Hunter x Hunter Zoldyck KLK

Chapter 35: First meeting with Master X

However, when Mu Liuji looked at the old man in front of her, his iconic hairstyle and beard really confirmed her guess. Jin actually introduced President Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association, to her as a master? ! This is not overkill. Mu Liuji stood there and looked at the cooked gold. It was strange to think of President Nitro as a master who beat up enemies. He guessed that his grandfather would compromise. It felt like his grandfather He should be unable to defeat this old monster in front of him.

"Oh ho ho, are you the youngest daughter who beat up the enemy?" President Nitro had long heard about this girl from Jin. He didn't expect that Geno had a granddaughter. He thought they The family is full of boys.

Mu Liuji raised her face with a stern face and looked at President Netero seriously: "I am Mu Liuji, Beat the Dike." Well, she has a name, don't think she doesn't know whether President Netero knows her. name. Humph, this old man was so unkind to bully a child like her right from the start.

President Netero looked at the child who told his name seriously, and laughed out loud: "Then you should also know me."

Mu Liuji pouted: "You are the 'old man' introduced to me by Jin." Mu Liuji's words made President Netero smile even more happily. It was obvious that this little girl was very vindictive. But isn't that interesting?

"I am very strong." President Nitro looked at Mu Liuji with a smile, "If I become unhappy, I will have to reconsider my promise to Jin."

"The important point is not whether you are happy or not, but my mood." Mu Liuji puffed up his face and answered President Netero loudly.

President Nitro raised his eyebrows: "Oh, tell me why your mood is more important."

"Because I'm a baby, you're an old man, and I'm a potential stock. And don't think I'm just a girl who beats up the enemy Hakka, I'm very fierce." Mu Liuji stared fiercely at her big round eyes. , is really a cute little creature, without any imposing manner at all. And she didn't know where she got the cuteness of President Netero, and decided to accept her as his disciple. As for Geno, he would only be a phone call away.

Jin looked at the old and the young, suddenly looking forward to how interesting the life of this old fox and the little tsundere would be. He patted Mu Liuji's little head: "Well Mu Liuji, no matter who this old man is, as long as you punch him, you will be strong." Jin knew that Mu Liuji was a child who refused to admit defeat, and in front of President Netero My face, hahaha, this is not authentic.

Just like that, Mu Ruiji became President Netero's apprentice in a muddle-headed manner without even a formal apprenticeship ceremony? ! She was forced to put on a kimono similar to the old man's style. Mu Liuji's face was full of reluctance for such an old-fashioned style. But President Netero told her that when she could punch him, it would be considered a departure. Mu Liuji was full of energy and full of fighting spirit. She felt that it was just one punch and she would succeed quickly.

Yuu, who was in Mu Liuji's body, held his forehead helplessly. If Mu Liuji hadn't practiced well for a few years, he probably wouldn't have been able to touch President Netero's body. Let alone being a disciple, this was already considered an A. A super mission, but unfortunately, this girl was still too young and was deceived by President Netero and Jin. However, Yuu sighed with emotion but was also looking forward to it. If Mu Liuji knew about this, at least Jin would be unlucky.

President Netero learned from the connection between Jin and Jeno that this girl had her telekinesis turned on when she was born, and her ability was somewhat special. He thought for a moment and first added up this girl's physical strength. The most direct way.

——Keep practicing and punch a thousand times every day to start.

devil! ! ! At first, Mu Liuji didn't know what fate awaited her.

Mu Liuji's face was full of dissatisfaction and resentment towards President Netero, and this displeasure drove her to never admit defeat. Focus on this thing over and over again every day. When she was lying on the ground soundly asleep after being exhausted from physical exertion, Yuu didn't forget to pull her to take some mental rest.

One month passed quickly. President Netero and his old friend Geno were sitting in the room drinking tea. They could see the little girl pumping her fist in the yard.

"Oh, oh, he's a good seedling." President Nitro looked at this girl's determination not to admit defeat. The most important thing is that this girl has good talent and is willing to practice hard. What's more important is that she will be fast this year. At 3 years old, her starting point is much earlier than others. If there are different opportunities in the future, her achievements will be just around the corner.

How could Geno not hear President Nitro's praise? He looked at his granddaughter: "After all, she is a child who beats up enemies. I will leave her here for half a year, and then she will still have to learn the lessons at home. Three months for each place.”

"Oh haha, haven't you given up on letting her take that path?" President Nitro thought of Mu Liuji's unchangeable path in the future, and something flashed in his eyes. He could tell from the girl's eyes that she was not from the dark world, nor was she suitable for it. Those bright eyes.

"Well, this is the best way to protect her." Jeno drank tea and looked at the child. Sometimes strength is not an absolute guarantee, it is indispensable, but if you realize the existence of darkness earlier, this girl will feel more at ease when she goes out. Think about it, if this time Mu Liuji was not the lucky boy whose first friend was gold, but someone else, would she be able to avoid being taken advantage of by others.

"Neutral existence that is neither good nor evil?" President Netero understood what Geno meant and did not continue to discuss this topic. That girl's training has been able to last for half a day in a short period of time, but it is still difficult to punch a thousand times. Don't worry.

The reason why Mu Liuji can improve so quickly is that You has always been with her. Every time she punches and there is a deviation that she herself does not know about, You will reprimand her very severely. And he also asked Mu Liuji to start over. It is impossible for Mu Liuji to be lazy. The tears of forgiveness in her heart have never stopped. The only way to vent is to eat more. For this reason, Mu Liuji is most looking forward to the three meals a day. When she thinks of this, she wants to eat President Netero out of money.

Look, Mu Liuji, who is about to collapse, finally heard You's relief in her mind. She held her breath and rushed to the living room with shining eyes.

"Old man, I'm going to make you poor today... um..." Mu Liuji pushed the door open excitedly, and what she saw was not the old face of President Netero, but... Mu Liuji was surprised, "Grandpa." She saw Geno sitting there, sitting with President Netero.

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