Feeling the violent energy behind him like a wave, Kurapika subconsciously rolled forward and then half-squatted facing the direction where the energy came from.

His first reaction was to think that it was the previously captured member of the Phantom Troupe who had regained consciousness and launched a sneak attack on everyone. However, after they got ready, he was shocked to find that the person who released the telekinesis was actually Gon.

After confirming that there was no danger, he stood up and stared at Xiaojie. Until now, he couldn't believe that the person who burst out with such amazing mental energy would be the other party.

Although he has only been practicing Nen for half a year, Kurapika is confident that his training results are far superior to those of Gon and others of the same period.

During the past six months, he has been practicing like crazy and in hell, and even formulated "oaths and restrictions" in order to build up his mind ability. In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Xiaojie and others who are practicing conventionally to catch up with his progress.

However, the amount of mental energy that Xiao Jie exploded now made him doubt his life. How could the other party's mental energy expand to this extent in just less than half a year? In his perception, this amount of mental energy was not much worse than that of the spider named Wo Jin he had just seen.

Killua, who was standing next to Gon, sighed and said helplessly: "Sure enough, Gon's method is the simplest and most direct. If you don't experience it yourself, you won't understand our current strength."

After saying that, he also released his own mental energy. It was slightly weaker than Xiaojie's but basically on the same level. In a real fight, he would not be inferior to Xiaojie at all.

Seeing the actions of the two, Boudreau followed closely. Hua Shidoulang thought about it first and then released his own mental energy.

He and Kurapika had never met before and were not familiar with each other. This method could indeed dispel the other party's concerns about his own strength, so he also released his own mental energy to demonstrate his strength.

Tian Ming saw that the other team members had released their mental energy. He thought about it and then released some of his own mental energy. The terrifying mental energy collided back and forth between the unfinished buildings. The five people's mental energy was like five springs, madly hitting Kurapika's body.

His body was forced to retreat continuously, and finally he exploded all his mental energy and entered the "refining" state, only then was he able to stand firm and avoid being blown away.

Feeling that it was almost time, Tian Ming patted Xiao Jie's shoulder. Then he was the first to retract his own mental energy. The others also slowly retracted their mental energy into their bodies. Finally, the entire building returned to calm again as if the previous storm had never occurred.

Kurapika gasped heavily after he stood firm. It was the first time for him to face so many masters working together to release their mental energy. It took him a long time to calm down again.

After he stood firm, he did not speak immediately, but looked at Leorio who was grinning while hugging a concrete pillar not far away.

"And yours?"

Leorio hugged the concrete pillar, blinked his innocent eyes and asked, "My what?"

"Your mind energy."

"I just released it."

"Released? Why didn't I feel it?"

"If I hadn't let go, I would have been blown away!"

Kurapika: ...

In the end, Kurapika agreed to join this temporary team assembled to destroy the Phantom Troupe, and saw the information about the Phantom Troupe that Tianming took out from Leorio's briefcase.

After reading it, he took a deep breath. This information described the abilities of all members of the Phantom Troupe in great detail. In his eyes, the Phantom Troupe no longer had any secrets. This information could basically sentence the Phantom Troupe to death.

Just as Kurapika was excitedly checking the information of the brigade members and simulating in his mind what strategies to use to fight them, Tianming's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Your phone should have rang just now, right? Was it Hisoka who called you?"

Only then did Kurapika remember about Hisoka. He did not hide anything and generously admitted that he was cooperating with Hisoka. As long as the other party revealed the information about the members of the Phantom Troupe to him, he would help him create an opportunity to duel with the leader Kuroro.

But now that Tianming has provided such detailed information, Xi Suo is no longer that important to him, so he doesn't want to reply to the other party's call and doesn't intend to pay attention to the other party.

However, Tianming felt that there was nothing wrong in continuing to cooperate with the other party. After all, he could be the first to know the situation of the brigade, and even if there were any accidents, he would be able to know them first.

At Tianming's instruction, Kurapika contacted Hisoka, and Hisoka spoke first as soon as the call was connected.

"I just received news that someone has kidnapped No. 8. Is that guy with you now?"

Kurapika looked at Tianming and asked with his eyes how to answer. Tianming took the phone and said to Hisoka: "Xiao Di is indeed here with me. What do you want to see her for?"

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone turn into Tianming, Xi Suo was silent for a while and then said, "Did you personally take Xiaodi away?"

"That's right!"

"Has your identity been discovered by any of the brigade members?"

Tianming thought for a moment, then replied: "They haven't seen my face but they should have seen my clothes. I met them once before at the auction, so they should already know what I look like."

After saying this, Tianming clearly felt that Xi Suo on the other end of the phone was a little disappointed. He didn't understand why the other party asked these questions, so he waited for the other party to answer his questions.

All I heard was Hisoka saying, "If I'm not mistaken, the relationship between us should have been guessed by the members of the brigade.

After capturing the leader of the Yin Beast, the brigade members led by Wo Jin did not rush to find Xiaodi's whereabouts, but instead prepared to take the leader of the Yin Beast back to the temporary base.

The reason they didn't rush to find you is that they guessed the relationship between us. Fortunately, I used a message to ask for leave from Kuroro, otherwise I would not be able to get out if they ran into me."

There was helplessness but no fear in Hisoka's tone, as if he was not afraid of his own death even if he was caught. There was only a sense of loss in his tone for not being able to continue to participate in the "betrayer game".

After explaining his situation, Xi Suo found that Tianming had not responded for a long time. After waiting for a long time, Tianming's voice sounded again.

"Just make it clear what's the relationship between you and me? It's like we're having an affair. Can you please stop being so ambiguous?"

Xi Suo was stunned for a moment after hearing this, then he laughed strangely and said, "Of course our relationship is just that of good friends, but if you want to develop it into a lover, that's not impossible. I can give you a chance~"

"I'm going to give you a slap in the face! Stop talking nonsense. I'm going to give you two choices.

First, pack up and leave now, get out of Youkexin and hide outside for a while. The next news you hear about the brigade will be about its demise.

Second, come to me right now. I have something I need you to hand over to the Phantom Troupe. I promise that they won't kill you after you give it to them.

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