"It's delicious~ I'm full, thank you for the treat!"

Buhara sat on the ground contentedly, stroking his ball-like belly with his big hands.

There were 70 roasted whole pigs, and the bones and scraps were piled up into a small mountain. This appetite shocked all the candidates who passed the test.

Tianming felt a little hungry watching this guy eating. If he had known, he would have left a piece of meat for himself when roasting the wild boar. This fat guy has such a big appetite that he probably wouldn't mind a small piece of meat from him.

He turned his head to glance at the candidates who had passed the test. There were seventy people in total who passed the test, and the vast majority of them passed without any injuries, with only a few suffering minor injuries.

The vast majority of the candidates who passed the test were familiar faces, all of whom were minor characters that had appeared in the original novel, but it had been so long that he could no longer remember their names.

Buhara's test is over, and now it is the turn of the gourmet and beauty hunter Menqi to ask questions for the test.

She was sitting on the sofa, crossing her legs and said lazily, "I want to eat sushi. Whoever can make sushi that satisfies me will pass the test."

When these words were spoken, everyone at the scene was stunned.

Gon looked at Killua and asked, "Do you know what sushi is?"

Killua shook his head. Although he was born in the Zoldyck family, he rarely had the opportunity to go out and had never heard of food called "sushi".

Kurapika had read some records about sushi in books, but the descriptions were very vague. He only knew that it was made of rice and fish, but he was not clear about the specific production steps.

The bald ninja Hanzo was already very happy. Sushi was a specialty of his hometown. He grew up eating sushi and of course he knew how to make sushi. This question was an easy one for him.

But the problem now is that he can't let others know that he can make sushi. He must get the fish and make it quietly without anyone noticing, and he must never let others...

Before he could figure out how to go to the river to catch fish without being noticed, he saw Tianming leaving the crowd and striding towards the river.

His actions attracted the attention of everyone present, and Xiaojie and others immediately followed Tianming.

"Tianming, can you make 'sushi'?" Leorio asked.

Tianming shook his head and said, "I've heard of it but never really done it. This is also my first time trying it."

He naturally knew what sushi was. To put it simply, it was fish or other ingredients spread on rice, and then eaten with chopsticks dipped in mustard or soy sauce.

He personally hates eating food like sashimi. In his opinion, food should be eaten well-done. For example, eating a medium-rare or medium-well steak is no different from eating raw meat. The correct way to eat steak is to throw it in a pot and blanch it.

Xiaojie and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. Even if they had heard of it, it was better than them knowing nothing. As long as they followed Tianming, they would be able to make this sushi.

Everyone who took the exam was a smart person. Seeing Tianming and Xiaojie and their group going to the river to catch fish, they also followed suit and came to the river. No matter what, they had to catch a fish first.

Tianming, who arrived at the river first, immediately spotted a big fish. Then he shook his body, and before everyone could react, he reached out and held the big fish in his arms.

The fish was at least one meter long, and its scales sparkled silver under the sunlight.

He found a vacant space and built a rack with branches. Then he used the small knife he had prepared in the examination room to scrape off a piece of meat from the fish and set it aside for later use.

Xiaojie and others, who each caught a fish and brought it ashore, were a little confused when they saw this. Tianming looked like he was going to grill the fish. Could it be that sushi is just another name for grilled fish?

And why did this guy scrape off a piece of meat from the fish? Grilled fish should be grilled whole, so why is there a piece of meat missing? Is sushi some kind of unique way of grilling fish?

Although they didn't understand, they still followed suit. They found a place to set up a rack and make a fire, and then followed Tianming's example to dig out a piece of fish and grill it.

Tianming made grilled fish because he was hungry. He just saw the fat guy Buhala eating a roasted whole pig. It was more exciting than watching food shows in his previous life. It made his stomach growl.

Although the exam is important, I still have to fill my stomach first. What's more, this level is just a test that the little girl Menqi is trying to pick on. Unless I am a professional food hunter or a professional chef, the sushi I make will never pass the other party's test. Instead of making food to please this little girl, I might as well reward myself first.

Menqi, who was not far away, saw Tianming start to grill the fish with his teeth chattering. He dug out a piece of fish meat before grilling the fish, obviously knowing how to make sushi. But this guy didn't complete the test first but grilled the fish himself. This bastard was too disrespectful to himself as the examiner!

At this time, the other candidates who passed the test had already built a fire to grill fish. Everyone was staring at Tianming intently. As long as he made any new moves, everyone would follow suit. Every one of them was a Hatake Kakashi.

When Tianming turned the grilled fish over, they also turned it over. When Tianming sprinkled pepper and salt on the grilled fish, they also sprinkled pepper and salt. When Tianming picked up the grilled fish and put it to his mouth to eat, they also...

Holy shit! What is this guy doing? He ate all the grilled fish for the exam? Is this part of making sushi?

Xiaojie hadn't realized the seriousness of the problem yet. Just as he was about to open his mouth to taste the freshly grilled fish, Killua stopped him and yelled, "Xiaojie, wake up. Tianming is obviously not making sushi. We have been fooled by this guy!"

Gon, who was scolded, scratched his head, not understanding what he meant, and Kurapika asked directly.

"Tianming, weren't you making sushi? Why did you eat the ingredients yourself?"

Tianming wiped his mouth and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with me eating my own grilled fish? Besides, my sushi is already prepared, I just haven't sent it to the examiner yet."

Kurapika showed a puzzled expression, then he thought of something, and with a twitching mouth he looked at the piece of fish that Tianming had just dug out.

At this time, the piece of fish meat was covering a small ball of rice. He remembered that Tianming had pinched it with his hands to make the two fit better.

He tremblingly stretched out his right index finger and pointed at the sushi. After getting Tianming's confirmation, he almost spit blood on his grilled fish.

You tell me this is called sushi? A piece of fish on rice, you tell me this is a dish?

At this time, the bald ninja Hanzo came over with his sushi, patted Kurapika on the shoulder and said: "Tianming is right, this is what sushi is like."

When they learned that sushi was the food from Hanzo's hometown, everyone wanted to roast Hanzo and Tianming together over the fire.

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