Seeing that the other party was still pretending to be confused, Yun Gu frowned and asked, "You killed those two search team members, right? Why did you kill them? The problem could be solved by cooperating with the investigation, why..."

"Shut the hell up!"

Tianming shouted angrily, stopping Yun Gu from saying the second half of his sentence. He deliberately did not kill Simon when he made his move. The reason he killed Simon was because this guy wanted to kill him. As for the other Dean, he did not kill him at all. He was very unhappy that all the blame was put on him.

What made him most angry was not this. He pointed at Yun Gu and yelled, "Who told you to come to me? Tell me now!"

Yun Gu stared at the words for a moment, then took out his cell phone from his trouser pocket, which was still on the line.

Tianming snatched the phone away and cursed at the other end: "Damn Netero, did you ask him to question me?"

There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then a stern voice sounded, "Tianming, calm down first. Things are not as serious as you think."

"Calm down! Let me ask you, did you give Hisoka his hunter license?"

Netero replied helplessly: "It was sent by me."

"Who issued Ilmi's hunter license?"

"Uh, this was also sent by me."

Tianming couldn't hold it in any longer and cursed Netero, "Hisso made it clear when he took the exam that he became a hunter just to be able to kill people openly.

Ilmi didn't even pretend and clearly said that he was a killer and had killed countless people before.

They don't even disguise themselves when they kill people. They kill people openly with their faces exposed and you don't care. Now you still question me when I change my appearance and kill someone?

I'm telling you! I killed the man. The photo and name on the wanted poster are wrong. My name is 'Zhao Tianming'. I sent you my photo when I applied for the hunter exam. Hurry up and change my wanted poster. I'll treat you as a murderer. If you dare, come and blow me up with a nuclear bomb!"

Netero was a little confused. He really didn't expect Tianming's reaction to be so big. He originally thought that he was easy to talk to when they were getting along with each other, but he didn't expect that he had such a bad temper.

Yun Gu was also shocked by Tian Ming's aura. Is this still the Tian Ming who spoke softly and loved to joke?

The reason why Tianming's temperament changed drastically was because he was really angry. People like Hisoka and Illumi were so tired of killing people that their hands were numb. The knights of the Phantom Troupe took part in the hunter exam openly with the identities of A-level wanted criminals, and those crappy bounty hunters didn't even fart and gave the other party hunter licenses openly.

These people were fine with whatever they did, but when they came to me they were questioned. To put it bluntly, it was because I was too easy to talk to before, giving Netero and these bastards the illusion that they could teach me a lesson.

Although Zhao Tianming doesn't like killing, he is no pushover. In his previous life, he joined the navy not for some damn justice, but simply because the benefits of the navy were high and he could live more freely on the sea.

If bastards like Sengoku and Akainu dared to interfere with him, he would definitely hang up the pirate flag and rebel immediately!

Seeing Netero didn't say anything, Tianming continued to talk to the phone, "I am very grateful to you for helping me to open my mind, but to put it bluntly, that was also the agreement you made with me after losing the bet. Don't take advantage of your seniority and pretend to be my 'master' to teach me a lesson!

I'm going to join the Phantom Troupe right now, kill that bastard Chrollo, become the leader myself, unify Meteor Street, become the emperor, unify the entire Hunter Continent, and then..."

Netero interrupted quickly, "Stop, stop, stop! You're getting more and more ridiculous.

Since you don't want to listen to an old man like me nagging, forget it. What I want to say is that I have cancelled the wanted order for you. Now tell me what happened that day and what the specific situation was at the scene. "

Tianming took a deep breath to calm himself down after hearing what happened. Then he calmed down a little and told him everything that happened that day.

Netero listened to Tianming's story quietly without making any sound. Yun Gu also carefully observed Tianming's expression and finally confirmed that the other party was not lying.

After a while, Tianming finished his story. Netero sighed and said, "That's the best way. This way I can explain it to my superiors."

Speaking of which, this matter really caused Netero a lot of trouble. Although Tianming repeatedly emphasized to the outside world that he was not Netero's student, it was easy to spread rumors and it was difficult to refute them. The rumor had already spread throughout the hunter circle that Netero had accepted a new student, and he had no way to refute it.

Vice President Pariston took advantage of this incident to impeach Netero for shielding his own students. Even Netero had to work very hard to settle the matter. This time he questioned Tianming just to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the other party would take his anger out on him instead.

Naturally, he would not tell Tianming these details. Of course, even if he did, Tianming would only scold him and say "you deserve it".

He himself promoted Pariston to be the vice president. If he had not promoted him, the other party would not be restricting him in every way now.

Netero volunteered to be the president of the Hunter Association. If he didn't want to be the president, no one would use this position to put pressure on him. Who can he blame if he is willing to suffer this?

At first, he thought Netero was unfathomable, but now the more he looks at him, the more he feels that this old man is a coward who is bullied everywhere.

What's the point of this old man still living? He should just grab a nuclear bomb and die together with the ant king. It's better to die miserably than to live in such a miserable way!

After explaining the matter clearly, Tianming calmed down and said, "Go catch more Class A wanted criminals when you have the energy in the future, and stop staring at me with those big, bull-egg eyes!"

After saying that, he crushed the phone to pieces, causing Yun Gu to slap his forehead and almost faint.

He said helplessly: "You crushed my phone."

"I know. My phone is broken too. I'll go buy a new one later."

Yun Gu sighed when he heard this. This phone of his is a limited edition and there are only 20 of the same model in the world. How can he get an identical one if he buys it now?

Just when he was secretly sad, Tianming suddenly raised his lips and smiled at him: "You were very aggressive when you first found me! What, if my answer at the beginning didn't satisfy you, were you going to attack me?"

Yun Gu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You misunderstood. Even if we really want to arrest you, it will be done by the bounty hunters in the association. I will not do anything to you."

The reason why he was angry at first was because he heard that President Netero was implicated by Tianming's incident. He respected President Netero very much in his heart, so his tone was so impolite.

Tianming waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "None of this matters. You should also be a registered fighter in the Sky Arena, right? If you want to pick a fight, I'm always here to fight you. Don't bother me with these trivial matters if you have nothing to do."

After saying that, he walked past Yun Gu and prepared to go downstairs to buy a mobile phone. The latter turned his head and looked at Tian Ming's back with the corner of his eye, and the look hidden under the glasses became deeper and deeper.

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