Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 79 Greed And Gluttony! Handsome Kuailong! (1/2, Please Subscribe)

Still no one responded to Lin Ke. It seemed that Lin Ke was the only one nearby.

Lin Ke's handsome face was full of disdain. After spitting, he coldly scolded:

"Since you don't come down, then I will help you come down!"

"Happy egg, calendar!"

The happy egg suddenly appeared next to Lin Ke, with his hands wrapped in thick pink thought energy.

The gravity on the nearby field inexplicably increases several times!


Suddenly, something crashed from the sky to the ground, making a roaring sound!

Suffering a huge impact, the ground originally covered with fresh grass suddenly collapsed, bringing up bursts of khaki dust.

"Hey! Is this a plane crash? If you don't want to come down by yourself earlier, you have to ask me to help you. w

Staring coldly at the two people's miserable appearance, Lin Ke's expression did not change and he continued to speak sarcastically.

"Ahem...Gluttony, you guy! Why did you suddenly fall down!"

"It's not my fault, it's his fault!"

The two slowly stood up from the smoke and dust, revealing their specific appearances.

One of them was wearing a black suit and looked like an insurance salesman who works outside all day long.

The other person was much weirder, not even human!

The exposed skin on the body is covered with dense green scales, resembling the appearance of some kind of lizard.

The two palms are extremely thick, like bear paws, and have extremely long and sharp nails.

The most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the pair of large red wings behind him!

He actually has wings!

The two of them are greed and jealousy who came for revenge!

Just now, relying on Gluttony's flying ability, the two of them were able to fly in the air and observe Lin Ke.

The two of them came to the Zoldyck family to stay with Lin Ke since yesterday until they came out today.

That is, the two little flies in the mouths of Lin Ke and Maha.

Lin Ke lowered his eyes and silently watched the two bickering.

To be honest, the strength of these two people is not low, they are even very strong!

It can be seen from the fact that the two people fell to the ground, but there was no dust on their bodies.

To say low is just to compare with yourself.

Name: Greedy


Nen:The power of greed, Conjurer

You can change your own thought energy into the appearance of other people's thought energy and give it to others for their use.

During this month, the amount of one's own mind energy will not be increased through practice, but after one month, 1.5 times of the originally given amount of mind energy will be automatically extracted from other people's bodies and returned to oneself.

If others cannot provide it, it will be drained and can only be used on one person at a time.

Name: Gluttony


Nen: Devour and Obtain, Enhancer

Devouring: The Nen-enhanced body can swallow most creatures, but it will require a certain amount of pain when swallowing.

Obtain: You can obtain enhancements from devoured creatures. The more you eat, the higher the probability of obtaining them.

The more powerful the enhanced ability is, the more intense the pain needs to be endured, and the lower the probability of acquiring the ability.

The enhancements obtained so far include:

Scales from the Morinth monitor lizard,

A pair of flesh wings from the fiery red dragon,


Nen from Hotek: Multiple Adhesive Nets, Manipulator

Adhesive netting can be released. Anything you eat can be released and transformed into a web, and your body can also be transformed into a web.

Eating iron can release an iron net; drinking hot water can spit out a steam net; swallowing fire can spit out a flame net.


An A grade, an A+ grade!

With such strength, he is definitely a first-rate master outside!

And both of them have great potential!

One can use loan sharking to continuously obtain a large amount of Nian Qi without having to practice on your own!

If things go on like this, the thought energy in the body will become an extremely huge energy.

The other one is even more complicated. You can strengthen your body by swallowing living creatures, such as scales, wings, etc. This is probably how it came about!

His strength has improved, but he has also been made to look like neither a human nor a ghost!

The most important thing is the gluttony strengthening list!

Everything was fine up to now. Although Lin Ke had never heard of the names of some creatures, they probably were some beasts or magical beasts.

The problem is the last few...

Gluttonous Nen also has an effect on people!

By eating the opponent, you have a chance to gain the opponent's cold ability!

Now it seems that his Nen potential is even higher!

Although his Nen description is that the more powerful the ability, the greater the pain it needs to endure and the smaller the probability of obtaining it.

This still cannot conceal the fact that the potential for binge eating is extremely high.

But so what?

He will die soon!

"What kind of monster did I think it was? It turns out to be a bastard!"

Lin Ke sneered, his words full of disdain for gluttony.

Gluttony stared at Lin Ke, looked up and down, licked the corners of his mouth, and a trace of bloodlust flashed through his beast-like eyes.

He wants to eat Lin Ke!

Maybe after eating Lin Ke, he can get the nemesis that makes him envious.

Greed looked at Gluttony coldly and ignored him. Gluttony would always look like this when he saw a more powerful creature.

Even Greedy suspected that Gluttony had long wanted to eat the others in the "Seven Deadly Sins".

This is why Greed has always disliked Gluttony.

Just like his appearance, Gluttony's heart is no longer the mentality of a normal person.

Now all living things, including humans, are only divided into two categories in the eyes of Gluttony.

One is worth eating, the other is not worth eating!

Gluttony and jealousy are somewhat the same.

They all want to destroy the genius.

It's just that one of them let the bug eat the other because he was jealous of the other's ability.

The other is to get the opponent's ability and eat the opponent himself.

Just as the three were preparing to fight, there was a strange "creature" lurking in the soil under the tree on the other side.

It looks like a large earthworm, but it has a human face.

The combination of the two looks both ugly and terrifying.

It is one of the Yin beasts in the original work——earthworm!

In the Youkexin chapter, in order to prevent the "Phantom Troupe" from disrupting the auction, the ten old men specially sent out the so-called "Yin Beast" troops.

It is composed of ten Nin people, and their code names are basically related to animals.

For example: earthworms, porcupines, owls, etc.

This time, because the Ten Old Men have reached a cooperation with the "Seven Deadly Sins", in order to further confirm the strength of their partners, the Ten Old Men specially dispatched earthworms, which are the most suitable for lurking among the Yin Beasts.

The earthworm's ability to hide its breath is extremely strong, even if the opponent is Gluttony and Greed in the A-level range.

As long as you don't deliberately use "circle" with high intensity in his direction, you won't notice it.

The performance of various aspects of "The Seven Deadly Sins" will affect whether the ten old men in the future will fulfill their promise to arrogance.

The first observation starts with the revenge of "The Seven Deadly Sins"!

Like Arrogance, Old Man Tian doesn’t think Lin Ke is really that powerful.

So this is just the first observation, there will be many more to come.

The earthworm completely hid its body in the soil, but could still perceive the conversation above with its ability.

"It should be over soon, after all, the difference in strength is too great.

Silently feeling the auras emanating from both sides, Earthworm sighed secretly.

Although the two people in front fell from the air, this made the earthworm feel surprised.

After a while, he figured it out again. It was probably that this person Nen was special and could drag down flying objects.

Which of the hard powers of gluttony and greed is not higher than his?

"There's no movement from the Zoldyck family, right?"

Gluttony asked as he asked, but never took his eyes away from Lin Ke.

Greedy felt the situation of the Zoldyck family in the distance through "Yuan", and slowly said:

"No, it seems that this kid has not reached any deal with the Zoldyck family, so you can proceed with confidence."

Hearing this, Lin Ke moved slightly, a little surprised.

Can you actually sense the situation of the Zoldyck family from the "circle" even standing here?

Although it probably only reaches the front door of their home, it is still quite a long distance!

With the huge stock of mind energy, greed can easily perform large-scale "circles" that consume a lot of energy.

Greed as a Conjurer should theoretically not be good at "circles" with Transmuter properties.

Just like Killua in the original work, he said that he is not very good at "circles" precisely because of his Conjurer category.

This shows how huge the greedy thought energy is!

Forcibly using the "circle" that I'm not good at to this extent.

"Hehehe, then shall you come or shall I?"

Gluttony glanced at the person next to him, his expression was as usual, he seemed to be greedy without much consumption, and his voice was extremely low.

It feels like the roar of a wild beast.

"I'll do it, I'll probably eat it all in two seconds if I let you come!"

Greedy waved his hand and said helplessly.

At the same time, the mental energy on his body suddenly burst out, and countless yellow mental energy poured out!

In an instant, Lin Ke seemed to see a yellow river appearing in front of him out of thin air.

However, these are all greedy thoughts!

He has so much thought energy that he can never use it up, just like a surging river, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

It seems that this kind of greed should have a lot of "loan sharking"~

Could such a majestic thought energy only have A-level strength?

Lin Ke took a closer look and found a clue. The greedy thoughts seemed terrifying, but in fact they were extremely vain.

Like a rootless tree!

These are greedy thoughts, but they are not.

They are not greedy and cultivated from their own bodies day and night.

But Nen, who is greedy and uses his own "side ways" to rob others from others, turns it into his own mind.

This leads to Greedy's insufficient mastery of his own mind energy, and I am afraid that it is difficult to use advanced application skills such as "flow".

Despite this, Greed can still steadily reach A-level strength with his almost inexhaustible mental energy!

Because the function of greedy Nen is only to increase the capacity of one's own mental energy, it is lacking in offensive aspects.

Coupled with the poor use of advanced Nian skills, Greed usually either doesn't fight, or just releases the cold air all at once.

Greedy stared at Lin Ke, who was still calm, with a calm expression on his face.

I cannot use advanced techniques such as "firmness" and "flow" well.

But so what?

My thoughts are so huge that I don’t even need to know them!

Greed is just an ordinary casual blow, which is comparable to the enemy's "hard" (gathering more than 50% of the mind energy)

Even the "hard" (100% mind energy) effect!

The extremely huge storage of mental energy allows Greed to easily defeat the enemy without using advanced techniques.

…Please give me flowers…

Advanced skills are more useful in saving mental energy and causing more damage with less consumption during combat.

Seeing that Greed had released his own Nen, Fury was not idle either. Although he had no intention of doing it himself, he still had to be responsible for the task of capturing him alive.

Forcefully resist the thought of eating Lin Ke whole, gluttony

I have to take him back and taste it slowly!

This can be considered a convention in "The Seven Deadly Sins".

Lust and arrogance have the ability to control others, so Gluttony will sometimes give their targets to these two people.

After they have control of their target, Gluttony can "taste" the target from time to time.

If you eat the target all at once, you will be gone. If you try to get his Nen again, you will have no chance.

So gluttony uses this method, and every once in a while, go to Lust and eat a little bit.

When will you eat?

Eat until you get Nen!

The hands that were no longer humanoid were pulled apart, and suddenly an iron net appeared in Gluttony's hands.

In Gluttony's eyes, Lin Ke is like a small fish that can only be caught in front of his iron net.

Seeing Greedy releasing a lot of thought energy to crush him, Gluttony took out the iron net and tried to catch him.

Lin Ke didn't feel panicked, even the happy egg next to him didn't move.

In the eyes of others, one person and one beast seem to have given up struggling because the gap is too large.

At least that's how it seems to the Yin Beast Earthworm.

The auras emanating from greed and gluttony made him tremble constantly. Their strength had reached a very high level!

They are even the strongest group of Nin people he has ever seen!

"Are you scared to death? It's really pitiful, but this is reality. People without strength can only be slaughtered by others!"



Lin Ke looked greedy, as if his face was paralyzed, with almost no waves on his face, and said with a slight pity.

"You're right, it's a pity to have no strength."

"There are two poor people right in front of me."

Lin Ke changed his calm expression, raised the corners of his mouth, and revealed a playful smile.

Greedy was still thinking of saying something, but his pupils were shaking in vain.

His body couldn't help but tremble, and drops of cold sweat dripped from his forehead onto his suit.

The glutton next to me is in the same situation, even worse!

After absorbing the abilities of various beasts and monsters, Gluttony's crisis perception is much higher than Greed's.

Therefore, this kind of panic is even stronger.

The iron net in his hand fell directly to the ground, making a crisp sound.

My mind is filled with one thought!


If he could move...

The Yin beast earthworm in the soil on the other side seemed to feel some kind of great terror, its teeth kept chattering, and its body was extremely stiff.

If the auras of greed and gluttony only made him tremble, then these two new auras...

It just makes him unable to move!

In Lin Ke's sight, two figures with extremely terrifying auras stood behind Greed and Gluttony respectively.


"This is?!"

Sitting on the pony and watching the cartoon intently, Maha let out a confused sound.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Lin Ke.

"Is there more than one mind beast like that?!!"

Maha opened his mouth wide, revealing the sparse teeth inside, but could not close it.

He looks like an old man with dementia.

Although he had guessed before, Lin Ke probably still had hidden mind beasts that he had not released.

But when it comes to this, Maha still can't accept it for a while...

Lin Ke didn't know that when he cleaned two little flies, he scared a little old man again.

Now he was admiring the handsome appearance of his new companion.

The Pokémon is entirely orange, and the warm colors look pleasing to the eye.

There are two slender tentacles on its head, and a pair of wings spread out from its back.

There is also a bulging belly, which makes it even more cute.

This is the new Pokémon born in the Zoldyck family.

The quasi-god Pokémon nicknamed "Fat" is given away-Kailosaurus!


Characteristics: Mental power

Attributes: Dragon type, flying type


Skills: Dragon Claw, Reverse Scale, Dragon Dance, Divine Speed...

Like Bangila, after the strengthening of restrictions and oaths, Kuailong is directly promoted to S-level.

Lin Ke can probably guess some rules.

If I guess correctly, all Pokémon at the quasi-god level have been strengthened through restrictions and oaths.

Most of them are in S-class.

As for the higher SS-level range, it may only be possible to achieve it with real mythical Pokémon.

So far, the Pokémon owned by Lin Ke are:

S-class Bangela! S-class dragon!

A+ grade happy eggs, A grade Gardevoir, Gengar and Wind Speed ​​Dog.

Two S-class, four A-class!

If this strength were made public, everyone would be shocked!

If we talk about getting Bangila, Lin Ke positioned himself as the first echelon of strength in the world.

Unless you let the strongest people, such as Netero and Maha S-level experts, surround you.

Otherwise, you can say that you are invincible in the world.

Now Lin Ke can say without exaggeration that he is an invincible fortune teller!

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