Hunting High School

Chapter 292 Study Hard And Make Progress Every Day

As the saying goes, ignorance is the greatest happiness.

Zheng Qing deeply realized this today.

Before knowing the truth, although Zheng Qing would suffer from accidents and real headaches from time to time, she would forget them in a blink of an eye, thinking that those experiences were just a few inconspicuous waves in a long life.

But now that I know the facts, looking back at the experience along the way, I can't help but be frightened.

Zheng Qing felt that he must have had a strong relationship with Fortuna in his previous life, otherwise he would not have been lucky enough to escape so many crises.

"Is there a way out of all this?"

Zheng Qing doesn't want to face the starry sky or those coveting eyes in the dark all the time, and he doesn't want to be forced to enter the starry sky because the 'dam' is eaten by termites or the 'dam' is washed away by water when the deadline comes, so he tentatively asks Said: "I know that there is a high probability that this forbidden curse on my body can't be removed... Is there a way to stop it from growing?"

Mr. said 'huh':

"As long as you are still living in this world, you are still observing this world, and you are still learning new knowledge all the time, the water in the dam will continue to grow forever."

"As long as the forbidden spell on your body is still developing, those 'outer gods' eager to get rid of your wandering status, or those monsters eager to breakthrough Realm, or those organizations looking forward to possessing the forbidden spell, will force the dam to produce a steady stream of 'termites' '."

"Study hard, maybe one day, you can install a 'valve' on yourself to adjust the water volume in the dam body. And from another perspective, the more knowledge you learn, the more effectively you can use the power of the forbidden spell. It shouldn't be too difficult to eliminate those crawling bugs."

Hearing what Mr. said, the words "study hard and make progress every day" suddenly appeared in Zheng Qing's mind, and then he looked up at the top of his head, as if he saw the vast starry sky through a blank space.

The boy twitched the corners of his mouth: "Sir, I don't study much, so don't lie to hard, the more knowledge you learn, the more water will flow into the dam? Maybe it's not enough to study, and the time to go up It will be later."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and poked the sky.

"In a sense, this is indeed a bit of a paradox." The gentleman admitted and nodded: "But you need to know that knowledge is infinitely creative. It can create forbidden spells, and naturally it can also bind forbidden spells. Maybe you You can find a balance and put a valve on the dam before it's overwhelmed by the water."

"Furthermore, you are still in a blank space." The gentleman emphasized the current situation of the young wizard: "Whether you can get out of the predicament and return, it is not sure..."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

"You must have a way." Zheng Qing smirked indifferently.

The gentleman smiled, took out his pocket watch for the third time, and glanced at the time.

"What are you looking at?" The boy asked curiously, "I noticed that you have been looking at it several times..."

"Oh, before I came to pick you up, I just boiled a pot of tea. I want to watch the time so that the contents of the teapot don't overheat." The gentleman waved his hands nonchalantly, and continued to explain his doubts to the boy:

"Just now you mentioned that I have a way to take you out of here, which is good. But before you leave, you need to understand the meaning of this space."

"As I said before, 'This is the place where matter and mind meet, where Death watches, where the soul rests'. It is the unknown that maintains the existence of the blank place. As long as there is still the unknown, then it can stay forever Here...and can only stay here forever. Whenever this point is broken, there will be a chance to get out of this predicament."

"Sounds easy, right? But it's not so simple in practice. A life without confusion is no different from a walking dead. The reason why life is brilliant is that curiosity and reality collide and create beautiful sparks."

"Of course, you are a forbidden curse, and I also broke the restrictions of this universe... The restrictions imposed on us by the Blank Land may not be so strong."

"As long as you feel that there is no doubt for the time being, we can go out."

Zheng Qing was very excited when he heard this.

He has long wanted to go out.

Elena, Korma, raccoon, and so on, there are many other things that he cares about. Especially Elena. Thinking of the suspected tree-like figure, the young wizard couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart.

It must be dazzled, it must be fake.

Even if it is true, if I beg my husband, there will be no problem—wouldn’t it be solved if I asked him to turn back the time a few times? Last time he saved Su Shijun like this!

But when he stood up and looked around for a while, he froze in place again.

" should we get out?" He scratched his head and glanced at the husband, a little shy. On his own, he must not be able to find a way out of this blank place.

The gentleman stood up and patted the robe on his body. The chair under him, the coffee table beside him, the small teapot, fruit plate, etc., disappeared without a trace the moment he stood up.

"Before I tell you the path, I need to tell you a little story." Mr. took Zheng Qing's hand, picked a direction at random, and led him to the depths of the blank land without any haste.

As he walked, he slowly started talking: "

A long time ago, there was an English wizard named 'Griffin' who accidentally fell into a crack in time and space and entered a magical world.

It was a world that seemed to be in the prehistoric era.

All existences are as big as hills—a 100-meter-tall titan walks around above his head, a mouse as big as a lion shows off his power in front of him, and even a grain of rice is bigger than a ping-pong ball. He couldn't even eat ten grains of rice in one meal.

The outside world is too dangerous.

Griffin hid in the wreckage of a house-sized cone and shivered for several days, lest he be accidentally crushed into powder by those horrible beings.

He used all kinds of magic to find his way home.

But all failed.

Then he started getting desperate.

After despair comes madness.

Griffin rushed into the world of the titans frantically, trying to commit suicide. But he was too small, and the world was too big. He lay at the feet of the titans, but found that he was not as big as the seams of the titans' shoes; he jumped into the lake, but floated lightly on the water; jumped off the cliff, but he didn't land on the ground until he woke up the next day. The hungry belly growled.

He even thought about killing himself with weapons from the titans.

But what is sad is that the needlepoints of the titans are like mallets in his eyes. Suicide with needlepoints is not as easy as hitting your head on a stone to death - he is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of death. No hitting a rock.

Several times and three times, you can't find death.

Griffin thought about it.

He doesn't want to die.

——Since this world keeps me alive, there must be a reason for it.

He began to think hard, wanting to get rid of this frightening situation.

The most straightforward solution is to become a titan.

How to become a titan? This is a very complex proposition.

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