Seeing Feitan so angry, Kuroro couldn't help but laugh.

What this guy hates most is when people say he is short. It seems that he is really angry today. The guy named "Tianming" will probably be in trouble if he falls into his hands.

To be honest, he really likes this guy named Tianming, he is a very interesting person. If possible, he is looking forward to him joining the brigade.

"Knight, can you confirm the location where these people in the videotape were filming?"

The knight took out a map and explained, "Looking at the environment around those people, it should be an unfinished building. I accidentally saw the building that appeared in the background when I was on a hot air balloon. According to my guess, the place where they took the photo should be roughly here."

The knight pointed to the unfinished building where Tianming and others were before. Kuroro nodded, and just as he was about to order everyone to go out, he suddenly felt a palpitation.

At the same time, 3 kilometers above the underground shelter where the Phantom Troupe is located.

Tianming kept stomping on the air with his feet, and his momentum was rising steadily. When the strength was concentrated to a critical point, he suddenly turned around, head down and feet up, and stomped on the air hard, launching himself out like a cannonball.

A streak of light streaked across the dark night sky. As he fell, Tian Ming kept stomping on the air to accelerate his descent. At the same time, a huge amount of mental energy gathered on his right fist, and his momentum became more and more astonishing.

Finally, Tianming landed right above the shelter and punched the ground with his fist ready to strike.


The light of the mental energy explosion instantly illuminated the night, and countless brick and stone fragments burst in all directions. The roar of the explosion followed, and the whole Youke Xin heard this horrifying explosion.

On a hillside not far away, Killua was looking in this direction with a telescope in his hand. When he saw Tianming's punch, he excitedly let out an "Ouch".

Putting down the telescope, he muttered to himself, "This punch is really powerful. I hope the brigade will not be wiped out by this punch, otherwise there will be no fun."

After he finished talking to himself, blue electric light emerged from his body, and he disappeared in a flash.

In the ruins of the underground shelter, the Phantom Troupe members crawled out of the ruins covered in dust.

After Wo Jin escorted Kubi to a safe place with a huge stone slab in his hand, he threw the slab to the ground and cursed: "How dare he sneak attack us? If I catch him, I will smash every bone in his body!"

Kuroro ignored Wojin's yelling and glanced around and asked, "Where's Hisoka?"

Everyone shook their heads when they heard this. They didn't see each other when they escaped from the ruins. Some people speculated that he might have been crushed to death by the rubble.

However, Kuroro shook his head. He felt that Hisoka would not die so easily. He might have escaped from somewhere else and met up with Tianming.

The knight looked at Kuroro and asked in a probing tone: "What should we do next?"

The central part of this underground shelter has collapsed, but there are many exits in the shelter and they are interconnected. When it was first built, people were afraid of the current situation, so it was designed in this way to facilitate escape.

The knight meant to ask whether Kuroro should split up and leave next, or whether the brigade members should stay together and take one passage.

Kuroro thought for a moment, then said to everyone, "Everyone stay together and don't disperse. The enemy may be waiting for us to split up and defeat us one by one."

Everyone nodded and followed Kuroro towards one of the exits. The overall structure of the underground shelter had become unstable due to Tianming's attack. When Kuroro and others left from the safety exit, the surrounding walls kept cracking and the sound of collapse was heard from behind.

Everyone quickened their pace. Maggie, who was walking in the front, kept extending the silk thread in her hand forward to explore the way. Behind them, Wo Jin, Feitan and other combat members led the way. They finally escaped just before the shelter collapsed.


The rear exit collapsed the moment the brigade members walked out, and smoke and dust instantly submerged everyone in the brigade.

Paknotan, who escaped, breathed a sigh of relief. Her combat power was at the bottom of the brigade. Fortunately, with the help of people like Wo Jin, she was not buried by the rubble.

Just as she was about to walk out of the smoke, a strong wind blew and a big hand suddenly appeared from the smoke. It grabbed her throat like a poisonous snake and made her unable to make a sound.

Paknotan was shocked!

Looking up in the direction where the arm was extended, she saw Tian Ming appearing in front of her with an expressionless face, his eyes full of coldness and indifference.

The ghost of Paknotan, whose throat was strangled, was trembling. She was following the members of the brigade closely, so why did Tianming suddenly appear in front of her? Didn’t the other members of the brigade react?

She subconsciously placed her right hand on Tianming's arm, and in an instant Tianming's memories flooded into her mind like a tide.

In my previous life, I was a city worker… In my previous life, I was a candidate for admiral… “Hunter x Hunter”… Yoshihiro Togashi…

So, are we just characters in a cartoon? Ha! This is really ridiculous!


Tianming strangled Paknotan's throat, and to be on the safe side he fired a "flying finger gun" at his forehead. He only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the other party was completely dead.

In his opinion, Paknottan is the most difficult one in the brigade. His ability to read memories just by touching them is too incredible. If he is given this ability, he has the confidence to unify the hunter world.

The sound made by Paknotan's death alarmed everyone in the brigade. Ten people jumped out of the smoke at the same time. When the smoke cleared, what came into their eyes was Tianming standing upright and Paknotan who had become a corpse.

Seeing this, Wo Jin's eyes turned red with anger, and he was about to rush forward with his fist, but was stopped by Finks.

"Don't get excited. This guy was able to get close to us silently and kill Pike. His strength is definitely not simple."

After being stopped, Wo Jin calmed down a little, and then said to everyone: "It's better to be strong. Killing such people is more fun. Leave this guy to me, you guys just watch from the side!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Tianming first, with the spiritual energy in his body gushing out wantonly. From Tianming's perspective, it was like a spring attacking him.

Tianming smiled and turned on the "Mind Energy Mode", then stretched out his left hand and casually took Wojin's fist.


The ground beneath Tianming's feet was cracked like a spider web, but his body remained motionless. Wo Jin's fist was like hitting solid steel and did not cause any damage.

Wo Jin was shocked, and everyone in the brigade also widened their eyes.

Everyone in the brigade was well aware of the power of this punch. So far, they had never seen anyone who could take this punch without any injury to his body.

Wo Jin tried to increase his strength but to no avail. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake Tian Ming's palm at all.

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