Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 62 Dangerous Little Pa x Red-haired Girl

Yi Mi waited for a long time without seeing Mu Liuji come back, so he couldn't help but ask the deacon to ask what Mu Liuji was doing, while Pariston sat aside, having nothing to do with Yi Mi's deliberate indifference, he was actually thinking. The ability of Mu Liuji that I just saw. He really didn't expect that Mu Liuji's ability could be used like this. He thought even more.

After a moment, the deacon returned to Yi Mi, bent down and whispered in his ear. Yi Mi was stunned. He had heard that this time Xiba and Ji Qiu's mission was special, and the mission goal was A very special hobby. This task is a bit difficult. For this reason, Xiba and Ji Qiu attended together. What Yi Mi is concerned about at the moment is what happened to her mother, and she actually asked her sister to take her place.

"Then Mr. Pariston, I have private matters at home now, and it is difficult to continue to receive you. Don't worry, we will complete the things you entrusted as soon as possible." Yi Mi recovered his thoughts, stood up, and said goodbye to Pariston. . Pariston did not stay here this time. It is estimated that Mu Liuji will no longer appear.

Pariston smiled and waved his hands, and left Beaten Hakka under the leadership of the deacon. He stood on the outside of this "Gate of Hell" and turned around to look at the spectacular door in front of him. What he wants to know now is where exactly Mu Liuji went. Pariston seemed to have noticed something. He raised his head and noticed the flying ship that appeared from time to time in the clouds. That direction...

Don't underestimate this person's intelligence.

Mu Liuji was sitting on the flying boat, flipping through the information that Wutong handed to her. In addition to her, there were three deacons on the entire flying boat. They each kept quiet. Mu Liuji didn't expect that this mission would be the Meteor Street she hated most. Meteor Street is divided into thirteen blocks, each of which is managed by its own manager. The manager of the twelfth block is seriously ill and is in bed. Private disputes continue among his subordinates. The three most promising ones, Portaru, Mist and Xi Bia and the other three are not kind-hearted people. They are always protected by many people with telekinesis abilities. Mu Liuji and Xiba's target this time is Portaru, and the other two candidates jointly hired Hakka to assassinate him.

Poltaru, the current secretary-general of the mayor of the 12th block of Meteor Street, has privately harmed countless children and women. In an environment like Meteor Street, it is common for someone to disappear or die. Kiriuki will serve as the bait to get close to the man named Portaru, while Shiba will deal with the people protecting him.

"Hey, this is really not an easy task." Mu Liuji turned to the next page and looked at the detailed structure diagram of the villa. It really felt like being betrayed by someone close to him. Muliuji listed the information about Portaru and all the information that could be provided. Muliuji noticed a 12-year-old girl who was Poltaru's favorite child. Mu Liuji looked at that sweet face, blond hair, royal blue eyes, and wearing kawaii clothes. But is it really as "simple" as it seems on the outside? Mu Liuji thought that in this information, the map was provided by this little girl. Portaru is really in trouble.

Mu Liuji thought for a while, and asked someone to prepare hair dye and contact lenses. Looking in the mirror, he dyed his hair black, put on a blue contact lens, and pulled out one from a hidden compartment of his white jade gourd. Open the small box, take out a special needle that is extremely thin and difficult to see clearly with the naked eye, slowly insert it into a certain acupuncture point on your face, fine-tune your appearance, and pick up the round frame placed aside. Glasses, hanging on the face. Looking at the fat and cute baby girl in the mirror, Mu Liuji straightened her hair with telekinesis and tied it into two symmetrical ponytails.

Mu Liuji looked at the mirror for a while, really liking her current image. Mu Liuji looked at the specially made smiling lips in the mirror. The slightly upward angle and cute look made it easy for her to lower her guard.

Kiriuki did not join Shiba, she directly joined the female dolls that Portaru collected from Meteor Street on a regular basis. Her age is perfect. As for how she could contact Siba's father, she had no choice but to use the phone. And her gourd is also a problem. Anyone who enters must be searched and no dangerous items are allowed.

As for the name, Mu Liuji thought of one in a funny way. She was looking forward to other people's reactions.

The spaceship stopped directly at the 11th block. Mu Liuji and two other deacons who had already dressed in casual clothes walked out quickly. One deacon took her to the 12th block, and the other deacon carried her on his back. Wearing a "white jade gourd", Mu Liuji had a small jade gourd hanging around his neck.

The deacon carrying the gourd on his back first arrived at the manor where Portaru was located in Block 12. He poured the sand in the gourd on his back evenly around the villa, looked around to make sure there was no one around, and then confirmed these Only after the sand and soil were indistinguishable from the soil of the surrounding trees did he leave.

Mu Liuji needed several times more telekinesis to control the sand that was a little far away from her, but this was just a guarantee. At this moment, she was with a group of girls of similar age. Mu Liuji looked around at the children here. Their faces had long lost the innocence and purity that belonged to their age. Those lifeless eyes, although Mu Liuji changed into very shabby clothes and deliberately smeared a lot of dirt on his face, but among this group of people, Mu Liuji's beautiful big eyes seemed very abrupt.

Mu Liuji didn't know how long she stayed in that bright room, so long that she was almost numb, and she couldn't rest at ease even when she rested. Mu Liuji saw the camera installed there when she came to this room, and she quickly retracted her sight and pretended that she had never seen such a thing. Electronic products are very rare items in Meteor Street, just like food.

"Kacha" The door was finally opened from the outside, and the girls curled up against the wall. Hearing such a sound, many people shuddered. They were all afraid of what was about to happen. However, Mu Liuji noticed a girl with short fiery red hair. She was one of the few girls here and judging by her appearance, she should be around 15 years old. Her charming phoenix eyes and pointed chin gave people a very sharp feeling.

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