
There was a loud bang followed by smoke and dust.

The dust caused by Jupiter's explosion swallowed Hua Shi Dou Lang and Peel Lev. The scene was filled with thick smoke and it was impossible to see what was happening inside.

At this time, there was silence in the smoke and the battle seemed to be over. After a while, the smoke dissipated and the obscured battlefield was revealed.

Hua Shi Dou Lang and Bo Luo Lev were lying on the ground at the same time, and it looked like they had died together.

However, after a moment, Hua Shidoulang, who was originally lying on the ground with his eyes closed, had his chest rise and fall slightly, and then he opened his mouth and breathed in the surrounding air.

At this time, his robe was covered in blood and he looked like a blood gourd. There were several hideous blood holes on his body, each as big as a fist. If he hadn't used his mental energy to forcibly block the wounds, his blood would have dried up by now.

He stood up with difficulty, holding on to the ground, and let out a long sigh as he looked at Lev's headless body beside him.

It was really dangerous just now. Fortunately, he used his mental energy to protect his internal organs just before the explosion, and deliberately left a few "holes" on his body to relieve the power of the explosion. Otherwise, if the energy of "Jupiter" exploded in his body, he would not be able to withstand it even if he was a reinforcement-type.

Speaking of which, the move that Tianming researched is really useful, but it's a pity that his speed is too slow and it is easy for the enemy to dodge it at the right time. It seems that the next step for his practice is to improve his movement speed when using this move.

He dragged his injured body to a stone platform. Just as he sat down, a figure suddenly appeared beside him. He looked at the figure with a helpless expression...

On the other side, the battle between Boudreau and Franklin entered a fierce stage.

Franklin used his long-range suppression ability to suppress Boudreau, and the latter was chased all over the mountains and fields. He had almost hidden in all the nearby rocks.

Every time he hid behind a boulder, Franklin's mental bullets would concentrate on the boulder he was hiding behind. In just a few seconds, the boulder would be shot into a sieve, and then he would continue to escape and hide behind the next boulder.

This is not a solution. If there is no other choice, I can only activate my own telepathic ability.

However, it takes some time for him to prepare for the transformation, and now he is under fire suppression and there is not enough time for him to transform.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of a technique for using telekinesis. He wondered if he could use that to delay time.

He did it as soon as he thought of it. He moved to the back of another huge rock with ease, then took off his cloak and shirt and placed his left hand on the rock.

This is a derivative technique of the mind ability called "Zhou", which is used to attach the mind energy to an object to enhance the strength of the object. The extent of the enhancement varies from person to person.

If you are very strong and have a high level of mastery of Nen, then the strength of the items amplified will also increase, and the enhancement system will achieve a greater degree of enhancement than other systems. Therefore, any Nen user who uses weapons will basically practice this technique specifically.

People often ask why Nen users have to use their fists in fights. Can't they just get close and use a knife to launch a sneak attack?

The answer is very simple. If you are not proficient in using "Zhou" or do not know how to use it at all, stabbing someone with a knife is like stabbing a half-meter thick steel plate. It cannot break the defense at all and the effect is not as good as hitting with your fist.

Boudreau only learned this technique roughly and did not study it too much, so he could only delay for a period of time using this technique, but this period of delay was enough for him.

His body was changing rapidly. A thick layer of orange hair grew on his skin. His body shape was also changing. His eyes turned into the vertical pupils of a wild beast...

On the other side, Franklin gradually discovered something was wrong.

His bullets felt obviously wrong when they hit the stone. The boulder that originally could be penetrated in a few seconds now became extremely solid, and he had been shooting at it for more than a minute but still hadn't penetrated it.

Being well-informed, he understood the current situation instantly. It seemed that the other party used "Zhou" to reinforce the boulder, but this approach was very stupid.

When a Nen user uses "Zhou", his Nen energy will be consumed. If it is used to strengthen small weapons such as swords, the consumption is not too great, but strengthening a piece of stone with a diameter of several meters will consume a lot of Nen energy. He does not believe that Boudreau's Nen energy can compete with his own.

Bang bang bang!

The dense bullets turned into ten lines of fire and shot madly at the boulder. With his continuous bombardment, even the boulder that had been hit by "Zhou" was riddled with holes.


The boulder exploded with a loud bang, and Franklin showed a smug smile. It seemed that the opponent could not hold on any longer and had broken down his defenses. Next, let him send the opponent off.

I saw him grab the wrist of his left hand with his right hand, then pull it down and remove his left hand completely from the wrist, revealing a thick black cannon barrel in his arm.

This is his other Nen ability besides the "two-handed machine gun" called "wrist bazooka". Its sustained suppression power is not as good as that of the machine gun, but its instantaneous burst is far greater than the former.

He pointed the gun barrel at the ruins of the boulder. He perceived that Boudreau was hiding behind a piece of rubble. This shot would directly blow him into pieces.

Just as his cannon was charged and about to fire, a figure leaped up from behind the shattered boulder. The huge body blocked the sunlight above Franklin's head, making it difficult for him to see what was attacking him.

He quickly rolled sideways to avoid the opponent's sneak attack, and then saw that the person in front of him was not Boudreau whom he had just seen, but a huge monster in the form of half man and half tiger.

This monster was at least four or five meters tall, with bulging muscles all over its body and standing on two feet. Its white teeth emitted a cold light, and its claws in its hands were like iron hooks, which made people shudder.

Looking at the monster in front of him, Franklin was extremely solemn. He didn't expect that the opponent's ability of mind would be like this. It seemed that it was a mind ability that comprehensively enhanced all qualities of the body.

However, no matter how much he is strengthened, it will be useless. Today, even if the opponent turns into a god, he will be blown into pieces.

The cannon in his left hand was aimed at Boudreau and fired. The giant bullet exceeded the speed of sound and hit Boudreau instantly.


A huge roar sounded, and flames and thick smoke instantly engulfed everything around.

The power of this shot is comparable to the Lingwan that Tianming had used before. If it is compared in terms of firing speed, it is even more powerful than the Lingwan. After all, the power of ballistic skills is only secondary. Only with a faster speed can you hit the target. Therefore, the most important thing about the release system is speed rather than power.

After firing the shot, Franklin pressed his left hand back. In his opinion, it was impossible for Boudreau to have a complete body. Next, he wanted to go and see how the battle on Peelev's side was going.

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