Being omniscient and omnipotent is indeed somewhat unrealistic. The ability of "memories of past lives" can only copy things whose principles are known in the subconscious, such as his stronger combat power and the Supreme Bandage.

Tianming himself had never seen the ability of omniscience and omnipotence with his own eyes, let alone knowing the principles of forming a subconscious mind, so he could only think about it in his mind.

After roughly figuring out his abilities, Tianming decided to return to the Sky Arena that day. He was afraid that not showing up for too long would arouse other people's suspicion.

After cleaning up the scene briefly, Tianming returned to the Sky Arena along the same route he came from without any haste.

He was quite nervous when he first entered the city of Valo. Although he used Life Return to disguise himself during the battle, Simon, who had seen his true face, was killed by him.

But after all, the abilities of Psychic users are varied, so it would not be surprising if their true identities were discovered by others.

Fortunately, his identity was not exposed. Tianming used his Observation Haki to see a wanted poster of "Green" on the wall of a bar. On it was a bloated fat man, which was not his current image.

However, he was still very cautious when approaching the Sky Arena. After greeting the staff, he took the elevator back to the 200th floor. It was not until the elevator stopped at the 200th floor that Tian Ming was completely sure that his identity was not exposed.

There were no ambushes or traps around, and everything was as usual, as if nothing had happened in the Sky Arena a week ago.

I returned to the door of my room with ease. Just as I was about to open the door and go back to my room, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind me.

"You came back without even saying hello to us. Xiaojie is very concerned about where you've been." Tianming looked back and saw Killua saying with his hands in his pockets and a look of impatience on his face.

Tianming smiled and guided the other person into the room. There were so many people around here and he was afraid that what he said would arouse suspicion.

After the two entered the room, Tianming locked the door and then said to Killua: "I encountered some urgent matters so I went out for a few days. Now I will be back as soon as I finish my work."

Killua's brows were furrowed into the shape of a "川" character when he heard that, but finally they relaxed and he sighed.

"The day you left, Hisoka came to us and told us that you were injured and needed to recover for a while. He said your injury was serious and it would take at least two to three months to recover. I didn't expect you to come back alive and well in just one week. Hisoka's words really can't be trusted."

Tianming understood. It was not that Hisoka's words were unreliable, but that the other party did not expect that he had awakened the "Supreme Bandage". If it were not for this healing artifact, he might really need two or three months to recover completely.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Killua and asked, "Aren't you and Gon inseparable? Why didn't he follow you when you came to my place?"

Speaking of this, Killua shook his head helplessly. It turned out that three days ago, Gon received a competition notification in the Sky Arena. Someone challenged him and the opponent was none other than Chido from the "Three-Pick on the Soft-Handed" group.

This battle is not so necessary for Xiaojie. As a newcomer, he still has more than a month to prepare. Even if he admits defeat in this battle, he will not be punished.

However, Xiaojie is stubborn and just doesn't believe in evil. Although Jidou is also a wild person who "has been forced to open his Nen", he has experienced countless battles in the Sky Arena after all. His combat experience is not comparable to that of Xiaojie, a novice Nen user.

He was badly injured and it would take about two months for him to fully recover.

Tianming stood up when he heard this, and Killua asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Take me to see Xiaojie."

Tianming plans to try the "Supreme Large Bandage" treatment on Xiaojie. He is not sure whether this ability can be used on other people. If possible, he will prepare more bandages in the future so that he can also play the role of a nanny.

Naturally, Killua had no objection to Tianming wanting to see Gon, and a few minutes later, the two of them arrived at the ward where Gon was.

There is a professional medical department on every floor above the 200th floor of the Sky Arena, with surgeons on call 24 hours a day. As long as you are not killed immediately in battle, they can treat you as soon as possible.

I saw Xiaojie sitting on his own hospital bed, with a sling on his right hand, his body wrapped in bandages and a sad face.

He was indeed a little too excited in the previous battle with Ji Dou. Both before and in the early stages of the game, he had many opportunities to surrender directly to avoid injury.

However, every time he had the idea of ​​surrendering, he felt that he might have a slight chance. Ji Dou was a long-range attacker who controlled a gyroscope. As long as he was close to the enemy, he felt that he had a chance of defeating him with one blow.

But tragically, he didn't touch the opponent in the end, but was seriously injured by the opponent's gyroscope. Fortunately, he had practiced the ability of mind for a period of time before, otherwise he might have lost this battle even more miserably, and even broken his limbs like Jidou and the others, and had to use a wheelchair and crutches from then on.

Just as he was thinking with a worried look on his face, the door was pushed open and Tianming and Killua walked in.

Tianming's sad expression disappeared when he saw Killua. Then he saw Tianming again and greeted him excitedly: "Tianming, you're back! I heard from Hisoka that you were seriously injured. I thought it would take a long time before I could see you again."

Tianming waved his hands helplessly and said, "It's just a minor skin injury."

As he spoke, he took out a bandage from his backpack, which he had asked for from the doctor on the way here.

Seeing Tianming taking out bandages from his backpack without saying a word, Xiaojie and Killua looked at each other and saw great confusion in each other's eyes.

Tianming ignored their doubts. He just held a roll of bandages and said to Xiaojie, "Your bandages are a little dirty. Let me change them for you."

Gon was totally confused, but Killua seemed to have figured out something.

During this time, Killua has mastered the technique of "Concentration", which allows him to focus his energy into his eyes so that he can see the energy of other people.

Therefore, he could see clearly the thought that Tianming attached to the bandage. The smart man instantly understood that this should be some kind of thought ability. Although he didn't know the specific effect, he felt that Tianming would not deliberately harm Xiaojie.

Although Xiaojie was confused, he did not sense any malice from Tianming, so he nodded and cooperated with Tianming to change his bandages.

Gon and Killua discovered that Tianming was very skilled in changing the bandages. In just over ten minutes, the bandages on Gon's upper body had been completely replaced.

Just when he was about to take off his pants, Killua and Tianming stopped him at the same time. Killua's face turned red and his head was steaming, while Tianming was frowning and secretly cursing that this kid really didn't care about his image at all.

His "Supreme Bandage" only needs to bandage the upper body. Bandaging the lower body or not will not affect the treatment effect. Even in his previous life, even if his legs were injured, he rarely bandaged the lower body and directly wrapped it in plaster.

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