but it is actually the first floor of the original Sakura Tavern. It's just that because the owner of the tavern has become a great wizard, the bar with a small kitchen and a few wine tables has become a temporary living room.

And Colmar didn't seem to have any intention of remodeling the living room.

When Zheng Qing entered the door, another guest in the room was making a similar suggestion to the great sage of the North District: "...the light in this living room is too dark, which does not match your identity. Do you plan to change it to a brighter one?" place?"

Although inside, the guest still wears a teal bowler hat and a teal trench coat with four rows of buttons. There was a beautiful big butterfly lying on the brim of her hat, and she wore a slightly tight black mid-length skirt under the windbreaker, revealing a small section of white calf, and a pair of white witch shoes on her feet.

The boy raised his eyes subconsciously, avoided the calf, and set his eyes on the butterfly on the brim of the hat.

The butterfly fluttered its wings slightly in the dark room.

Zheng Qing thought it was a living thing.

Compared with the striking butterfly, the oversized sunglasses on the guest's face are more conspicuous. But even though the pair of sunglasses covered most of the guest's face, Zheng Qing could still tell the guest's identity from the breath she revealed.

It is the owner of the Qingqiu mansion, a member of the next month's council, Miss Su Shijun.

After hearing the guest's suggestion, the owner of the Kini hut replied very politely:

"No, that's fine."

Obviously, she doesn't like to change her familiar environment at will.

The movement of Catherine opening the door attracted the attention of the two great wizards.

When Zheng Qing looked up, he happened to see Su Shijun sitting at the side of the bar raising his glass to him. Su Ya was wearing a black and white lotus leaf skirt, standing beside the lady with a stern face, her fox tail was tucked into her shirt, looking quite dignified.

"Come?" The owner of Qingqiu Mansion said in a lazy tone. Su Ya stared at the wizard angrily, but said nothing.

Zheng Qing resisted the urge to turn around and slip away immediately.

Jiang Yu stood aside and looked at him, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a smile that was not a smile appeared on his face. Kerma leaned behind the bar, folded her arms, and looked at the wizard with interest.

Out of the sensitivity of a great wizard, the owner of the Kini hut was keenly aware of the slightly subtle atmosphere between Zheng Qing and Su Shijun. But out of respect for a great wizard, she chose to remain silent and wait and see.

"Big, hello everyone," the young public fee student said hoarsely, and waved to the owner and guests of the tavern, then tugged at the neckline, and took a deep breath: "It's a bit stuffy in the room, haha... it's not open. window?"

Before the words were finished, a white ball of fur creaked out from the corner of the bar, rushed into the arms of the young public fee student like the wind, and knocked him staggeringly.

It's Poseidon.

The boy took two steps towards the retreat before he stood up.

Seeing this, Jiang Yu, who had just extended his hand to help him, quietly withdrew his hand; Su Shijun squinted his eyes slightly, and snorted softly, but in the end he didn't say anything; but senior sister Kerma looked at the little fox's eyes slightly. Bright.

She originally thought that the fox was just a descendant of the Su family in Qingqiu.

But apparently the situation is much more interesting than she imagined.

Noticing the attention of the witches, Zheng Qing felt a little flustered, weighed the weight of the little fox in his hand, and then yelled in a panic: "Why, why is it so heavy again? Girls need to learn to control drinking..."

A sharp gaze from the side of the bar made the wizard immediately swallow the following words into his mouth, twirled his tongue a few times, and dared to speak again after changing his appearance:

"...Of course, you are still young, eating more is good for your health."

The sharp gaze was put away.

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, and calmly pinched Poseidon's puffy face. This guy disappeared from the pet garden at every turn. I was so worried that I couldn't eat, but it was full of fat.

Poseidon flicked his big tail in displeasure, and slapped Zheng Qing twice.

Zheng Qing scratched the roots of its ears soothingly.

"So, I'm not the only one who thinks your living room is a bit cramped." Su Shijun shook the wine glass in his hand, showed a charming smile at the owner of the Kini Cabin, raised his hand and drank the last sip of wine, and stood up:

"Since you have a new guest, I won't bother you anymore... Nice to meet you. Welcome to the Qingqiu Mansion when you have time."

Everyone else in the room breathed a sigh of relief at her farewell.

But Zheng Qing hadn't finished exhaling this breath, Miss Su asked him to take it back again.

"You seem surprised to see me?" When Su Shijun walked past the wizard, he adjusted his wide glasses and stared at him expressionlessly: "...Or, you don't welcome? That kind of look... Tsk. "

", what are you doing here?" the boy asked with a bit of a breath, stammering.

"It's rare to have a great wizard of the same age to chat with... Life on the island is finally not so boring. Why, do I have to tell you about this kind of thing?"

Jiang Yu, who was standing beside Zheng Qing, coughed softly twice, indicating that there were other people in the room.

Senior Colmar didn't seem to notice the episode at the door, she was staring intently at the Potter wine glass in front of her, and she seemed to be very interested in the tulip-shaped glass for a moment.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Su Shijun finally stopped making things difficult for Zheng Qing.

"Dongdong, let's go." She stretched out her arms and greeted. The little fox raised his head and glanced at Zheng Qing, then was held by the wizard on his front legs and stuffed into Miss Su's arms obediently.

Jiang Yu sighed slightly.

It wasn't until Su Shijun left the bar with the little fox and Su Ya that the owner of the Kini Cabin seemed to suddenly come to his senses.

"Sorry, I was a little distracted just now... What are you guys doing here today?" She looked at the young public fee student with a sweet smile, but also a bright smile. But Zheng Qing felt inexplicably tense all over, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

"A few small things..." Jiang Yu respectfully sat diagonally across from the owner of the kini hut, and softly talked about the reason for his visit this time.

In addition to asking Nicholas if he could be on time for class next week, she also carefully asked about the follow-up investigation of the Kenny House on the "devastating accident" that happened on North End Street last weekend.

Zheng Qing also asked if the wizards in the North District had found Linguo's black goat.

But unfortunately, apart from confirming that Nicholas can officially start class next week, there is no progress on the other two things. This conclusion obviously made Korma a little embarrassed, so that she didn't use the incident just now to continue molesting the young public fee student.

"I will continue to pay attention to these two things." When talking about the business, senior sister Kerma was still very serious: "Whether it is the missing black goat, or the shadow of the Outer God that night, or you I just mentioned that there are more people who like to drink goat milk at school recently... These things are definitely not isolated."

"For the sake of safety, you should go back to school early. The night in the North District is not safe."

As the actual speaker in the North District of Beta Town, Senior Sister Kerma's exhortations are not groundless.

Not long after Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu left No. 33 Gu Diao Street under the moonlight, they were stopped by someone in a deep alley. Those who stand in the way are two wizards in black robes.

Interestingly, these two wizards also wore wide sunglasses, which completely covered half of their faces.

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