This incident was an eternal pain in his heart. He originally wanted to forget about it and start over, but he didn't expect that this bastard, Boudreau, would turn himself into a tiger again. I asked you to turn into a tiger! You turn yourself into another tiger for me!

Bang bang bang!

Boudreau was stunned. He didn't expect Tianming to suddenly get so angry, and he didn't expect the other party to be so strong.

Although he was already in a transformed state, he had no power to fight back when facing the opponent. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get rid of Tianming's power.

Boudreau kept kicking the ground with his feet and twisting his body to try to pull his head out of Tianming's hands. However, the opponent's terrifying power made him fail again and again. Finally, he lay on the ground in despair and let Tianming's fist take care of his "cat head".

Seeing that Boudreau had given up resisting, Tianming let out a breath, withdrew his hand, stood aside and stared at the other party with a bad look.

"Don't turn into a tiger in front of me next time, understand?"

Boudreau nodded helplessly. Although Tianming's punch was very painful, it only caused some superficial injuries. However, what hurt him more than the punch on the face was that his mental ability was not recognized by others.

This was an ability he had developed after much thought, combining human martial arts skills and a tiger's physical fitness. However, such a perfect combination was worthless in the other party's eyes, and this was what hurt him the most.

In his distraction, he failed to maintain his transformed state and returned to his human form. At this moment, Hua Shi Dou Lang came over and stretched out his right hand to him.

Boudreau was a little stunned. He had only met Hua Shidoulang a few times and was not very familiar with him. However, he did not refuse the other party's kindness and also stretched out his right hand to let the other party pull him up.

"Your name is Boudreau, right? Your mind ability is very strong, but it is only when you face Tianming that you seem powerless. You don't have to worry about it."

Boudreau was touched when he heard this. Although he was very old, he didn't have many friends. He could feel the sincerity and recognition in Hua Shidoulang's tone, and he felt much better instantly.

From that day on, the three of them began to practice advanced techniques of Nen ability on "Greed Island". In the first few days, Tianming taught them how to use and prolong the "Jian" technique. When both of them could release this technique continuously for half an hour, they began the actual combat phase.

Hua Shi Doulang and Bao Deluo simultaneously entered the "strong" state to fight Tianming two on one, while Tianming entered the "entanglement" state to fight back.

There was no other way. With his current strength, let alone entering the "Jian" state which combines offense and defense, even if he just started the "Lian" state which focused on offense, Hua Shi Doulang and Boudreau would not be able to withstand him.

However, this kind of sparring method that deliberately suppresses combat effectiveness is not completely without benefits. This period of sparring has allowed Tianming to have a deeper understanding of his first Nen ability, "Yin Yang Balancer".

At the very beginning, he discovered that if he converted all his domineering aura into mental energy when practicing with Hua Shi Dou Lang and Bao De Luo, his physical fitness would be greatly improved after recovering from his injury.

He speculated that it was related to his own mental ability, "memories of past lives". If he fully entered the "mental energy state", he could increase his physical strength after the battle, which could be said to be the most suitable state for cultivation.

Tianming named this state "Mind Qi Mode" and decided to maintain this mode when practicing with others in the future.

However, this mode also has its flaws, that is, if all the domineering aura is converted into mental energy, the overall strength of the individual will be reduced.

For example, if his domineering aura and mental aura are both 100% now, then using the "Yin Yang Balancer" to convert domineering aura into mental aura can only convert 60%, because the ability of the "Yin Yang Balancer" is essentially a materialization system, and an enhancement system can only exert 60% of the power of the materialization system.

Moreover, this 60% is not 60% of the mental energy but 60% of the domineering energy. There is one thing that Tianming has never paid much attention to before, that is, his domineering energy is far less than his mental energy.

Every enemy he had met before would be astonished when they felt the power of his mental energy, and his own domineering aura had the power to suppress mental energy, so he always thought that his domineering aura was even greater than his mental energy, but other mental energy users in this world could not feel his domineering aura.

However, after studying the "Yin and Yang Balancer" for a period of time, Tian Ming discovered that the total amount of his domineering energy was less than half of his mental energy. It was only because the energy intensity of his domineering energy was much higher than that of his mental energy that he had the illusion that his domineering energy was greater than his mental energy.

Now that he has been transformed by the "Yin Yang Balancer", his domineering aura, which was originally only half of his mental energy, will be cut in half again. Therefore, his overall strength will decrease when he enters the "mental energy mode". If this mode could not help him better increase his physical strength, he would not have deliberately developed such a useless thing.

However, this incident also reminded Tianming that since domineering aura can be transformed into mental energy, the same mental energy can also be transformed into domineering aura. Based on this, he developed a "domineering mode" specifically for fighting enemies.

This mode can be said to be the mode with the highest increase in his combat power. The total amount of mental energy is more than twice his domineering aura, and even if it is reduced by 40%, it is still higher than his current total amount of domineering aura. Therefore, when entering the "domineering mode", his basic amount of domineering aura will at least double.

Doubling the amount of domineering aura does not mean as simple as doubling one's strength. If a person's strength doubles out of thin air, then his actual combat effectiveness can easily beat 10 times his previous self.

He now has three energy modes: "Mind Energy Mode", "Domineering Mode" and "Balance Mode".

The "Qi Mode" is mainly used for cultivation and preliminary tests in combat with the enemy. In this mode, Tianming's physical strength will be greatly enhanced when fighting the enemy.

"Domineering Mode" is his most powerful combat mode. Although he doesn't know the exact limit of his strength, he feels that with this mode turned on, he will not be at a disadvantage even if he fights against the three guards.

However, this is just a guess. He has not seen the three guards in person and it is hard to say what their specific strength is. Therefore, this can only be a guess.

As for the "balanced mode", it is easier to understand. In this mode, Tianming does not convert between the two energies, but uses these two forces at the same time when fighting.

His overall combat capability is not as good as that of "domineering mode", and the increase in physical strength after fighting is not as good as that of "mind energy mode", but this mode is more comprehensive and the techniques of the two energies can complement each other. He usually maintains this mode in order to deal with any emergency.

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