Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 46 Progress x Reunion

Mu Liuji nodded and stood aside: "Well, it is true that the telekinesis applied to the attack can be erased through contact." Mu Liuji put forward his opinion to Geno.

Geno put his hands behind his back and calmly watched the fat man running out from inside. He retracted his gaze after just one glance and turned his head to look at Mu Liuji: "Then I'll leave this person to you."

(⊙o⊙)... Mu Liuji was stunned for a moment, but did not refuse. She nodded and looked at the fat man who was getting closer and closer. Then granular mud and sand actually emerged from her gourd. Seeing this, Ilmi was stunned for a moment, and was a little curious about the structure of the gourd. But what he wanted to know was how Mu Liuji would deal with the enemy next.

"Brother, lend me a few pins." While Mu Liuji was talking, he had already reached out and quickly pulled out a few pins from Ilmi's body, and then ran towards other open spaces with the white jade gourd on his back. In his mind, You was a little curious about how Mu Liuji would fight next, wondering what the difference was between using dry sand and mud. Mu Liuji said he would explain it to him later.

When the few children still alive in the house came out of the dark stairs trembling with fear, they saw the terrain that had been severely damaged at some point. And there seemed to be a few people watching the show in the distance.

All of Mu Liuji's mental power turned into these sands. The best proof was that the white jade gourd she was carrying had now turned into a small jade pendant hanging around her neck. She no longer had much mental power to use other abilities. Only You, who knew her situation, knew this. Others didn't think so.

Mu Liuji imitated the very powerful ninja in memory, raising her hand to wrap the fat man layer by layer.

"So that's how it is. Even if the fat man can offset the mud and sand he encounters, you immediately use other mud and sand to wrap up the mud and sand that you can't control." You saw that Mu Liuji destroyed the surrounding environment with such a big hand, and spent all his energy to create more mud and sand from the mud and sand in the ruins here, just for this attack. He should have thought that Mu Liuji's special system is not actually to materialize those elements, otherwise it would be a materialization system. What Mu Liuji has is favor. She is close to these elements, and she can control these things better than anyone else. If she grows up, it's like standing on this land, which is her home.

It's really a terrifying power. You didn't expect that even he was misled by Mu Liuji's ability. However, from Mu Liuji's perspective, You noticed that the mud condensed by Mu Liuji himself was slightly different from the mud he made later, and the control power was different. But when did this girl notice this detail?

The moment Mu Liuji felt that the fat man died, Jin and Ilmi's mind abilities returned to their bodies. Mu Liuji suddenly relaxed and fell to the ground. Yilmi subconsciously raised his foot to help his sister, and a figure was much faster than him.

"Mu Liuji, are you okay?" It was Jin. He lifted Mu Liuji up with his arms just like when he was a child. Please, Mu Liuji is almost 5 years old now, and Jin still treats her like a child. Mu Liuji's fair face flushed red when he thought of this. Jin didn't notice Mu Liuji's embarrassment.

"How could I be in trouble, idiot." Mu Liuji spoke to Jin awkwardly, full of disgust. However, Yilmi, who was standing next to him, was disgusted with his sister for being so special to an outsider, and he had a bad opinion of Jin, and he wanted to kill him more and more.

"Really, don't do this again next time." Jin ignored Mu Liuji's grandfather Geno and his big brother Yilmi who was eyeing him covetously. Jin stretched out his hand and pinched Mu Liuji's little face in front of the two. Mu Liuji weakly raised his hand and slapped his claws away.

"Hehe, is this the friend you mentioned last time, Mu Liuji?" Geno walked over slowly with his hands behind his back, looking at Jin who was holding Mu Liuji. He glanced at Mu Liuji's awkward expression and said nothing.

Jin changed his hand and put Mu Liuji on his arm, looking at this short old man, who was really strong, simply invulnerable. Those sharp eyes appeared, and Mu Liuji was fighting just now, and Jin could feel that he was under the surveillance of this old man at all times. As long as he moved a little, he would be killed directly by him.

"Hello, old man, I am Jin. The little girl's friend." Jin didn't dare to do anything. This grandfather of Mu Liuji seemed to have a personality similar to that of the old man, President Netero, or even more difficult to deal with.

"Grandpa! He is my friend, please don't make it too difficult for him." Mu Liuji noticed Geno's temptation and pressure on Jin, pursed his lips, and couldn't help but speak worriedly.

"Grandpa won't do anything, of course. I'm just helping you, Mu Liuji, to see the character of this kid." Jeno put his hands behind his back, thinking of something, looking at his granddaughter who was still too young, "After all, you are still too young, and this world is very complicated~"

Mu Liuji was stunned, looked at Jeno, and smiled brightly: "I understand, Grandpa. If Jin-chan betrays me, I will definitely kill his whole family with my own hands." Mu Liuji actually said such "confident" words in front of the person concerned. Jin's face was full of black lines. Is this the Mu Liuji he knew? It seems that he has turned evil. I said that the education method of the Zoldyck family must be problematic. However, Mu Liuji is a black-bellied bun, and Jin has long had this hunch.

"Girls shouldn't always fight and kill." Jeno laughed. Speaking of which, the family's education of Mu Liuji was different from other boys. But gradually, they felt that Mu Liuji's path was getting more and more different from what they expected. But now there is no way to correct it.

Jeno was obviously very happy, and he educated Mu Liuji so seriously after hearing such words. Jin felt that his eyes were almost blind. Who can't see that Mu Liuji's grandfather was not really angry at all, and seemed to be very happy to hear Mu Liuji's answer? ! It's really worthy of being an old monster and a little monster, and there is also an eldest son Ilmi who is eyeing him covetously. This family is really weird.

"Jin-chan?!" Mu Liuji looked at his cat's eyes with puzzled eyes, tilted his head, raised his hand and gestured, "Jin-chan, were you thinking about something bad just now?"

"I told you, don't call me Jin-chan!" Jin's face was full of black lines. He is not 5 years old, he is almost 19 years old, and she still speaks like a child.

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