Tianming raised his leg and kicked, and the blue slash instantly flew towards Takuto.

Lan's foot pierced through Takuto's chest. He was shocked to see his hands being cut off at the arms. Then his upper body gradually slid off. Finally, everything went black before his eyes and the world fell into complete silence.

The other candidates looked at this side in shock. Just now they only saw Tianming raise his leg and then a blue light flashed, and the professional wrestler Takuto was cut into two pieces. Could this guy have a hidden weapon like a flying knife hidden in his trouser leg?

Tianming ignored the shock of the candidates and jumped into the air, tapping the ground with his toes and then stepping on the air to return to the top of the cliff.

This scene made the eyes of the examinees who were still climbing the cliffs below widen, not to mention the examinees above and President Netero.

The abilities of Nen users in the Hunter world are varied, and naturally there are many who can fly, so they are not surprised that Tianming can fly.

What really surprised them was that Tianming did not use any telepathic ability when flying. There was not even a sign that he was using telepathic ability. It looked like he was jumping up step by step on the air.

Menqi, Buhara and Sats looked at President Netero in confusion, and Netero shook his head to indicate that he had never seen such a technique before.

At the same time, he developed a great interest in Tianming. When he first arrived at the venue, his attention was not on Tianming. The contestants of this exam included members of the Zoldyck family, Gon's son Xiaojie, and powerful Nen masters like Hisoka. Compared with them, Tianming was indeed low-key and mediocre.

But now it seems that this kid is the hidden dark horse of this exam. Netero walked towards Tianming, stroking his beard.

"What an amazing skill! You can actually fly in the sky. I have lived for more than 100 years and have never heard of such a skill. Is this a Taijutsu technique that you created?"

When Tianming found out that Netero was talking to him, he immediately replied, "It's not my original invention, and this is not flying, but moving by stepping on the air."

While the two were chatting, the candidates at the bottom of the cliff also climbed back up the cliff one after another.

Afterwards, everyone worked together to set up a big pot, then poured water into the pot and started to boil eggs. Everyone else took an egg in their hands, but Tianming alone picked more than ten eggs in one breath.

I have to say that the eggs of the grape spider are really delicious, with a great taste, and the yolk is not as greasy as ordinary eggs.

After Leorio and the others finished eating, they still felt unsatisfied, so Tianming shared the eggs in his hand with them so that everyone could eat together.

Speaking of which, the world of pirates is also a huge treasure world. The specialty foods there are no less than those in the hunter world. He has eaten almost all the delicacies in the Grand Line and the Four Seas in his previous life, so this kind of egg is just delicious in his mouth, but it is still a step behind the best ingredients he has ever eaten.

After eating and drinking, the second round of the hunter test officially ended, and a group of people who were not brave enough or had no self-awareness were eliminated.

The candidates who passed the test were invited to board Netero's airship. The location of the third exam was quite far away from here. Normally, the candidates were required to go to the third venue on their own. This time, President Netero was particularly kind and took the candidates there by airship.

This airship doesn't look very big from the outside, but after entering, everyone realized that this is not a simple airship, but an independent villa flying in the sky.

All kinds of food and electronic equipment are available, as well as gyms, cinemas, kitchens, and guest rooms. At this time, Tianming felt from the bottom of his heart that the technology in the hunter world was more advanced.

Although there are a lot of high-tech in the world of pirates, it is still a step behind the hunter world with modern civilization as the background.

As soon as they got on the airship, Gon started pestering him to learn the Moon Step. Even Killua, Leorio, Kurapika and others wanted to learn this skill that allows them to fly.

Tianming had no choice but to refuse Xiaojie's request. It was not because he was stingy and didn't want to teach. The physical fitness of humans in this world really did not support the use of the Six Styles.

His body had basically been developed to its limit, and there was no more room for improvement on the physical level. But even so, he still didn't dare to use the Six Styles frequently.

You have to know that he has decades of experience in using the Six Styles, but even so he can only barely prevent the Six Styles from hurting his body.

Based on his understanding of Gon and the others, Killua might use the Six Styles with restraint, but Leorio and Kurapika would definitely use it crazily when they get too excited.

Especially Kurapika. When this guy saw the members of the Phantom Troupe, he wished he had a nuclear bomb buried in his body so he could die with them. In the original comics, he even used skills that burned his life crazily, not to mention the Six Styles, which is more practical and has a lower threshold to use. It is estimated that this guy will step on the Moon Step with one foot and kick Arashi from the air with the other foot to fight desperately with the members of the Phantom Troupe.

As for Xiaojie...

Tianming said he had nothing to say, and he now understood why Jin didn't want to see Xiaojie.

If he had such a son, he would not want him to leave Whale Island. With this kid's personality, there is no need for him to use his Six Styles. He can kill himself by himself.

It seems that the people around him are all kryptonian warriors, and compared to them, Hisoka looks more like a normal person.

In the blink of an eye, it was getting dark. After a day of hard work, the other candidates were exhausted and went back to their rooms to sleep. Only Tianming couldn't sleep and was wandering around on the airship.

As he passed through a spacious corridor, several familiar figures outside the floor-to-ceiling window on his left attracted his attention.

Outside the window is a very spacious volleyball court. Gon and Killua, two naughty kids, are taking turns playing with Netero.

Netero was seen raising his left foot and using only his right foot to support the ground, with his right hand behind his back and holding the ball in his left hand. Opposite him, Xiaojie launched a fierce attack, aiming directly at the blue and white ball in Netero's left hand.

Distant memories slowly awakened. Tianming remembered that there seemed to be a scene like this, where Xiaojie and President Netero were playing ball. It seemed that as long as Xiaojie could grab the ball, he would directly obtain the hunter qualification without having to take the next exam.

Now Tianming also became interested. He pretended to know nothing and came to Killua to ask about the situation. After the other party explained in detail, he shouted and interrupted the two people on the court.

"Can I join this game?"

Xiaojie was so tired that he sat on the ground panting heavily, while Netero still stood on one leg and laughed, "Of course, the more people play the game, the more fun it is. But if it were you, I wouldn't let you play with one hand and one foot~"

Tianming naturally agreed. He planned to take this opportunity to test the difference in strength between himself and Netero.

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