A sharp chain pierced into Xiaodi's chest, penetrated the skin and entered the heart, with the tip of the blade resting against the heart.

"This is my chain of rules. As long as I set the rules, you must abide by them. Otherwise, your heart will be pierced and you will die immediately."

After Kurapika finished speaking, he put away the chain that bound his middle finger. Since he already had the regular chain for his little finger, there was no need for this.

Xiaodi lowered her head slightly, reached her hand into the collar and touched the injured area.

Tianming and the others blushed and turned their heads away at the same time, thinking that Xiaodi really didn't treat them as outsiders, as why did he start checking the "wound" in public?

Touching the healed skin on her body, although there was no external wound, Xiaodi could be sure that there was indeed a sharp object that was always in her heart.

Kurapika continued to explain: "The rule I made is 'no use of mind'. As long as he detects any trace of you using 'mind', he will immediately pierce your heart. If you don't want to die, don't have any evil thoughts."

Xiaodi tidied her clothes and nodded obediently. As for what she was thinking in her heart, only she knew.

Not long after, Leorio returned with the recording equipment. Tianming called Gon and Killua over and started recording...

An hour later, Tianming appeared alone at the place he had agreed to meet with Hisoka.

He first went to the waiter and ordered two cups of bubble milk tea, then went to the table where Hisoka was sitting and placed one of the cups in front of him.

Xi Suo took the milk tea and took a sip, then leaned lazily on the chair and smiled: "I didn't expect you to ask me to meet you at the milk tea shop. Are you really not afraid of being bumped into by the brigade or being photographed by the camera?"

Tianming said indifferently: "Anyway, we are going to have a showdown with the brigade soon. The brigade already knows that you and I know each other. There is no point in hiding it any longer. There is no need to hide from us."

Hisoka shrugged and didn't dwell on the issue any further, but instead asked about the real business.

"You asked me to bring something to the brigade before. I'm curious about what it is."

Tianming took out a videotape from his pocket without keeping anyone in suspense. It was a very old-fashioned videotape, rectangular in shape and black like a black brick.

The videotape was packed in a box. Tianming pushed the box in front of Hisoka and said, "This is it. Remember, it doesn't matter if others watch it or not, you must let Kuroro watch it in person."

Xi Suo didn't rush to take the videotape. Instead, he put his right hand on his chin and stared at the tape for a while. Finally, he looked up and said to Tian Ming in confusion: "There doesn't seem to be any trace of mental energy on this. How did you achieve such a powerful 'hidden'?"

To be honest, this videotape really surprised Hisoka.

It is not uncommon to attach telekinesis to objects to grant them special abilities. Game devices for telekinetic users such as "Greed Island" are rare but not uncommon.

However, this was the first time that Xi Suo had seen a videotape like this one. He used "Concentration" to look at it for a long time but could not find any trace of hidden mental energy in the videotape. It seemed that Tianming had an extremely powerful person with the ability to release mental energy by his side, otherwise it would be impossible to do such a thing.

Upon hearing this, Tianming first blinked his big innocent eyes, then burst into laughter, which made Xi Suo even more confused. What was this guy laughing at suddenly?

Tian Ming just laughed and said, "You are too sensitive. This videotape is just an ordinary videotape. I didn't do anything to it, so of course you can't see any traces of mind energy."

"Then why did you specifically ask Kuroro to see it?"

"I have a reason for letting him watch it. After you give him this videotape, tell him that if he wants to kill us or save Xiaodi, he should let him watch this videotape with the other members of the brigade. Otherwise, they won't be able to find me even if they take away your memory."

Xi Suo pointed to the videotape on the table and said playfully, "Can I take a look at the contents first?"

Tian Ming smiled and said, "I suggest you don't watch it in advance. If you watch it and Paknotan steals your memory, the effect of this video tape will be greatly reduced.

I can only reveal a few things to you. This videotape carries my happy childhood memories. I remember that the happy memories of the members of the brigade are also carried on a videotape..."

When he said this, a look of reminiscence appeared in Tianming's eyes, and then he stared into Xi Suo's eyes with a particularly bright smile.

"Paknotan, do you remember the videotape from your childhood? Give it to Chrollo and watch it with the rest of the group."

Seeing Tianming's expression, Hisoka also smiled. It was obvious that this sentence was said to Paknottan who was about to read his memory. He closed the videotape box without hesitation, then picked it up and was about to leave.

Originally he was a little hesitant about whether to take the risk of returning to the brigade, but seeing Tianming being so mysterious aroused his strong interest. What on earth is this guy up to? What is in this video bag?

He did not take a car or drive along the way, but walked towards the Phantom Troupe's temporary base in Youkexin.

There were fewer and fewer vehicles passing by and the street lights were getting dimmer, until finally he had completely left the city and arrived in the wilderness.

This is an abandoned underground shelter located on the north side of Youkexin City. As the economic center of Youkexin later moved further south, this shelter previously built in the central area of ​​the city has now become an abandoned underground building in the suburbs.

He entered the underground shelter through one of the secret doors and continued forward along the dark corridor. After walking for a distance, candlelight gradually appeared in front of him, and a handsome man with a slicked-back hair and an inverted cross mark on his forehead appeared in front of him.

Kuroro was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. The candle on the table in front of him was swaying in the wind, shining his face in and out of view.

After Hisoka walked to the room where Kuroro was, he looked around. Paknottan, Kubi, Finks and Peeler, who had been on standby here with him, were all there, and everyone turned their eyes to him.

Kuroro was the first to ask, "Have you finished your work?"

Hisoka nodded and said in a relaxed tone, "It's done. It went more smoothly than I expected."

Just then, a rough voice sounded from behind.

"Now that your business is done, it's time to do ours."

Hisoka's pupils constricted and he tilted his head slightly to look back. Wo Jin, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and with a fierce face, slowly walked out from the shadows behind.

Not only him, but also Franklin, Xiake, Machi, Feitan and others who had previously worked with Wo Jin also came out from all directions and surrounded him.

Wo Jin, who had the worst temper, raised his fist and was about to attack, but Kuroro, who was sitting on the sofa, interrupted him.

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