Before Gon and Killua could finish their fusion, Feitan, who was almost "bald" just now, stabbed at them with a sword.

Fortunately, Gon and Killua are very strong individually even without fusion, and they easily avoided Feitan's sword light.

This time, the members of the brigade did not choose to fight alone, but everyone rushed forward to join the battle, wanting to eliminate the two little devils before Gon and Killua "fused" again.

Fortunately, Tianming decisively took action to block the members of the brigade who were rushing over. Gon and Killua took the opportunity to merge again, and the battle between the two sides was about to break out.

The Phantom Troupe showed their full strength when they started the group battle, and the members cooperated seamlessly.

Wogin, Finks and Franklin, the three tough and strong ones, are in the front row as meat shields. Nobunaga, Feitan and Peeler, the three who are good at using weapons and have high damage, will seize the opportunity to attack. As for the remaining Xiake and Machi, they are responsible for protecting the two non-combatants, Kuroro and Kubi.

That’s right, Kuroro is also a “non-combatant”, and his Nen ability is no less precious than those of Kubiki and Paknottan.

He is not the type of person who has to charge to the front every time to prove himself, so whenever such a group battle occurs, he usually assists from the back and rarely takes action himself.

The more important point is that Hisoka hasn't shown up until now, and the members of the brigade don't know when he will launch a sneak attack, so the remaining few people have been on guard around.

As the battle dragged on, Killua and Gon gradually showed signs of weakness. Although their strength had been cultivated to the top level in the hunter world, they had never experienced actual combat like they were doing now.

Just like the strength trained in the gym, their attack, defense, speed and skills were all good, but they were constantly consumed by these battle-hardened members of the brigade, causing their physical strength to drop rapidly, to the point that even the batteries on their backs could not replenish it.

Seeing this, Tianming felt that the time was almost right.

He made a feint to force back Wogin and Finks, and gathered a huge amount of mental energy at his fingertips and aimed it in the direction of Kuroro.

Spirit Pill!

The blue light shot towards Kuroro like a rocket. The mental energy contained in the spirit pill made everyone gasp. Anyone hit by this terrifying mental bullet would definitely be wiped out.

Fortunately, Lingwan's speed was not exaggerated. Kuroro, Xiake, Maggie and Kubi easily jumped away from Lingwan's attack range.


There was a deafening explosion when the spirit ball hit the ground. The huge sound wave directly blew away Kubi, who was relatively close and had very average strength. Fortunately, Maggie grabbed the opponent's feet with a silk thread and pulled him back.

Since Tianming fired the Spirit Pill in a hurry without storing any power, the power of the explosion was only about twice as strong as Wo Jin's "Super Destruction Fist" with all his strength, and it did not have the power of a nuclear bomb.

However, even so, the power of the Lingwan made everyone extremely wary. A mental bullet without any charging could produce such power. It seemed that everyone in the next battle would have to guard against Tianming's move.

Just when Kuroro had just stabilized his body, two figures came quietly to his vicinity, and were not discovered by his fighting instinct until they were within ten meters of him.

The two figures were Hua Shi Dou Lang and Boudreau who had been waiting for a long time. After they appeared, they didn't waste any words and attacked Kuroro from both directions at the same time.

Fortunately, the Knight and Maggie also rushed over at this time, and they stood in front of Kuroro to block the sneak attack for him.


Two heavy forces pressed down on the knight and Maggie respectively.

Maggie was fine. Her opponent was Boudreau. Although he was a strengthening type, he had only been practicing his mental energy for a short time. In terms of the amount of mental energy, both of them were on par with each other. Therefore, it was not too difficult for him to block his attack.

However, the one Xiake was facing was Hua Shi Dou Lang. Originally, this guy's strength was enough for Hisoka to take seriously. In addition, after the devilish training with Tian Ming during this period, his strength was already far beyond that of ordinary brigade members, not to mention Xiake, who was just a non-combat member who was more of a think tank.

Finally, the knight couldn't stop Hua Shi Dou Lang's attack. He flipped his right hand and a bat-shaped antenna suddenly appeared and flew straight to Hua Shi Dou Lang's heart.

Hua Shi Doulang reluctantly withdrew his hand and dodged sideways. The knight took the opportunity to leave the fight, rubbing his sore wrist and grimace.

"What a great strength! How come so many powerful monsters suddenly appear today?" The knight's tone was full of resentment.

Kuroro said seriously: "Prepare to retreat!"

He had never expected the situation today. It seemed that the other party was a temporarily formed bounty hunter team, and their purpose this time was probably to hunt down members of their brigade.

There are five masters on the other side now. Each of them is as strong as the members of the brigade in single combat. Among them are super-special existences such as Zhao Tianming and the two little ghosts who can "merge".

If they continue fighting like this, even if their brigade uses all its means, it will only be a miserable victory. At least half of their men will have to die before they have a chance of defeating the enemy.

The purpose of the Phantom Troupe is to obtain precious treasures and protect Meteor Street, not to fight to the death with these powerful bounty hunters.

Everyone in the brigade understood what Kuroro meant, and at the same time, they were filled with resentment and anger.

Others always give way when they see their brigade. When will it be their brigade's turn to give in?

They only suffered some minor losses when they encountered Silva and Devil three years ago, but they didn't suffer as much as they do now. Although one of their people died in the end, they were the ones who chased and killed the enemy, unlike now when they are being chased and killed by others.

However, Kuroro had already given the order at this time. In the brigade, the commander's order was above everything else. They secretly vowed in their hearts that they would definitely get this place back, and then prepared to retreat back to Meteor Street to make long-term plans.

However, at this moment, Hisoka, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, finally took action.

He used his telepathic ability to stick to two trees to make a "slingshot", and then he turned himself into a "stone" and instantly flew towards KuBi.

No one expected that this time Hisoka's target would be Kubi. Xiake and Machi were entangled and couldn't come to help. Although Kuroro was always on guard against Hisoka, he only thought that the other party would sneak attack him and never thought that the other party's target would be Kubi.


KuBi's head flew up into the sky, blood spurting from his neck into the sky. The head wrapped in long hair fell to the ground, rolled a few times and finally stopped.

Everyone in the caravan was furious when they saw this scene, but Hisoka ignored everyone else and stared at Kuroro with a bloodthirsty smile.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and finally the day came.

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