Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 48 Enlightenment x Game x Guest Room

"Then I'm leaving." Mu Liuji looked up at Jin, her big eyes full of his shadow, her small face was straight, no emotion could be seen.


Mu Liuji turned around and ran in the direction of Geno and Ilmi. After watching her leave, Jin did not forget that he had other targets waiting for him. Although he lost several targets that took a long time to achieve, meeting Mu Liuji was a pleasant surprise for him.


Mu Liuji's identity was originally concealed by the Zoldyck family using very special means, not to mention that she was also the disciple of President Netero. Although she was not a hunter, it involved a special identity like President Netero. President Netero temporarily used his authority to make her information confidential in the database of the Hunter Association.

Mu Liuji returned to President Netero's residence. She opened the door and saw that President Netero, who was supposed to be still in the association, was actually sitting in the yard, as if he was waiting for her on purpose. Mu Liuji stopped.


"How is it? I heard that you met a mind-eliminating master this time?" President Netero had already learned about Mu Liuji's battle situation from his phone call with Geno. Thinking of what was in her gourd and the real purpose of this gourd, he smiled and held the teacup, "Don't you think it can be changed into a different form?"

Mu Liuji shook his head: "Poison is dispersed faster in liquid form." Moreover, it is more suitable for You's ability. Mu Liuji accidentally learned from You's casual chat that his ability is dissolution, which can only be converted between gas and liquid. Later, she did a small experiment and found that You's power can actually be slowly diffused from her body. But this is not her ability, so You's ability will also cause corresponding damage to her ability, and will also cause corresponding damage to Mu Liuji's body. You's power is very domineering. After really seeing it, Mu Liuji knew the difference between the two. Her gourd contains two parts, one is venom and the other is dry mud. If fighting, You's power will directly dissolve with the venom in the mud from the pores on her back, causing a double attack on the enemy. In order to protect this girl from his own ability, You used his mental power to protect her body. Now that You is a soul, using mental power consumes more. You didn't tell Mu Liuji about this, there was no need.

President Netero stared at Mu Liuji for a moment, and didn't make it difficult for her to tell the hidden things. Anyway, this girl seemed to have decided on such an ability after deep thought. However, this little girl is so young, but she can think of using poison. This trick, even experienced Nen users may not be able to resist. In other words, it is a pity that such drug resistance is so young.

"That's it. Take a break today. Tomorrow morning, I, the old man, will test your skills." President Netero's words made Mu Liuji's stern face a little broken. She had already guessed how badly she would be beaten tomorrow morning. Thinking of this, Mu Liuji felt that her body was beginning to hurt.

"You can act like a spoiled child and admit defeat earlier~" You watched Mu Liuji put down the white jade gourd behind her and walked towards the waterfall in the courtyard where President Netero was. Mu Liuji still hasn't completed President Netero's homework. You said sarcastic words in Mu Liuji's body.

Mu Liuji's eyes were firm: "No."

"Okay, since you are willing to be beaten, I don't care." You's previous words made Mu Liuji grit his teeth in anger.

Mu Liuji sat on the boulder under the waterfall, and the waterfall hit her body from top to bottom, which was very painful. The turbulent water seemed to separate her from the surroundings. Mu Liuji closed her eyes and sat there motionless. If you look closely, you can see some green smoke coming out of her body.

Fire and water are incompatible. The flames on Mu Liuji's body were extinguished by the water flow before they could even appear. But it was much better than before when she couldn't even light a cigarette. You nestled in Mu Liuji's body and felt her condition. He only admired the arduous task of the old man, President Netero. If Mu Liuji conquered this natural barrier, she would have the strength to compete with masters, at least in terms of mind ability, she would never be at a disadvantage.

The next day, Mu Liuji was beaten as expected without any chance to resist, not to mention that President Netero had not yet used his mind ability, it was just a simple fist duel. Mu Liuji's eyes could barely catch up with the afterimage of President Netero's fist, but his body couldn't keep up at all. Mu Liuji listened to the laughter of a guy who deserved to be beaten in her mind, turned over in pain, and looked at the clouds in the sky.

She felt comfortable in her heart, without any regrets. The gap in strength made her unable to see the end even if she looked up. But why? Mu Liuji smiled comfortably.

Mu Liuji didn't know what inspiration she got from this exchange with President Netero. She specially called President Netero's home and called Kukuchuoshan. After Wutong transferred her to her father, Mu Liuji seriously put forward her request. After thinking about it, Shiba agreed with Mu Liuji's suggestion.

Mu Liuji was soon picked up from President Netero's home by her own flying ship. Mu Liuji realized the profoundness of the world of mind power, and she wanted to hone her ability well. It happened that the artificial waterfall at home had been built. She asked Ya Yin to keep an eye on the one-kilometer area around the waterfall.

When she was 6 years old, without Muryuki's knowledge, her younger brother Killua was born, a silver-haired child. Not long after, a courier was suddenly delivered in Muryuki's name, signed by Jin. After Muryuki learned about it, she opened it and found two sets of games, and also attached the instruction manual written by Jin. She glanced at it and asked Ya Yin to put the things in her room. She returned to the waterfall.

On the other side of the GI game island, Jin looked at the child in his arms. The child's mother died of dystocia, which was actually due to him. If it weren't for him still running around with his pregnant wife, she would not be in trouble. The child in his arms was crying loudly, but Jin, who was worried, didn't hear it. Not far away, other companions in the GI game looked at Jin worriedly.

"What happened to Jin? Is he mourning his wife?" Elena, one of the twins, asked in confusion.

"I think it should be related to the owner of the guest room in the villa." The other twin, Ida, answered.

"Speaking of which, who is the owner of that guest room? Do you know?" Duen, who was forced to change his name, looked at the other friends in confusion while smoking a cigarette.

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