Hunting High School

Chapter 298: Over The Hills

There were slightly heavy footsteps in the corridor.

The little witch, who was sleeping soundly while hugging the blanket, suddenly opened her eyes with a jolt. The light in the room is a little dim because the curtains are kept closed to create good sleeping conditions for those who sleep late.

Before the residual drowsiness in his eyes dissipated, Li Meng's body had already made its own decisions, and he quickly climbed out of bed. The convenience of magic with the slight movement of his fingers was undoubtedly evident-the curtains were automatically opened, the windows were quietly opened, and hot towels and mouthwash The figure of the little witch in the pink robe trimmed with lace was chasing half of the room, and finally caught her in.

Oh, and the stuffed bear that had been hanging from the corner of the bed was also freed.

"You know what to say!" The little witch pinched the stuffed bear's ears, lowered her voice and warned viciously.

The plush bear's glass eyes, which had gradually bloomed with some brilliance due to the footsteps in the corridor, lost their brilliance again under the rude warning of the little witch.

It's just a poor helpless stuffed bear.


The dormitory door opened.

The fragrance familiar to my cousin rushed into the dormitory accompanied by the draft.

The sun was shining brightly in the dormitory, and the air was fresh. Li Meng was sitting upright behind the desk, holding a book of "Big History: Modern and Contemporary World History" in her hand and studying hard. Several quill pens hovered around her, and from time to time One fell down and left a reading record in the notebook.

Seemingly noticing the cousin who had just entered the door, Li Meng turned her head, her eyes were clear, and she asked in surprise, "Where did you go this morning? I read all morning and almost fell asleep..."

As she spoke, she stretched her arms in a serious manner and yawned greatly.

This yawn is real.

Jiang Yu didn't speak, and quietly walked to the side of the little witch, raising her arms. Li Meng thought that her cousin would beat her up when she noticed her little trick, and shrank into a ball in fright.

In the end, Jiang Yu just opened his arms and held the little witch in his arms.

He just hugged it quietly, buried his head in the rabbit hood of Li Meng's pink robe, and didn't look up for a long time.

The little witch was stunned for a moment, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't matter, there is me." She patted the witch's shoulder like an adult, and comforted her old-fashionedly: "Life is inevitably a bit Ruyi Scepter... There is nothing you can't get through."

Jiang Yu took a small breath and buried her head between the rabbit's ears for a long time.

Until Li Meng whispered worriedly: "Don't blow your nose into my hat..."

Jiang Yu finally raised her head, her eyes were red, she grabbed Li Meng's ears, and regained her usual coercion from her cousin: "Next time if you dare to sleep all morning, I will leave you in the care of the mother!"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

"I didn't sleep all morning!" Li Meng cried out loudly.

"Your bed is still steaming!"

"...That's Li Neng farting just now!"

The stuffed bear looked at the little witch in shock, and involuntarily touched his ass with his paws—it never knew it had the ability to fart!



Beta Town North District, Gu Diao Street.

The second floor of Sakura Tavern.

The two went out together in the morning, and when they returned, only Korma was left. The newly promoted great wizard walked through the cherry blossom garden, climbed up the narrow and steep stairs, and pushed open the creaking door, without pausing at all along the way.

She is tired, tired from the inside out, but this is not the time to be sentimental.

She also didn't look for a mansion to stabilize her own Realm, as the yellow fox ordered.

She has more important things to do.

In the lobby on the second floor of the Sakura Tavern, there were more than a dozen members of the 'Kini Cabin' club sitting here and there - all of them were of low qualifications and had no hope of entering the First University, and could only live in private rooms like the 'Kini Cabin'. Young jugglers in the club who are learning a little about magic.

The entrance of the witch attracted the attention of the young magicians. Not only because she is the owner of the Kini hut, but also because the witch's dress today is quite different from usual. Silver-white long hair replaced the usual brown-black long hair, the mysterious symbol in the center of her forehead, and her slightly hazy figure all made these magicians look sideways.

It's just that due to the majesty of the witches in the past, the young magicians only dared to sit in their seats and wait for the lecture to start. No one dared to do anything frivolous without risking the wrath of the owner of the kiny hut.

Usually weekends, when Korma is on vacation, are the happiest time for these young magicians. Because it means that the owner of the club has time to patiently teach them some complicated magic skills. For these young people whose future is destined to be dark, even if they learn one more combination or treatment of herbs, it will be a huge gain.

Behind the bar on one side of the hall, a blue-gray flower pot was placed on the table, and a witch in a gray robe was holding a glass and carefully watering the flower pot.

In the flower pot, a few petunia flowers looked up their necks weakly, and a hoarse singing voice came from the flowers:

"...I look back frequently because of anxiety,

ignorant demands,

ashamed to ask for help,

tirelessly overcoming,

Every hill..."

Colma listened to the song in a daze. The witch who watered the flowers greeted her several times, but she didn't hear it.


"The manager!"

"Korma big sister head?!"

"What?" The witch finally came back to her senses, looked at the gray-robed witch who raised her wine glass, as if waking up from a dream: "Has everyone come?"

"I've just said it again," the gray-robed witch was a little angry, and put down the wine glass in her hand heavily: "The Avery brothers and sisters are going to help the family clean up the newly picked wormwood. When the silence returned some time ago, their father was injured. The family has had no income for a long time... Enoch followed Uncle into the Silent Forest and hasn't come back yet... Casey's mother helped her find a wandering wizard husband and planned to hold a wedding. Marcie and Laurie went to help... ..."

The gray-robed witch flipped through the roster in her hand, rambling on about the names of those who were absent from the club and their reasons.

Kerma listened carefully.

But unknowingly, I was once again attracted by the singing from the morning glory.


over the hills,

Although it has turned white,


The sorrow I give from time to time,

I haven't met Immortal as I wished,

lose yourself first


Have I seen Immortal? Have I lost myself? The witch lowered her eyelids and asked herself. The already hazy figure became more and more unsteady, and the invisible pressure emanating from it instantly made the whole hall fall into silence.

Even the morning glory shrank its neck and shut its mouth.

Kerma regained consciousness again.

The gray-robed witch held the wine glass and looked at her with a pale face.

"...Sorry." The owner of the Kini Cabin said softly, "I did some experiments before, and I'm still not used to the current state... What did you just say?"

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