Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 9 Identification

The fat monk sitting behind the desk took out a palm-sized jade slip from his storage bag, looked up at Lu Ye, and said, "Name, origin, and level of cultivation?"

Lu Ye answered one by one.

The fat monk muttered: "Xuantian Sect Lu Ye...well, I found him, he is indeed there!"

Only then did Lu Ye realize that the jade slip in the fat monk's hand should have recorded some information on the mine, including the origins and identities of the mine slaves. Such inspection could ensure that no remnants of Evil Moon Valley were mixed in.

"But... that's not right!" The fat monk narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is recorded in the jade disc that Lu Ye is just a mortal who has not yet enlightened. But you have already opened one, which does not match the information. This is a bit difficult to handle."

As he spoke, he kept glancing at the storage bag on Lu Ye's waist.

Lu Ye secretly smiled in his heart. His previous worries were indeed correct. A mining slave carrying a storage bag could easily arouse unnecessary covetousness.

If he had followed his previous plan, it wouldn't matter if he gave this storage bag to him. It would be a waste of money and disaster. Anyway, he was free now. From now on, the sky is high and birds can fly. Are he afraid that he can't find anything better?

But with Elder Tang's casual words as a foundation, Lu Ye didn't have to be afraid of anything. The old man's good intentions could never be let down.

Facing the fat monk's doubts, Lu Ye said: "I met an injured Xieyue Valley monk in the mine tunnel. I killed him and opened the spiritual orifice on the thin line between life and death."

The fat monk raised his eyebrows when he heard this. If what Lu Ye said was true, it would be a big deal. A tiger is always a tiger. Even if it is injured, it is not something that a goat can provoke, let alone kill.

He somewhat understood where the storage bag on Lu Ye's waist came from...

At this time, the young monk who led Lu Ye came over, leaned over and said something in the fat monk's ear. The fat monk looked surprised: "Which Mr. Tang?"

The young monk said nothing and only looked at him.

The fat monk reacted, coughed lightly, and looked at Lu Ye, whose expression became much kinder: "I see, you are a bit brave! Well, although your identity is basically confirmed, you still have to go through the process. You Come with me."

Saying this, he stood up.

"Senior Brother Pang, I'll go and get busy first," the young monk said, cupping his fists.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Senior Brother Pang waved his hand.

Following the fat monk, Lu Ye walked in the direction where many mining slaves gathered.

When he got closer, the fat monk held his waist with his hands, took a few breaths, and then said, "Is there anyone from the Xuantian Sect? Come forward and let me take a look."

No one answered.

Lu Ye glanced over and did not see the faces of Xuantian Sect disciples.

After all, Xuantian Sect is a small sect with not many disciples. When it was captured by Xieyue Valley a year ago, many people died, and only more than twenty young people were still alive.

Over the past year, many people have died, but in Lu Ye's memory, there should be three or five people still alive.

But at this moment, the three or five people were not seen, and they must have encountered something unexpected.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad. Although he had no sense of belonging to Xuantian Sect, he was the only one left in the sect, which made him realize the cruelty of this world even more.

The fat monk asked again: "Does anyone know him?"

Still no one responded. Lu Ye was not very popular among the mine slaves. Everyone was sallow and thin and struggled to survive every day. However, Lu Ye lived a very nourishing life and had enough to contribute to exchange for Qi and Blood Pills. In this way, others The mine slaves naturally didn't have a good impression of him.

The same unfortunate experience does not make people share the same hatred, but it is more likely to breed estrangement and rejection.

Lu Ye saw the Liu brothers in the crowd. The two guys were not dead, so they were lucky. However, the Liu brothers had no intention of standing up to prove Lu Ye's identity, and just looked at him with gloating.

The fat monk couldn't help but glance at Lu Ye, wondering if this guy was Lu Ye of the Xuantian Sect. Since he was a mine slave, someone should be able to prove his identity.

Many people have checked in this way before, identifying each other and confirming their identities.

"I know him, he is Xuantian Sect Lu Ye." Just when the fat monk was suspicious, a weak voice came out.

"Who is speaking?" The fat monk turned his eyes back and followed the source of the sound.

The crowd parted on their own initiative, revealing the speaker.

Lu Ye was slightly surprised when he saw the man's appearance clearly, because he had only met this man once, and he hadn't seen him for a long time.

The speaker was a woman. Compared with the gray-faced mine slaves around her, her clothes were not bright, but at least they were neat and clean.

The fat monk looked at the woman and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure he is Xuantian Sect Lu Ye? Think carefully before speaking. There will be no good consequences for lying in front of me."

The woman shrank her neck, but still said firmly: "I'm sure."

The fat monk nodded and waved to Lu Ye: "Okay, your identity is innocent, go and stay there, don't run around." After saying that, he winked at Lu Ye: "There is an opportunity waiting for you tomorrow."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

After he left, the depressing atmosphere was relieved. It can be seen that these slaves living at the bottom are still very afraid of the fat monk.

Lu Ye thought for a while, then walked toward the woman who had just spoken. When he got close, he said, "Girl, thank you for speaking up."

The woman shook her head: "No, you saved me, and I didn't even have time to thank you at that time."

What she was talking about happened nearly half a year ago. At that time, Lu Ye encountered this woman deep in the mine tunnel. She was being chased by another mining slave. Lu Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so he taught the murdering slave a lesson. pause.

But since that time, he has never seen this woman again.

Lu Ye smiled: "Then we are even?"

The woman also smiled, and her lifeless face regained some vitality: "It's even."

"Get to know Xuantian Sect Lu Ye again!"

The woman bowed gracefully, showing off her ladylike demeanor: "Mr. Yu, Yu Xiaodie."

Lu Ye asked curiously: "Miss Yu, do you know why we are gathering here? What was the opportunity that the fat man mentioned just now?"

Yu Xiaodie stretched out her hand to pull the hair around her ears and explained: "Those of us are people with clear origins and innocent identities. Basically, we have not awakened. Even if we have awakened, our cultivation level is very low. Xie Yue Valley will not We will not train us as humans, but there must be some among our group who are suitable for cultivation. The Haotian League has taken over this place, so naturally it needs to be resettled. Some of them are suitable for cultivation, and those with cultivation qualifications will be The sects of the Haotian Alliance took it away."

"Is this the opportunity that the fat man said?" Lu Ye suddenly realized.

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