In the face of this huge slug, each one is as high as a two-story building.

As far as their bullets are concerned, even if the armor-piercing bullets punched a lot of holes in the slugs, they couldn't directly blow up the slugs.

Without blasting the slug and letting it reorganize, the slug's actions will not be hindered and can continue to attack others.

face such a situation.

For each slug, at least a dozen mercenaries join forces, regardless of the bullet loss, in order to solve a giant slug, and this slug is not a vegetarian.

The recovery time is fast, within a few seconds, it will reply.

Therefore, if you want to limit the current slugs, in addition to the persistent destruction.

There is no other way.

This is a disaster for the mercenaries.

If the mind ability of those Jin Guang’s subordinates can solve several slugs at once, then those mercenaries can really only be cannon fodder now.

Even if some people have good skills, they have awakened their ability to read, but have not developed their ability to read.

In such a battle, it is a bit uncertain to play any role.

"This is after the previous information, the restrictions are lifted? Is it the kind of berserk ignoring consumption?"

"Sure enough, it's very troublesome, and the resilience is simply not something that people can come out of. Hey, I really regret coming here to do this task."

So many people died all at once, and the little fat man was also a little upset, but also a little happy, because he knew that the other party had begun to explode.

Directly choose to explode, the longer this time, the more consumption will definitely be.

He muttered in a troublesome manner, but that was just what the little fat man said, and he was not too anxious or serious about the current situation.

At least until now, it has not reached any dangerous situation.

The dead are all cannon fodder. Before they came here, they had already thought about it. Even if all the cannon fodder present died, there would be no problem. Anyway, this was already prepared before.

Of course there is no pity.

To be a member of the Presbyterian, make them one of the elders of the Presbytery, that's what they want.

Thinking that their boss can become an elder, then the situation and things here are nothing.

Little Fatty also has concerns in his heart. Compared to becoming an elder or something, this matter is nothing.

"Let people get ready and arrange for backup resources, don't let them die so quickly."

On the other side, as long as their bosses are resolved, it's fine. As for this side, you can survive as much as you can. I just hope they don't die so fast.

Squinting his originally small eyes, the little fat man could still grasp the situation at the scene.

"You guys are optimistic, help the boss when you have the opportunity, and solve the other party directly. You're welcome."

"As long as you get rid of that guy, the thought beast should also disappear."

As for the ability to think, in fact, everyone has studied about the same.

The people present, in fact, can be regarded as a little master, and naturally know the restrictions and conditions.

They believed more than themselves that Ron and the little slug wouldn't last long.

That's why they dare to come here.

Maybe, if he came before when he didn't have much life source.

It's true that he can't hold on for long, but now, with more than 20,000 sources of life, it's no problem to persist until all those present die.

The little fat man who doesn't know anything is still planning.

Others, however, have already begun to listen to orders and execute them.


Following Little Fatty's command and judgment, several of Jin Guang's psychics started to fight back, but they managed to get rid of a few slugs.

Compared with them, these slug splits, which are a bit monotonous, are a bit lacking in combat power. After all, slugs themselves are not known for their combat power.

However, there is no loss.

The slug, who is not short of energy now, does not have much time to recover.

This matter is nothing to him.

You fight as you fight, and if I die, I will lose.

Slugs completely ignore those who are highly skilled or fast.

It also knows its own advantages and disadvantages. It will deal with most of the trash first, and then it will kill some people after hitting it.

After all, only a real main consciousness shot, that is the strongest fighting form of the real slug.

For those who are in trouble, it is not the splinter body that can take action.

Basically, the slug body shot, or it was handed over to Ron.

In the end it's perfect.

As for now, the slug and Ron are together, naturally it is impossible to deal with those trash fish.

In this situation, I really don't know who is procrastinating.


In front of the hotel.

"Your people, half dead, don't you have any other backing?"

Watching the people behind Jin Guang die one after another, Ron said with a little teasing.

Seeing the bad look on this guy's face now, he was happy and smiled.

Although the slug's thoughts were drained in an instant just now, but it's okay, now it's nothing.

With the bursting supplement of the source of life, the slug's thoughts are completely limitless.

Its thoughts will only get stronger.

"I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so arrogant."

Every time he sees Ron, Jin Guang has a feeling of being irritated, and now, even more so.

For his current casualties, he is actually prepared.

So I didn't care about anything. As for now, I thought of the plans and personnel arrangements they had made before.

Now, the delay is over anyway, and he is responsible for stopping Ron, don't let the other party leave, and kill him if he has a chance.

Hold on when you don't have a chance.

If you don't let the other party leave, there will always be a time when your thoughts will run out.

Jin Guang's arrangement is definitely not limited to these people present, but he will not explain anything to Ron.

"You can consider another way of saying it, I call it self-confidence."

He directly refuted the other party, Ron didn't know what the other party thought, even if it was clear, he wouldn't care.

As for the other party's idea of ​​consuming the source of his life, it can only be said that they think too much.

But the other party could think that Ron naturally knew that he would not waste too much on meaningless things.

Originally, he wanted to test whether the other party had a backhand, and let the other party pull it out directly, so he had a judgment.

But now, the other party obviously doesn't have this idea, so Ron is also cured.

'Kill the opponent first and then talk about it. ’

As long as this guy is killed, there should be something behind him.

From Ron's point of view, there will definitely be backers, and he knows a little about Jin Guang himself.

As for the people at the Presbyterian Church, he naturally knew it.

As long as Jinguang contacts the other party and Jinguang comes here to take the lead, other people will definitely make arrangements.

Moreover, not to mention other things, the slugs that Ron arranged nearby have also discovered that there are many people nearby, but their identities have not been determined yet.

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