"It seems that you do know a little bit about identification.……"

Flip slowly raised his head and waved his hand slightly.

Seeing this, Cass next to him took out the snow-white cloth he had prepared long ago from his uniform pocket and threw it at Huang Quan.


With just the right amount of force, it was sent directly in front of Huang Quan.


Looking at the taciturn Cass, Huang Quan picked up the cloth and wiped his hands carefully, wiping off all the remaining dirt bit by bit.

As for why the other party didn't take out the gloves.

Huang Quan didn't care much.

After all, this was just a formality for the other party to see.

The real focus still depends on the degree of identification of the antique in front of him.

If there is any problem in this regard, and Flip is classified as a fraudster.

Just think about the result...

Those who survived in Meteor Street and stood at the top have never been kind people.

Speaking of which.

Under the gaze of the two, Huang Quan, who wiped his hands, did not hand the cloth back to the other party, but stuffed it directly into his pocket.

In this world with numerous and strange telepathic abilities, it is always right to be careful to hide your information.

What others think is not important to him. The expressions of Elder Flip and the other two who saw this scene did not change at all.

Just when the other party likes to take advantage of this little thing, this kind of thing is very common in Meteor Street and is not worth the two people's attention...

The prelude is almost over...

Turning his back to the two people again, Huang Quan stretched out his hands and picked up the white jade crown very gently. On the surface, he made an observation, but secretly focused his attention on the [Demon Lines], wondering if it would change when facing an ancient object without [Nian]...

The shape of the white jade crown is very special, as if there are tiny white jade scales, layered and cast, and the center of the crown forms a mysterious diamond-shaped carving pattern with a great sense of beauty.

No change?

Seeing that the [Demon Lines] did not show any sign of change, Huang Quan sighed secretly and prepared to put the white jade crown back on the wooden pillar platform.


Inexplicably, Huang Quan, who deliberately disguised himself as an ordinary person, felt that the [Qi] in his body was suddenly consumed bit by bit.

Then, in his surprised observation, the [Demon Lines] in his mind, which had been unresponsive, gradually expanded.

The information about the White Jade Crown also quickly entangled and appeared.

"So, if you want to reveal the information of ordinary antiques, you need to consume [Qi] as a price?"

Realizing this, Huang Quan's eyes flashed with enlightenment, and he immediately looked at the information that appeared. At this stage, the most important thing is to identify the collection in front of him first, so that he can occupy a favorable situation.

【The White Queen (full)】

【Quality: Rare】

【Year: 875】

【Note: This was made by Beerus, the top caster in the Kingdom of Aigu 800 years ago, at the invitation of the king for his lifelong love, Queen White, who was as white as jade. He used all the rare white jade iron in the country to make it.……】

【White Jade Iron is shaped like white jade, light in weight, but several times harder than steel. Under Beerus's top-level forging skills, it has become the only Queen's Crown in the world.……】


Detailed information and data, as Huang Quan's [Qi] continued to be consumed, continued to entangle and spread.

Seeing this, Huang Quan frowned, and gently and steadily sent the [White Queen] on the wooden pillar platform, and the continuous consumption of [Qi] stopped directly.

So that's it...

When Huang Quan understood the specific operation of [Demon Lines], his frowned brows relaxed, looking at the series of information in his mind, and extracted several key points. After thinking for a moment, Huang Quan turned his head to look at Elder Flip, who seemed to be studying the necklace, and said lightly:"This ancient artifact should be the [White Queen] created by the king of the Aigu Kingdom eight hundred years ago for his beloved queen with the power of the whole country!"

"Whether it is the top casting technique, the rarity of white jade iron, or the unique carving texture……"

"It can be seen that this is a work personally made by Beerus, a famous top casting master in history.……"

"Only this master could create works that are more delicate than sculptures through casting, so each of the thirty-six works he cast in his lifetime is a rare and unique item.……"

"The White Queen is the last work of Master Beerus. This shows the value of this item.……"

Combining the information in his mind, Huang Quan calmly explained to a certain extent, without too much detail or too general.

Everything was displayed just right.

At least, at this moment, Flip had already fixed his eyes on Huang Quan, and many emotions such as sudden realization, surprise, and astonishment appeared on his face one by one.

It can be said to be extremely astonishing.

Cass, who was not far away, looked even more dumbfounded.

Since he had worked under the elder, this was the first time he had seen someone identify antiques in such detail.

The previous identification masters, or scammers, either had no idea at all, or put forward vague concepts and rhetoric.

And the result of this is usually to disappear from this world...

Bang Bang Bang!

"Very good..."

Hearing this, Flip clapped his hands and looked at Huang Quan with a bright smile.

There were many things in the information that the other party appraised that even he didn't know.

He didn't expect that the other party could appraise it in such detail.

At this moment, Flip looked at Huang Quan as if he was looking at a treasure.

This guy might be a very talented appraiser. I must find a way to accept him...

No... I have to test it again. It's just an ancient artifact and it can't explain anything...

Let me see how far you can go.

Thinking of this, Flip's smile on his face did not change. He looked at Huang Quan with a little enthusiasm and said:


The look in the old man's eyes...

Noticing this, Huang Quan frowned and turned to walk towards the second collection.

The second collection, the Purple Mountain wooden pillar, was slightly shorter than the first one, about 1.3 meters tall. On the wooden platform, there was an exquisite green vase with sacrificial patterns carved on it.

【Werner's immaturity】

The corresponding information, as Huang Quan touched it and consumed the [Qi] a little, was displayed in his mind one by one.

Afterwards, Huang Quan did not explain it immediately, but put it down and walked towards the third antiquity collection.

The other party's eyes just now always made him a little confused.

Besides, his current personality should not be an omniscient appraisal master, but a dealer who knows a little about certain appraisal techniques.

This means that the impression given to the other party should not be too high, and a moderately satisfactory level must be maintained.


Seeing Huang Quan directly skip over the vase, the heat in Flip's eyes gradually dissipated.

Since the antiquity was not identified immediately, it means that the other party's appraisal level has not reached the level of an appraisal master.

It seems that the idea of accepting this little guy before should be considered... the collection.

Huang Quan, who didn't know what Flip was thinking at the moment, was holding the rough golden arm armor and observing it carefully.

It seemed to be a very careful appraisal, but in fact it was the throbbing feeling that emerged in his heart, which made Huang Quan want to forcibly absorb the weak [Nian] on the golden arm armor.

"Can't be impatient..."

Huang Quan suppressed his inner throbbing calmly.

He would not act rashly if he was not sure whether absorbing [Nen] would attract the attention of other Nen users.

Otherwise, once discovered by Flip and Cass, the consequences would be disastrous.

The best way is... to steal it quietly!

Recalling the role of [Air Gate], Huang Quan's eyes flashed with a strange color, and then he gave Flip a detailed introduction to the origin of the name of this piece of [Polos Arm Guard] and the identification results. Flip, who was very satisfied with this

, couldn't help but clapped his hands.

Although the other party is not a top appraiser who knows all the collections, the information he appraises is always more detailed than what he has.

In this regard, such talents should be recruited by him.

Thinking of the scene in the future when more and more authentic antiques will be circulated, the fat smile on Flip's face became more and more brilliant.

At this time.

Walk to the fourth collection of Huangquan and pick up the antique on the wooden table that does not exist.

This is an old and broken red totem pole.

The totem pattern on it is a little damaged and broken, but the exquisiteness and delicacy are as if they are close at hand, and the textures are mysterious and clear.

"It looks a bit like a bear…"

Not long after, Huang Quan confirmed his answer after looking at the information revealed by the [Demon Lines].

It is indeed a totem called [Flame Bear], which is more than 3,000 years old and is worshiped by the Flame Bear tribe.

Unfortunately, according to the information displayed by the [Demon Lines], the quality of the [Flame Bear Totem] is only at the [Precious] level.

"Perhaps, there was once a"thought" on this.……"

Gently putting down the [Flame Bear Totem], Huang Quan did not explain it in detail this time, but gave a general introduction.

After all, it was something that happened three thousand years ago, and there was very little history in this area. If he explained it in too much detail, it would inevitably make the fat man suspicious.……"

However, at this moment.

For Flip, Huang Quan's accurate appraisal once again really made him feel rare joy.

There are many people, but few talents.

Especially at this moment, the value shown by Huang Quan has made Flip want to win him over.

On the other side.

After explaining, Huang Quan walked towards the fifth purple-gold wooden pillar platform calmly.

This is the one that gave him the strongest throbbing feeling among all the collections.

It can be said that it is stronger than the other four combined.

Although this is a broken and cracked black broken knife, it is still as long as an adult's forearm... The most important thing is that the obsession attached to it is the most intense item of mind tool that Huang Quan has seen in such a long time.

Must absorb it!

The desire emerged again, Huang Quan suppressed his calm expression, and gently lifted up the black broken knife that seemed to fall apart at any time.

In an instant, an indescribable sharp feeling was transmitted from the only intact blade to the touch of Huang Quan's hands, as if he would be cut off and fell if he dared to touch the blade with his hands.

"If you are so sharp, how did you become like this?……"

With a flash of curiosity in his eyes, Huang Quan looked at the rapidly changing and entangled [Devil's Lines] in his mind.

The next moment, detailed information appeared like a waterfall.

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