Hunting High School

Chapter 50: The Heirs

"I don't know who will become the new generation of Lei Zhe."

Xin Fatty was sitting at the desk, scratching his head over the school newspaper manuscript, expressing emotion at the same time, only regretting that he came a year late. Because according to the regulations of the First University, only students in the second grade and above are eligible to become Lei Zhe.

"Even if you came two years earlier, Lei Zhe has nothing to do with you." Xiao Xiao held his own notebook, busy with something on it, and complained: "If Elder said this, I still think it's a little possible. "

The Elder is Zhang Jixin, who was born in the famous Zhang family of wizards. The younger generation is often the leader of the school club. For example, Zhang Jixin's big brother, Zhang Shuzhi, is now the deputy head of Sacred's will, the deputy head of the hunting team of the first university, and also one of the "Three Heroes of Will" privately selected by the students.

Zheng Qing also knew the other two "Three Masters" with him.

One is the hunter of the Judgment Hunting Team, Erwin Hoffman, the winner of the title of best hunter in the last school hunting meeting; the other is Zhao Qiao, the captain of the Jiuyou Academy hunting team, Zheng Qing once Saw him at a meeting of the school hunting committee.

These three are the students who are most likely to take over the title of 'Lei Zhe'.

In the current odds offered by the gaming agency, the odds of these three people are about the same. In the survey questionnaire issued by the school newspaper, the support rate of the three people is also evenly matched, and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

Because of Zhang Jixin, You Zui and Tianwen 08-1 students are very supportive of Zhang Shuzhi's succession as 'Lei Zhe'. Also because of this reason, Zhang Jixin has been relatively busy recently, helping his big brother to solicit votes everywhere.

"It's hard to say for Lei Zhe, but I'm sure who the next August will be." A cold voice suddenly rang in Zheng Qing's ear, startling him, and he was smearing paste on the walls of the elf paper house With a hard hand, I applied a large piece more.

"Damn it, it's scary!"

The young public finance student turned his head and saw Dylan, who had just got out of the coffin, and complained, "Don't be so scary just getting out of the coffin...I have a heart attack."

"You don't have a heart disease, you're just a heart." Dylan glanced at him and snorted, "And, will my coffin scare you?"

Zheng Qing shook his head blankly.

"That's right." Dylan nodded, as if he had forgotten what he had raised before, and chatted with Zheng Qing in a serious manner: "The world is a big coffin... the ground is the bottom, the sky is the cover, and the burial The big coffin filled with endless life and history. Everyone lives in the coffin... I just made a small private room for myself. This is called 'coffin within a coffin', an ancient magical ritual."

When Dylan said this, his expression was serious, and Zheng Qing almost believed it.

Of course, the more important reason he believed was that Dylan's analogy just now was very reasonable, which made Zheng Qing look at him with admiration—only in this way, he would vaguely believe that the vampire werewolf in front of him was a long-lived species.

"Although what you said makes sense, I must emphasize that I am not a coffin." The young public finance student replied with his eyes rolled.

Dylan froze for a moment, then laughed too.

Zheng Qing's code name in the Grand Arcana is 'The World', such a string is surprisingly interesting.

"Don't change the subject!" Xin Fatty yelled at the side holding a quill, interrupting the nonsense between Zheng Qing and Dylan, and raised his voice slightly: " said who the next Augustus will be? Confirmed? Where did the news come from? Is it reliable?"

Dylan worked hard, got his whole head out of the coffin, and let out a long breath.

"Need any news?" He rolled his eyes, showing an extremely disdainful expression: "Even those bitter cultivators in Atlas who don't care about worldly affairs probably know who the next Augustus will must be Mike King Soprano."

"Apart from Sir Friedman, the only one who can succeed Augustus in Alpha Academy is Soprano. Everyone has no objection to this point."

Zheng Qing nodded.

Jiuyou Academy has the "Three Masters of Will", and Alpha Academy also has the "Blood Brothers Gemini". Similar to the three heroes of the will, the twin stars of the Alpha Academy also represent two opposing forces in the Hemophilia.

Sir Friedman represents tradition, old-fashionedness and the interests of aristocratic families. In his lounge, you can see the furnishings that were popular two hundred years ago. In Soprano's words, "the room exudes a sense of authenticity from the inside to the outside." A breath of decay and decay'.

And Soprano represents a more radical, blood supremacist.

Unlike traditional factions who are accustomed to compromise, because Jiuyou Academy has gradually surpassed Alpha in the number of registered wizards and credits in recent years, the radical faction represented by Soprano hopes to reshape the glory of Alpha through more thorough reforms—just like Alpha in the past Issuing the glory of the first curse.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"...Originally there was not much difference between Sir Friedman and Soprano. In other words, there were quite a lot of students who supported Sir Friedman. But Arthur Ness humiliated Sir before, and Sir The mediocre performance in the school hunting party, winter hunting and other activities, coupled with the troubles caused by the tribe of horsemen outside Fort Alpha some time ago, the Jazz handled it a little poorly, which hurt some people's popularity."

"On the other hand, Soprano, no matter the smuggling trade with the murloc tribe, or the new hunting team he supported, has done a very good job. Especially not long ago, he was shot and seriously injured by Brother Qing..."

"This is also an advantage?" Hearing this, Zheng Qing finally couldn't help but argue: "He was shot and seriously injured by a first-year student, isn't that enough Losing face? Don't people in Alpha hate him?"

"So it is said that 'comedy has a tragic core'," Dylan let out a long breath, obviously also a little confused about the public's taste: "Because of that shot, Soprano became the 'tragic hero' of Alpha Academy , the approval ratings soared... It's humorous, right. This is the biggest comedy in the world."

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, expressing that he had nothing to say.

It never occurred to him that he would inadvertently help Soprano. Although he doesn't have a good relationship with either candidate, he'd rather the new 'Augustus' be the Sir Karen.

At the very least, Sir Friedman seems to be more disciplined.

"That is to say, the above conclusion is just your speculation?" Xin Fatty asked with some reluctance: "Did you not have a high-level friend in the Hemophilia Society tell you about Augustus' opinion?"

"Do you still need Augustus's opinion?" Dylan was a little puzzled and a little upset: "This is already obvious... My social circle is very narrow, and there are no high-level friends of the Hemophiliac. They Nor will I find a half-race friend."

"It's obvious, but it's not easy to speculate and write it directly into news reports." Xiao Xiao obviously knew where Xin Fatty's pain point was. Appears to be very important... Even an 'insider' who gives a vague conclusion is much better than a fabricated one."

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