The person who came was the owner of the weapon shop where Lin Yu bought Tang Dao twice.

Lin Yu had been suspicious of this person for a long time. He had speculated that this person might be a senior, such as the principal of a certain high school.

But I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

The first reason why this person is considered powerful is because he can fly.

This is the symbol of the seventh-level combat power—flying!

And from his tone, it seems that he knows the Supreme Academy that the young man said. Could it be that the strength of the two is about the same?

Lin Yu stood there, feeling as if he was in a vortex.

How could it become the object of contention between the two forces without knowing it?

"Little friend, are you surprised? Let me tell you the real identity of the old man. The old man is Professor Wang from the Chaos Elements Academy, and also the specialist who came to Jicheng to recruit students. The old man thought that he could only recruit Zhao Ke, but he didn't expect Your appearance surprised this old man!"

Professor Wang was very surprised. The kid in front of him surprised and surprised him time and time again.

Not to mention talents, just combat power has also improved by leaps and bounds, and now they have reached the third level of combat power.

You must know that Shi Yifeng, who is an SS-level talent, has just broken through the third-level combat power not long ago.

If it's just a breakthrough in combat power, it still doesn't give him the idea of ​​recruiting. What makes him most excited is that Lin Yu's talent has changed again.

Talent transformation is the most difficult thing, and it is infinitely more difficult than breakthroughs in combat power. Such a difficult task has allowed him to succeed twice in a row, and the time between them is less than three months.

How does this not shock him? How not to surprise him?

In his decades of life, this was the first time he met such an unreasonable genius.

Another reason is that Lin Yu's avatar talent is probably the first s-level avatar talent in history.

He traveled so far today, and suddenly saw a huge statue of Bodhisattva appearing, so he came to investigate for a while, but he did not expect to encounter this scene.

He didn't care at first, but after seeing Lin Yu's change, he became anxious.

Lin Yu must not be allowed to join another academy, and it is still the Supreme Academy!

This academy has long since declined, and it is still in a crisis-ridden Guixu. He does not want Lin Yu, a 100% accidental genius, to perish in Guixu after a few years.

This kind of talent should enter their academy, grow up step by step, and become the future and pillar of the human race.

"Little friend, what do you think?"

Seeing this, Lin Yu smiled wryly and said, "The two seniors are both masters, will my decision work?"

The young man glanced at Professor Wang, saw that it was an unfamiliar face, took a sip of wine silently, and said, "I respect what you say!"

Professor Wang sized up the young man, and thought to himself: This man should be a contemporary master of the Supreme Academy, and his cultivation level is comparable to mine, but it does not match the rumored appearance of wearing Taoist robes.

It seems that the rumors are wrong, and they are right, after all, I heard that this senior brother seldom goes out, and likes to stay at the Guixu and refine various utensils.

Professor Wang also said: "I am the same, but you still have to consider your little girlfriend's mood. You must know that too many things can happen in the four years of college, and too many couples finally broke up because of different places. You have to think about it carefully." think!"

Lin Yu wanted to cry when he heard this, is your old man respecting my decision? You are forcing me!

Looking at the two of them again, he asked, "I want to know about Chaos Elemental Academy, can you introduce it?"

When Professor Wang heard the words, his mind came to fruition!

He glanced at the young man proudly, and introduced with joy:

"Chaos Elemental Academy, ranked third among the top ten prestigious schools, mainly focuses on awakened elements. We have signed a contract with six elemental worlds, and we can go to these six worlds to practice and get twice the result with half the effort. In addition, our academy There are also various cultivation secrets, which can greatly increase the speed of cultivation!"

"In addition, those who enter the school are free from tuition fees and can receive a monthly subsidy of 10,000 star coins!"

"Students who enter the school will be assigned a villa and three servants, and they will be given tens of millions of star coins when they enter the school!"

"After graduation, you can enter the army, adventure team, government agencies, etc., almost without hindrance, and you are a talent that the major forces are vying for!"

"You will experience other benefits in the future. As for the Supreme Academy, it has already declined. There are only two people in the school. Although guarding Guixu, the death rate is extremely high. I don't recommend you to go!"

Lin Yu was a little moved, and looked at the young man, but the young man just smiled and didn't show much emotion, which made Lin Yu's idea of ​​peeping into his heart in vain.

The young man glanced at Professor Wang and said with a smile: "It seems that your Excellency is very familiar with my Supreme Academy. I wonder if you know the benefits of the Supreme Academy?"

Professor Wang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. In a dangerous place like Guixu, the Supreme Academy is in danger, and life is in danger at any time. What good can it do?

This danger can eliminate all the benefits. It seems that the personality of this elder brother is different from the dull and taciturn one in the rumors?

The rumors misled me. When this matter is over, I must write some articles to let the world see what kind of person the real senior brother of the Supreme Academy is!

The young man smiled and continued:

"First of all, my Guixu Academy is located in Guixu, surrounded by many ferocious beasts. It is a rare place for trials. It is very beneficial for honing your mood and skills!" The young man continued:

"Secondly, Guixu is a weak spot in the Blue Star space. Invaders from all realms will often enter this place, and occasionally new worlds will appear. We can even counterattack and seize the resources in it for our own use!"

"Third, although there are fewer people, it used to be the No. 1 college. There are fewer people but more resources on average. As long as you join our college, you can use all the school's facilities for free!"

The young man took a big gulp of the wine, and Lin Yu wondered why the wine in the wine gourd hadn't been finished yet?

Professor Wang was unmoved, and sneered: "If you don't say anything else, just say that the tide of monsters in the Land of Return is not suitable for young people to go there. If you are not careful, you will be killed by ferocious beasts. If you die, there will be nothing. It’s the future! My Chaos Elemental Academy is still safe, and I don’t need to go out to hunt, but stay in the secret realm to practice, and it’s several times faster than the outside world!”

The young man snorted and said, "Academic, mediocre!"


Before Professor Wang finished speaking, a wine gourd mouth was stuffed into his mouth, making him speechless.

"Drink some wine, talk less, boy, and tell me your decision!" The young man looked at Lin Yu and asked.

Lin Yu pondered for a moment, looked at Professor Wang, and bowed respectfully towards Professor Wang.

When Professor Wang saw this scene, he immediately burst into joy. This kid is still very good.

This matter, is it done? !

However, the next moment, his expression froze.

I saw that Lin Yu walked up to the young man and said respectfully: "Senior, I choose the Supreme Academy!"

Professor Wang: ""

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