Hunting High School

Chapter 167 The Way To Resolve Fatty's Appetite

Due to time constraints, Zheng Qing's trip to the silent forest with the two witches only lasted one morning and ended.

Because today's Saturday, Zheng Qing needs to go to Professor Montelia's laboratory as an assistant in the afternoon, and report to the school work committee in the evening, and participate in the night patrol of Linzhong Lake in the evening. This is the last time he left the team privately during the Temptation Punishment Zheng Qing feels that since he entered the school for more than half a year, the place he is most familiar with in the school is not the library or the study room, but Linzhong Lake at night.

Balls, adventures, patrols, etc., he left too many memories beside this great lake.

Of course, for Elena or Korma, it was not Zheng Qing who accompanied them in the Forest of Silence today, but a mysterious black cat who could only talk.

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As for the results of the morning search, it did not exceed everyone's expectations.


According to Senior Sister Kerma’s explanation, it’s because there are too many magical imbalances in the Silent Forest, causing the space in the entire forest to warp and overlap frequently. A large number of exploration spells that wizards often use fail. Can you find the secret? Realm, or what method to use to find a secret realm, is all metaphysics.

Metaphysics that is more uncertain than mist divination.

Zheng Qing also quietly took out his own silver shell pocket watch several times in private, but did not sense any traces of stable dimensional fluctuations. This made the haze in his heart even heavier.

He has reason to believe that the 'Double Yin Image' obtained by Fei Rui's divination has some kind of mysterious connection with himself. And the only way to solve the problem given by the hamster is to expose Dr. Duzem's seclusion.

This is not the answer he wanted.

Confused thoughts, misplaced identities, and upside-down schedules made the young public funder unable to get up all day on Sunday, and he was still a little dazed until Monday morning's Charms class.

So much so that when Lao Yao asked him to get up and answer "What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mantra-style memetic decomposition method compared with the dimensional decomposition method", he stood there blankly for a long while, and then read the answer from the textbook under Xiao Xiao's soft reminder .

This led to the second half of the Charms class, Zheng Qing had to stand up from his seat very consciously to listen to the class, in order to concentrate and deal with Lao Yao's stern eyes from time to time.

Fortunately, he was sitting in the back rows of the classroom, so he didn't attract too many strange looks from other students in the class.

"Don't be groggy all day long, get your spirits up, or your girlfriend will be snatched away!" At noon, Xin Fatty sipped the nutritious soft-shelled turtle soup, while hating the lesson that iron is not steel Looking at the public fee student: "When you were in a daze in the morning, I saw that guy Matthew slipping next to Irina and chattering for a long time... This is blatantly looking down on you!"

Zheng Qing can vaguely feel that Matthew has so much interest in Elena.

But he didn't see the vampire as a threat.

"I can't cast a curse on every guy who is courteous like Elaine...beautiful girls are popular everywhere." Zheng Qing stirred the corn soup in front of him and said indifferently. In fact, this His calmness was more due to his knowing that Elena was looking for Matthew to find out about Dr. Duzem, and they had communicated with each other before they parted ways in the Silent Forest on Saturday morning.

"I want to do that." Xiao Xiao muttered beside him in a low voice. In front of him was a plate of fried small yellow croakers, at this moment Xiao Xiao was viciously chopping off the heads of those small fishes with a small silver knife.

Zheng Qing and Xin Fatty looked at each other, winked at each other, and didn't talk to each other.

Because of the differences in status and age, although the relationship between Xiao Xiao and Sima Yang Yun was raging among the students, it did not reach the ears of Sima's parents. I heard that the elders of the Sima family are trying to make a blind date for Sima Yang Yun these days, which made Dr. Xiao Da feel a little bad-tempered in recent days.

"Ahem, I heard that Baicao Garden has lost a lot of bees recently, do you know about this?" Xin Fatty coughed twice with his nose, and changed the topic to discuss with Xiao Xiao.

"I know, it's still under investigation and there's no conclusion." Xiao Xiao replied succinctly, still chopping off the fish head with a gloomy face.

"Those fish heads are actually edible." Xin Fatty watched Xiao Xiao push the chopped fish heads off the plate with longing eyes, feeling a little distressed. It's just that Xiao Xiao ignored him.

"Baicaoyuan?" Zhang Jixin had been concentrating on stuffing minced meat into the Steamed bun just now, and now he had the time to look at Xiao Xiao, as if he had just woken up from a dream, as if he had just caught up with the rhythm of a few people's conversation: "You too Memorized punishment again? I remember that it was last semester that I punished you to work in Baicao Garden..."

"What does 'also' mean?! I applied for a work-study program!" Xiao Xiao pulled his face, and his tone became more and more unhappy: "If I remember correctly, I asked you to act as a recommender to sign on the application form. "

"Oh, oh," the red-faced wizard pretended to remember: "I just thought that after our small shop opened, there was a little bit of dividends, and I thought you didn't need that about the bees in Baicaoyuan?" gone?"

Because he had a vague impression of the application form that Xiao Xiao mentioned, in order to avoid further embarrassment, he resolutely jumped over this trap and brought the conversation back to what Xin Fatty had just said.

"I lost it." Xiao Xiao conveniently put the chopped fish head on the table into a paper bag, and snorted: "There are no bees alive, no corpses when dead. Recently, it is an important season for many plants to bloom and pollinate, so there is a little movement Bigger."

"It's just like when Beta Town was in trouble with the Kuroshio a while ago, there were always not enough suitable hunters." Zhang Jixin nodded knowingly, and made an inappropriate analogy. how big.

Zheng Qing suddenly laughed foolishly.

"What are you laughing at?" Several other wizards looked at him in unison.

"I just heard Elder's metaphor just now, and remembered a passage I heard before...'Many times, euphemistic metaphors can resolve the awkward atmosphere and create a more appropriate conversation atmosphere.'"

"For example, in the epic "Dragon Mother and Leng Gui", the little Devil used a vivid metaphor to talk about privacy in the public, like telling a story."

"'I pulled out the eel from my crotch in front of a pot of turtle soup, I rubbed the one-eyed snake, peeled off its banana skin, and made the bald head cry, its snot mixed with tears dripping into the turtle soup Well, this pot of soup belongs to Cersei, and I hope she doesn't waste it in the end...'"

Hearing this, Zhang Jixin also showed a wretched and understanding smile.

"Holy... shit!" Xin Fatty pushed away the soft-shelled turtle soup in front of him with a look of disgust, and looked at the public fee student angrily: "I don't know if you have resolved the embarrassment, but you have successfully resolved my really It's great!"

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