Hunting High School

Chapter 52: Zhen Xiao Xiao’S Goat Milk Report

The setting sun in May falls through the glass window on the desk in the 403 dormitory.

Dry daisies in vases lie lifeless in this honey-colored spot. The breeze is blowing outside the window, driving the fine branches, and the sunlight in the room is also shaking slightly, like delicious and juicy fireflies.

Fat Cat's eyes chased those swaying light spots on the desk, and the sharp weapon between the claws popped out and retracted, retracted and popped back, looking eager to try.

Xin Fatty stared worriedly at the fat cat on his belly, struggling between protecting the robe and being scratched by the cat.

Others in the dormitory were also staring at the little things in front of them, seeming extremely focused—since Zheng Qing mentioned Linguo's black goat, the atmosphere in the dormitory had cooled down again—this made the young public funder I wonder if I have been cursed with some 'cold silence' effect.

A hunting team that has won a championship, for a whole week, in a limited area, looking for a black goat.

Didn't find it.

Everyone in the Forgiveness Hunt team felt disheartened.

Especially when everyone looked at Lin Guo's eyes from anticipation to disappointment, disappointment again and again.


Tuantuan finally gave up waiting and watching, kicked his limbs vigorously, jumped onto the desk, and started chasing those naughty spots of light. Although it made very little movement when it pounced, it still shook the solid wooden table a few times. This attracted several concerned eyes in the room.

Xiao Xiao seemed to have finally recovered from the loss just now.

He sighed, opened the drawer, took out a roll of parchment tied with a ribbon, and handed it under the nose of the young public fee student.

"Almost forgot," the doctor muttered, tearing off the ribbon on the parchment roll: ", help me sign it."


"A report, and an application requesting the school to assist in the investigation."

"The school working committee has refused to help find the sheep," Zheng Qing reminded: "I have accompanied Lin Guo to the office of the school working committee last week... They said that according to the procedure, pets missing within one month are not eligible for school assistance terms."

Thinking of what happened in the office that day, Zheng Qing felt angry.

Prevarication, negligence, and passive coping, these are probably the things that every old and large-scale organization will encounter.

"It's not looking for sheep," Xiao Xiao shook the parchment, and found that Zheng Qing didn't intend to take over, so he spread it out on the desk: "But it's also related to sheep... Have you noticed that in the past week, the The number of students drinking goat milk has increased dramatically? This is not normal."

Several other people in the dormitory nodded in unison—except for Dylan, who recently began to like to eat blood-stained cooked beef, paired with young and strong magician plasma.

"What? Did you find anything?" Xin Fatty was keenly aware of the 'elements' behind this incident, and suddenly regained his energy. He jumped up and sat up on the bed. A quill filled with ink.

"No." The doctor glanced at the notebook in Fatty's hand with a stern face, a little sullen: "If you grab the eyebrows and beards, the consequences will be chicken and eggs. Our main focus should be on Lin Guo's Dahei..."

Zheng Qing feels that there is no direct connection between eyebrows and beards, but this does not mean that he disagrees with the doctor. He also felt that it was a bit strange that he liked to drink goat milk recently.

Contrary to him, Sim Fatty put forward a different point of view out of the harshness of a reporter.

"If I remember correctly, the school hasn't issued any health risk warnings recently." He quickly flipped through the notebook in his hand, and a certain part of it was filled with various announcements and notices issued by the school: "...Is this Does that mean the situation is under control?"

"Just in case." Xiao Xiao was extra cautious in this matter: "If the school really doesn't notice this abnormality... that would be terrible."

"I'm very suspicious." Zheng Qing actually is not suspicious of Xiao Xiao's actions, but he suddenly remembered what happened when he and Lin Guo went to the school working committee to apply for an investigation, and couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"First University is like a titan, or a brontosaurus. When an ant bites his toe, it may not notice it, and it may take a month to react."

"Indeed." Sim Fatty couldn't help laughing.

"If there is room for your investigation report, can you add some of my opinion?" Zheng Qing stretched his neck, glanced at the huge blank under the investigation report on the table, and began to describe to the doctor that the school work committee was slow and The problem of bureaucratic style - he has been trying to find an opportunity to complain.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"'s ok." Xiao Xiao nodded reluctantly, but emphasized: "I just add it, I don't know if it will have any effect...It is very likely that the student union has the same style."

Zheng Qing pouted indifferently.

"There is no expectation, so there is no need to be disappointed." His tone was relaxed, and his attitude was also very relaxed: "This is called beating rabbits by hugging grass, and if you hit them, you will earn money... Besides, someone has to say something, right?"

"Are you looking for someone to co-sign? How many people have you found?" Xin Fatty flipped through the parchment report, signed it quickly, pushed the report in front of Zheng Qing, and turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "need my help?"

The journalists and classmates have extensive connections, and everyone knows this.

"No, thank you." Xiao Xiao looked at Zheng Qing after signing, and signaled the elves to deliver it to Dylan's coffin, and explained: "Just ask a classmate for help in the regular meeting at night... …I just need the minimum number of people."

According to the school's regulations, an application requesting the school's assistance in the investigation must be signed by more than 30 students before it will be accepted by the student union or the professor's joint meeting.

And Xiao Xiao has collected more than ten signatures.

"It's really not difficult." Zheng Qing nodded.

Because of this incident, everyone in dormitory 403 went to the classroom half an hour earlier than usual before the evening regular meeting. Everyone filled the classroom looking for someone to chat with, and tried their best to ask the students to sign the parchment before the professor walked in.

Basically, no one would refuse such a favourite.

Perhaps only Li Meng would ask Zheng Qing to buy her an ice cream cone before signing. Zheng Qing agreed well on the surface, turned around and sued Jiang Yu, and then watched Jiang Yu pinch the little witch's face with a smile.

The good name is to let Li Meng know in advance that the world is difficult and people's hearts are sinister.

Speaking of people's hearts, because of the chat in the dormitory before, Zheng Qing paid special attention to Matthew Karen. Sure enough, the normally personable noble under the moon was a little sluggish today, and his eyes were a little dark. It seems that Sir Friedman's loss of power has affected the young blood of the Karen family.

It's embarrassing.

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