Hunting High School

Chapter 41 Invitation Letter From Quan Kelai

It's not difficult to ask Professor Garcia to keep an eye out for black sheep near Linzhong Lake. The old murloc is happy to help the school's public-funded students with a little help.

This made Zheng Qing greatly relieved.

He originally wanted to ask Professor Garcia what the last sentence he said just after class was over, but a group of witches passed by laughingly made the wizard immediately quiet down, bowed politely to the professor, and prepared to leave.

"I'm very glad that you can ask me, an old man, for help. I happen to have an event suitable for young people here. I don't know if you are interested in participating."

Before leaving, Professor Garcia invited young public-funded students to participate in the "Quan Ke Lai" held at the mouth of the Silent River next Wednesday, and at the same time pointed out: "I think there needs to be more exchanges between different races in order to deepen mutual understanding. Lots of misunderstandings. Especially young people. What do you think?"

According to the professor, 'Quan Ke Lai' is a small-scale fair held by aquatic magic races. Most of the contents are magical materials unique to the sea. Many school professors, researchers, and senior students will receive similar invitations.

Zheng Qing wholeheartedly agreed.

What Professor Garcia meant was that he hoped that he would have more exchanges with the young people of the murloc tribe, and make a little contribution to easing the conflict between Linzhong Lake and the school.

As far as he can, Zheng Qing does not reject dealing with murlocs—he doesn’t have the weird self-esteem of many orthodox wizards, and he feels that dealing with murlocs and centaurs is a shame—he doesn’t feel that he will be involved in a fish race What impact will the aquarium trading activities involving human beings have on the detention policy of the university.

At this point, the young wizard is very self-aware.

For Professor Garcia, whether it is to help a public funded student to keep an eye on the black sheep by the lake, or to invite a young wizard to participate in the spring visit, it is a matter of little benefit and effort.

Just like an idle piece dropped when playing chess, or a seed sprinkled among the ridges of the field when farming.

Destiny is great, no one knows whether a seed will grow a weed or a towering tree. The old murloc has lived for a long time, and has the time and patience to wait for the seeds to grow slowly.

After returning to the dormitory at night, Zheng Qing showed off the invitation letter given to him by Professor Garcia to his roommates.

"Quan Ke is here?" Xiao Xiao flipped through the dark blue invitation card and nodded, "I've heard of it, it's a very interesting party. But the circle is very small and closed... It is said that there are only members of the professors' joint meeting in the school. There are also a few students from the Student Union and the Social Association who have the opportunity to get a polite invitation."

A polite invitation is an invitation sent by the host out of courtesy, but the invitee does not necessarily attend in person. For example, "Quan Ke Lai" is held at the mouth of the Silent River, which is under the jurisdiction of First University, so it will send invitation letters to the vice president of the school, the person in charge of the school working committee, and the joint meeting of professors.

Naturally, the vice president of the First University would not condescend to attend such a wet little party, and most likely just sent a flower basket to show his goodwill.

"A market full of aquariums?" Xin Fatty, who was lying on the bed and looking through the Pharmacopoeia, became interested. He stretched his upper body and reached out to ask for the invitation letter: "Can you bring family members? For example, the invitee's big brother, cousin Uncle or something? Can you take pictures? Are you allowed to interview freely?"

Undoubtedly, he noticed the news value contained in this 'fair market'.

Because Fatty made a little big movement when he got up, the fat cat who had been napping on Fatty's belly let out an angry groan, and stretched out its paws to clasp Fatty's nightgown.

The fat on Fatty's cheeks trembled a few times, but he didn't say a word.

Zheng Qingxu glanced at Xin Fatty.

"Whose big brother are you, and whose cousin do you want to be?" the public finance student said in a bad tone.

"It's okay to be a companion." Fatty's figure was soft, and he 'self-defeated' his identity with a sullen face.

Zheng Qing threw the invitation letter to him, and replied angrily: "There is no companion, only attendants... It is stated in the invitation letter that the invitee is allowed to bring a female or male companion, a pet, and a number of four or more. Followers within a person. Followers can only stay outside the fair market and cannot enter the 'restricted' area."

The invitations did not specify which areas were 'restricted'.

The expression on Xin Fatty's face was obviously a little disappointed, and he nodded reluctantly: "A male partner is also fine... although the reputation is not very good."

The expression on Zheng Qing's face was a little distorted.

"Not a male companion, no companion! What peach are you thinking about!" He seemed to have been fed a mouthful of mist grass, his face turned blue: "Follower! Your position is, and can only be, a follower!! Pets are not allowed! think!"

Zheng Qing also hoped to bring Poseidon to participate in the "Quan Ke Lai" to deepen the relationship with the little fox a little bit.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"Where's the doctor? You definitely want to go too, right?" Xin Fatty turned to look at Xiao Xiao: "Can you tolerate being Brother Qing's follower?"

"Sounds like an interesting party, you can go." Xiao Xiao didn't care, and blew a breath with the corner of his mouth upturned, blowing the fine black hair on his forehead: "But I may not go with you... Sima should be able to get the invitation."

This time, it was Xin Fatty who turned blue.

Zheng Qing clutched his stomach and laughed wildly.

In the practice class on Friday the next day, Zheng Qing recalled the interesting incident last night, and couldn't help teasing Xin Fatty: "...if you can find a high rank registered wizard girlfriend, you can definitely go there as a male companion' Quan Kelai'... I heard that several researchers in the Institute of Magical Creatures are very interested in the blue titan's bloodline."

With a blue look on Fatty's face, he rejected Zheng Qing's suggestion with his fists. And in the following two-player practice battle, Fatty also used his breastfeeding energy, directing the vines to scream at the young public expense.

Because there was no suitable Dharma book, Zheng Qing's performance today was unsatisfactory, and he received a few whips, which penetrated the bone marrow.

This caused him to struggle on the bed for a long time before falling asleep when he went to bed at night.

The dream was as empty as ever.

Until a loud and clear voice echoed in the dream:

"come over!"

Zheng Qing felt suddenly empty under his body - just like the feeling when he left the admission plane a long time ago - that strong and familiar feeling of "falling" poured into him from all directions.


The wizard's consciousness suddenly woke up amidst the struggle.

There was a white mist in front of him, and a familiar figure in a robe came into his eyes. Except without a certain black cat to lead the way. This strong sense of déjà vu made the young wizard a little at a loss.

He got up from the ground—when he just opened his eyes, he was sitting on the ground in a very funny and indecent manner—patted the dust behind him that didn’t exist, and asked tentatively:


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