Hunting College

Vol 3 Chapter 127: Prom after the opening ceremony

After the opening ceremony of the school hunting club, on Thursday night, Jiuyou College arranged a grand hunting dance party on the square by the Linzhong Lake. Including young professors from the school, special guests from outside the school, and hundreds of participating hunters, all will attend the closing ceremony of the opening ceremony.

As a public-funded student of Jiuyou College and the youngest recipient of the Merlin Medal in the past two decades, Zheng Qing originally received an invitation letter from the dance party.

But he finally gave up this opportunity.

Because of his dancing partner, the charming gypsy witch, once again there is no figure.

However, our public-sponsored students were relieved that this time Jelena flew him a paper crane and apologized for not being able to participate in the evening dance.

I also attached a few rare rubbings of ancient runes—perhaps the Gypsy Witch thought that these gifts full of magical meaning could slightly soothe the loss of the young public-funded students.

"These rubbings have very strong traces of runes... This is a type of rune often used by wizards in ancient Scandinavia." The young public student held a magnifying glass in one hand and lowered his head. , While observing the symbols on the rubbings carefully, explaining to the other people in the dormitory in a meaningful way.

It's as if others care about the obscure symbols.

No one ignored him.

Zheng Qing finally put down the magnifying glass in his hand.

He took out the pocket watch in his pocket and glanced at the ticking time on the dial.

It's half past six in the evening, and there is still one hour before the dance begins.

"Excuse me, help me pull the back belt... the back seems to be wrinkled." Fatty Xin hugged his belly, strolled in front of Zheng Qing, turned around, and asked whisperingly: "You really are not tonight. Are you planning to go? This is the first dance we have held since we started school. I heard that there are also a group of soft and cute fox girls as the guests tonight!"

Fatty Xin got the invitation letter to the prom as a member of the editorial department of the school newspaper. After he triumphantly took the invitation letter on the desk, the other three people in the dormitory silently took out the same invitation letter, shaking in front of his nose—Dylan even took out two. Letter of invitation.

This frustrated the fat man.

Fortunately, a wide heart and body fat are a necessary and sufficient condition, and a fat man's mentality can always be adjusted back to the best state in a short time.

"Where did the fox girl come from?" Zheng Qing asked while helping him to even out the folds on his belt while wrinkling his nose: "I thought that all the more formal guests came to the party..."

"They are very formal guests." Xiao Xiao said slowly: "If you guessed correctly, those fox girls should be the maids or younger generations brought by Su Shijun... Qingqiu Su Clan's pomp has always been very big."

"Bingo! But no prizes." The fat man snapped his fingers, shook his shoulders, kicked and stomped, sliding around in the dormitory, muttering: "But I According to the news from the editorial department, Su Shijun will not attend the dance party tonight. She seems to be visiting some relatives and friends in Beta Town..."

The orange cat who was resting on the desk was awakened by the fat man's crackling footsteps and made a grumpy threat.

The elves flew around in mid-air, floating in front of every wizard who changed clothes, curiously looking at their very different makeup.

"Can you let them be quiet for a while, the powder just dusted on my face will be blown out by their wings." Dylan whispered not far away.

"As a wizard, can you not speak so honestly about this matter!" Zheng Qing sighed heavily and waved his hand to recall his elves.

The elves did not feel angry at being expelled, but screamed, flapping their wings happily, and fell back to Zheng Qing.

Of course, there are still a few bold little elves that fell directly between the fur of the orange cat.

Tuantuan shook his tail and didn't mind the interruption, but snored happily, welcoming the new tenants on his body.

"...So, are you really not going to go today?" Hearing Zheng Qing's "unfair" evaluation, Dylan immediately brought the topic to the pain of public-funded students, and emphasized: "You know, the dance hunt is not You can drive if you want..."

"But it's Moon Hunting now." Zheng Qing picked up a newspaper from his desk and shook: "I checked the moon hunting schedule published in the school newspaper. For the next four weeks, there will be a schoolwide scope every weekend. The dance hunting party inside...There will always be a chance."

"Beauty is always forgiven," Dylan wore his new sturdy robe, adjusted the wrinkles on his face while smiling in the mirror, and summed up with a singing aria: "Ah...beautiful! How beautiful is , How invincible..."

Zheng Qing glanced at him enviously.

Dylan also received an invitation letter for the ball, and it was two—this was related to his name.

Dylan O'Brien Tubot, whether it is the O'Brien family or the Tubot family, has sufficient qualifications to receive an invitation letter.

But there is only one Dylan, neither O'Brien nor Tarbot.

As the organizer of the dance party, the student union of Jiuyou College would rather be a little troublesome, and would never find it uncomfortable with this kind of issue involving priority and inferiority and ownership, so they simply sent Dylan two invitation letters to invite separately Two of his last names.

Very lazy, but very safe.

So after supper, the vampire werewolf began to wander between his wardrobe and full-length mirror, trying one robe after another, belt after belt, and cufflinks after another.

He even coated his two small fangs with a layer of glittering powder, which looked very gorgeous, and every time he smiled, he felt blind.

"I don't know how to dance anyway, so I won't mix things up." Zheng Qing defended with pale and weak reasons.

"In this case, it happens." Xiao Xiao suddenly said to the young public student: "You sin hunting team needs to arrange training as soon as possible...Since you have free time, then go to the school work committee office in the evening. Discuss with the wizard on duty about the hunting ground loan."

"There is also a coach!" Fatty Xin slammed his fist vigorously and reminded: "The coach of the ruling hunting team! You have to remind the senior Xiaojian, when will we start a small stove with us..."

"Right." Dylan also stopped his coquettish behavior in front of the full-length mirror, turned his head, and asked excitedly: "I'm still the hunter of your hunting team! Should Hoffman guide me! Huh! The strongest hunter-seeking disciple of the First University, UU reading sounds very exciting!"

"One of the hunters!" Zheng Qing had to speak loudly, suppressing the suddenly messy atmosphere in the dormitory, and emphasized to Dylan: "You are just one of the hunters! The blue bird is also the hunter of our hunting team..."

"And you," Zheng Qing turned his head and looked suspiciously at Xiao Xiao: "I will naturally take care of the hunting team...but I have always been curious about one thing. Your invitation to the dance party tonight is from Where did it come from? And why is the color of your invitation letter different from ours?"

The prom invitations of Zheng Qing, Fatty Xin, Dylan and others are all ordinary red covers.

Xiao Xiao's invitation letter was purple and black with a noble atmosphere.

"Oh, this... It was given to me by Sima," Xiao Xiao helped his glasses and said nonchalantly: "She was asked by the school to attend the dance tonight, but she couldn't find a dancing partner, so she asked me for help..."

The 403 dormitory fell into deathly silence.

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