Maggie turned to look at the knight expressionlessly. At this time, everyone was discussing Tianming.

Feitan said, "As soon as we entered, the man stared at us. At that time, I thought my identity had been discovered and he was going to attack us."

Franklin took over the conversation and said in a dull voice: "That person gives people a very unusual feeling. I feel a heavy feeling from him. He should be a master with good strength."

As soon as he heard the word "master", Wo Jin pricked up his ears instantly and looked at Franklin with his facial features twisted with excitement.

"So the guy who discovered our actions must be that guy. After we deal with the gangsters, we will find him. We agreed in advance that he should be handed over to me!"

Wo Jin clenched his fists excitedly while speaking, and the knights closest to him could hear the sound of their hands clenching together.

It's no wonder that he was so excited. Franklin was usually taciturn and wouldn't easily praise anyone. Even he called that man a "master", so the other party must be very strong.

His goal is to become the strongest in the world. If he doesn't fight with such a master, he will be so depressed that he can't sleep.

However, the knight said, "Don't get excited, Wo Jin. I think the information was not leaked by that person.

It is possible that the other party recognized our identity, but he was probably not the one who notified the gang to transfer the treasure.

When we interrogated the auction manager before, he said that the treasures were moved away by the Yin Beast a few hours before the auction. When that man showed up, it was less than half an hour before the auction started. The time doesn't match at all."

The knight's rational analysis ruled out the possibility that Tianming tipped off the gang, but Wo Jin didn't care about it.

Regardless of whether the other party has any connection with the gang or the ten old men, it does not affect his plan to find the other party and crush this so-called "master" to death.

Maggie, who had been silent the whole time, turned her head back again. Now she had basically confirmed that the person who appeared at the auction venue was the one who had fought with Hisoka a few months ago.

Because the information she had was different from that of the knight, she had a completely different speculation about Tianming. It was possible that the information about the gang was indeed provided by this person named Tianming, and the person who actually leaked the information to him should be "Xi Suo".

After treating Hisoka in the Sky Arena last time, she secretly collected some information about Tianming and also learned that the other party had an ambiguous relationship with Hisoka.

These two people met when they took the Hunter Exam. Although they had fought afterwards, overall their relationship was pretty good. In this case, Hisoka is likely to have revealed the brigade's actions to the other party.

Thinking of this, Maggie gritted her teeth secretly. She was not sure whether Hisoka revealed it intentionally or let it slip unintentionally, nor did she know whether this guy really betrayed the brigade or it was an accident.

But no matter what, this matter cannot be told here. She knew Wo Jin before the brigade was established and knew him very well.

If the other party knew about this, they would definitely go straight to Hisoka to settle the score. Instead of letting this guy make a mess of things, it is better to bypass the other party and contact the captain Kuroro alone, and let the other party decide how to deal with Hisoka. Once Kuroro's handling is decided, I believe Wo Jin will not say much.

In this way, the brigade's hot air balloon continued to fly towards the suburbs of Youkexin until it landed in a place called "Gode Desert" and slowly descended.

Tianming and others' car followed the gang slowly, but when they were about to go around a hill, the car broke away from the gang's convoy and stopped behind the hill.

Several people got out of the car at the same time, and Melody said to everyone, "The Phantom Troupe's hot air balloon has stopped. I think they are preparing to attack the gangsters who are chasing them. It's very dangerous to continue chasing them. We can't get any closer. We can only watch from here."

Since everyone had no objections and climbed to the top of the hill at the same time, Kurapika took out the telescope he had prepared in advance and handed it to the others.

Although Tianming has the ability of Observation Haki, he still took the telescope. He cannot use his Observation Haki to scan everything, otherwise his eyes will degenerate over time.

Picking up the telescope and looking into the distance, he saw that the gangsters and Wo Jin had already started fighting.

Wo Jin, who was over two meters tall and full of muscles, was like an iron tower. He rushed among the gang members without treating them as human beings at all.

There were constant flashes of fire when the bullets hit him, but these bullets could not cause him any harm at all. Even the sniper rifle only made him feel a little pain.

Seeing this scene, Fei Jie's face turned pale and her lips turned white, and her expression became extremely ugly.

Among the four people at the scene, Kurapika had already known that the Phantom Troupe was very strong, so he was mentally prepared. Melody had used her telekinesis ability to observe the members of the troupe from a distance, and had also anticipated the strength of the telekinesis of people like Ugin.

As for Tian Ming, he didn't care at all. In his opinion, Wo Jin's two moves were nothing special. In his previous life, he had seen many people who were stronger than Wo Jin. This little scene could not cause any fluctuations in his heart.

Only Fei Jie did not expect that the Phantom Troupe would be so strong. She had thought that the people in the Phantom Troupe would be very strong, but she did not think that there would be such a big gap between herself and them.

Originally, she thought that with her own strength, even if she couldn't win, she would not be completely helpless. If she really couldn't win, she would just run away. She didn't believe that they were both users of Nen ability and she could be much worse than the other party.

However, now it seems that the gap in strength between the two sides is as huge as heaven and earth. She does not have the ability to remain unscathed in the hail of bullets. Even the rocket launcher can only tickle Wo Jin. With this kind of strength gap, it is impossible for her to break the opponent's defense.

As for her mental ability "180 Points Love Slave", it can indeed control the other party, but the problem is how could such a powerful master of the other party be caught and kissed by her? With this ability, she can directly knock the other party down without any need to control the other party.

Just as she was shocked by the strength of the Phantom Troupe, several auras suddenly appeared behind her and scared her so much that she almost dropped the telescope in her hand.

"Which family are you from?"

A few people turned their heads and saw a bald weirdo wearing only underwear suddenly crawling out of the mud behind them.

Tianming was not surprised by the appearance of this person. In addition to this Yin beast called "earthworm", there were three other Yin beasts following behind. He had already discovered the existence of these people using his Observation Haki.

When Fei Jie saw that it was these people, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained to Kurapika the origin of the "Yin Beast".

After learning the other party's identity, Kurapika stepped forward and said, "We are the security team of the Nosra family. We are here to track down the criminals who attacked the auction."

After confirming the identities of several people, Yin Beast was too lazy to talk nonsense with Tianming and others. When he was about to pass through Tianming's team to fight Wo Jin, Tianming's voice made them stop.

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