This is a good question. Not only Gon and Killua want to know, but even Tianming himself wants to know why.

As mentioned just now, Killua is now only one step away from being able to cultivate Nen on his own. His hard skills such as physical fitness have already reached the standard, and the only thing he lacks is the soft power of understanding Nen.

With Tianming's current strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he can definitely beat 10 Killuas. This little bastard can never beat him even if he plays yo-yo into the sky.

But until today he could not feel the existence of the mental energy in his body, no matter whether he sat cross-legged in meditation or practiced physical techniques, he even did things like plugging his hand into a wall socket, but he still could not feel the existence of the mental energy.

He also had some guesses about the situation happening to him, which was that he had cultivated his domineering aura and suppressed the "life energy" in his body.

After all, the existence of domineering is a product of another world, while the ability to use mind is the local specialty of this world. It is reasonable that I am unable to use mind because of practicing domineering.

If that were the case, then he would have entered a vicious circle. His domineering aura could not be broken through because his physical fitness had been cultivated to the limit. If he wanted to upgrade his physical fitness, he would need to open his mind and control his mental energy, but his mental energy was suppressed by his domineering aura.

My current situation is hopeless, so I'll just dig a hole and bury myself there, and pray that my supernatural powers and domineering nature won't conflict with each other in the next world.

But he still has to try hard. After this hunter exam is over, he will tell Netero about his situation. Whether he can use his mind or not depends on whether the other party has any solution.

Gon and Killua looked at Tianming with sympathy. It was such a pity that he had such a strong talent for cultivation but his physique was not suitable for Nen ability!

The night passed quickly, and in the early morning when the sky was slightly bright, the airship landed above a huge tower.

The tower is cylindrical in shape and covers a very large area. Even a huge airship parked on it would appear very empty.

The candidates came to the large platform from the airship one after another. Just as they were waiting for the examiner to explain the rules of the exam to them, they looked up and found that the airship had already taken off.

Everyone looked at each other with wide eyes.

What was going on? They were just thrown here without any explanation or explanation. Most importantly, the examiner didn't show up. They didn't even know the rules. How could they act?

But each of these candidates taking the Hunter Exam is no ordinary person. They may not be the strongest, but they are the bravest.

I saw a smart man walk to the edge of the tower, and then began to climb down along the outer wall of the tower.

In fact, many people have already guessed the content of this level of examination. It is obvious that throwing them to the top of the tower is to make them go down to the bottom level. However, other candidates are not in a hurry to act. They want the smart one who climbed down first to explore the way.

As expected, just as the smart guy had climbed down less than ten meters, several strange-looking birds suddenly flew out from the forest in the distance.

These strange birds are very large, with arms more than 10 meters long when spread out. With just a little force of their claws, they grabbed the smart creature that was climbing down.

Da Congming screamed wildly and tried to break free from the strange birds. However, his struggle was in vain in the face of the strange birds' terrifying power. Soon the three strange birds tore him into pieces, each carrying a piece and flew back to the distant forest.

This scene made the candidates' scalps tingle. It seemed that climbing directly down was not the rule of this exam. There must be other routes to reach the bottom.

Tianming was confident that he could go down directly from the edge of the trap tower. These strange birds looked intimidating, but their strength was not that good. Even if their number increased several times, he was confident that he could fight his way to the bottom.

But there is no need for him to work so hard now. He has already received a promise from President Netero that even if he fails the exam this time, he can still get the opportunity to learn Nen. All he has to do next is to pass the exam according to the procedures.

He was seen strolling leisurely on the platform, scanning the tower under his feet with his observation Haki.

This tower is actually a huge prison with numerous traps and mechanisms, so it is also called the Trap Tower.

There are many entrances to the trap tower hidden on this platform. Whenever someone steps on these entrances, the entrances will open. After the person falls down, the entrances will return to their original state. This is the correct route to enter the trap tower.

Soon Tianming found the entrance to a trap tower. He used his observation Haki to scan the entrance and saw that there was no one there.

He remembered that this exam required five people to form a team, and he, Gon, Killua and others made a total of five people.

But after he found the entrance, he did not inform Xiaojie and the others. To be honest, he didn't like to team up with these people.

In his opinion, these people were a little too rule-abiding. If he blindly followed the rules of the trap tower, it would waste a lot of time. He could actually clear the level faster by himself than by teaming up with them.

He took a step forward and stepped on the entrance of the trap tower. In an instant, his feet were empty and he fell into the trap tower.

After reaching inside, he tapped the ground with his toes and landed steadily on the ground. At the same time, the lights in the dark room came on, and a closed room of about 20 square meters appeared in front of Tianming.

There were no windows or decorations around the room. There was a very sturdy large iron door on the side wall. The door was locked tightly without a key or handle. It seemed that another way to get out of here was needed.

Not far away there is a stone platform with five bracelets placed on it, and a monitor is hung on the wall behind the platform.

Tianming came to the monitor, on which the rules of this hunter test were clearly recorded in text form.

These five bracelets are prepared for the five people who fall into this room. Once the five people gather together, they can put the bracelets on their hands. Then, no matter which door to open or where to go, the five people must vote and the minority must obey the majority. Only after the voting is over can the door in front be opened.

After confirming that the rules of this game were the same as in the original story, he leaned against a wall with his arms folded across his chest and waited quietly for the other four teammates.

As long as four more people come, the door will be opened and the exam will officially begin. As soon as the exam starts, he will knock out the other four teammates and take away their wristbands.

This time he planned to speed through the game alone. With his strength, he was not worried about the traps in the trap tower. However, the four rubbish teammates might slow down his speed in clearing the level.

In fact, he did this for the sake of friendship with the four trash teammates. The next level would be much more brutal than this one. At that time, these trash teammates would most likely die directly. Being eliminated in this level could at least save their lives.

Just as he was secretly applauding his own "good deed", the mechanism above was triggered again, and a figure fell from the sky.

Tianming turned around curiously. He wanted to see who his first rubbish teammate was...

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