With the outbreak of battles, the ranking of the top 100 list is constantly changing.

If someone is on the list, others will naturally be down. The names on the list are floating up and down, and it is extremely lively.

And almost every battle will attract countless Kyushu monks to watch, especially those battles that are ranked high, even those major cultivators of the Divine Sea Realm will watch and emulate with gusto.

Seeing the vigor and vitality of the younger generation reminds them of their past.

On the first day of the fourth round, Lu Ye did not receive any challenge and spent it in a smooth manner.

On the second day, with nothing to do, he found Ju Jia's name on the top 100 list, and immersed himself in it.

In the next moment, a clear picture appeared in my mind.

It seems that this picture is directly projected into his mind, which is also the unique way of watching the battle of Kyushu monks.

Familiar with the terrain of the battlefield, the burly giant armor is fighting fiercely with a Dharma cultivator.

I don't know how long the battle lasted. When Lu Ye watched the battle, he only saw that Faxiu's aura was fluctuating, his expression was both annoyed and helpless, and he was chased by the giant armor and ran around the field.

This kind of terrain is actually not friendly to Dharma cultivators, because there is not much room for maneuvering.

If he were to choose the terrain of the battle, he would definitely not choose such a place.

But he is the one being challenged, and Ju Jia is the one who initiates the challenge. The choice of terrain is in the hands of Ju Jia.

Faxiu is undoubtedly at the ninth level of Yunhe, and his strength and background are all impressive, with a series of Taoism skills flying in the air.

However, in the face of these powerful spells that are enough to make any ninth-level physical cultivation retreat, the giant armor with only a seventh-level cultivation does not care about it. The whole person is like a mad beast. Jutsu, relying on his heinously powerful physical body, smashed the various spells abruptly, and kept chasing Faxiu.

Those powerful spells bombarded him, at most they could only sluggish him a little and cause some flesh injuries.

Muscles of the naked upper body bulged, and the blood of the whole body burst like a sunburst.

Lu Ye watched for a moment, and knew that the giant armor should have won this battle.

The advantages and disadvantages of the giant armor are extremely obvious. The advantage is that the body is incredibly powerful, and it can ignore most attacks. At the level of the Cloud River Realm, very few people can use means that threaten his life, even today's Lu Ye, If you want to do this, I'm afraid you have to do your best to display the stars.

But the disadvantage is that it is not flexible enough. Of course, this is only relative.

One who is trying his best is unable to cause effective damage to his opponent, and one who is chasing fiercely but is unable to get close to the enemy. In such a battle, the only way to determine the winner is to wait for one party to exhaust its spiritual power.

Faxiu's continuous use of spells consumes a lot of money, but the giant armor has no worries in this regard, so it should be Faxiu who is not supported first.

And considering that he may need to challenge others, or accept challenges from others, Faxiu will definitely not let himself fall into a state of spiritual exhaustion.

It shouldn't be long before Jujia, the opponent, will take the initiative to admit defeat.

Just as Lu Ye thought, after less than half a cup of tea, the panting Faxiu suddenly stopped running away, looked helplessly at the giant armor rushing towards him, and said, "Why did I meet you like this?" A monster!"

The giant armor turned a deaf ear to it, approaching him, and an iron fist slammed down heavily.

"Admit defeat!" Faxiu shouted, his figure disappeared, and the giant armor punched nothing.

He didn't care too much. Since participating in the Yunhe hegemony, he has experienced such scenes too many times. Most of the time, others have nothing to do with him, and he has nothing to do with others. .

Naturally, Lu Ye was not the only one who watched this battle, and many of them were true lake gods and sea realms from major sects.

Although from the beginning to the end, the giant armor did not cause any damage to that Faxiu, but its physical strength moved those true lake gods.

Many people have been secretly inquiring about the origin and origin of the giant armor.

Unlike Lu Ye, who stirred up troubles and became famous on the Yunhe battlefield, the giant armor has not been paid attention to since entering the Yunhe battlefield.

Now that he suddenly revealed his majesty, it naturally aroused the interest of those strong men from the big sects.

If such a gifted physique can be recruited and cultivated, he will definitely be a pillar of the sect in the future!

After inquiring and inquiring, they couldn't find the giant armor's heel, and no one knew where he came from. This made those true lake gods and sea realms who were interested in the giant armor feel helpless.

The battle of the giant armor was over, and Lu Ye went to watch the battle of the fourth senior brother again.

The battle on the fourth senior brother's side was much more intense, with sword energy criss-crossing, sword sounds bursting, and the light of flying swords shuttled through the void, fighting back and forth with his opponent, in full swing.

It belongs to the kind of battle that is both ornamental and authentic.

The opponents in the fierce battle with the fourth brother were not inferior to him in the slightest, so Lu Ye had no way to see who would win this battle.

But as a sword cultivator, every strike of Li Baxian consumes a lot. If he can't win in a short time, he must be the one who loses.

The sword cultivator is number one in killing Kyushu, but the disadvantage is that it consumes too much.

Until Li Baxian joined the sword light and struck a ghostly blow in the void...

It's like using a sword as a pen, splashing ink and swiping a brush, writing down many strokes...

This blow penetrated the weak point of the enemy's defense. Li Baxian's opponent was obviously taken aback. Before he could respond, another sword light slashed out.

Cut through the void, like a swipe!


Although it has not been long since he got the book sword, Li Baxian is extremely talented in the way of sword cultivation, and he has already realized something of his own from it.

These unpredictable two swords completely messed up the enemy's position, one wrong move, and the whole game was lost.

A moment later, in the arena, Li Baxian's opponent had already surrendered and left, only Li Baxian was floating in white, exhaling lightly.

He didn't win this battle easily.

And he could feel that this was already his limit.

If he wanted to climb up again, unless he could improve his cultivation base, the cultivation base of the seventh layer of Yunhe was still too reluctant after all.

Sighing slightly, he left quickly.

The battle for hegemony in this realm of Yunhe is destined to amaze many gods in Kyushu, because not only Lu Ye, the eighth-level realm, overwhelms a generation of arrogance.

There is also a talented physique like Jujia, Li Baxian, and Feng Yuechan...

And these three people are all only at the seventh level of Yunhe!

This kind of thing has never happened in the previous cloud river hegemony.

In the previous dynasties of Yunhe's hegemony, the top 100 were almost all the ninth-level Yunhe. When will the seventh-level and eighth-level be able to enter such a battlefield?

And each of them is extremely eye-catching!

At the same time, another name also entered the field of vision of Kyushu overhaulers.

Lan Ziyi!

This woman, who was originally ranked eleventh on the Top 100 list, is steadily improving her ranking.

In the rules of the fourth round, challengers can only challenge opponents who are two ranks higher than themselves, and there is no way to directly challenge those who rank higher.

Lan Ziyi was eleventh at first, so she could only challenge the ninth one at most.

So after the first day of the fourth round, she replaced the ninth.

On the second day, she became seventh.

On the third day, she was fifth.

By the fifth day, she had become the second place, only under Lu Ye!

Her unhurried movements and the style of only fighting once a day undoubtedly demonstrated her absolute confidence in her own strength. She believed that she could beat the opponents in front of her and replace them in the ranking.

She really did.

Everyone who pays attention to this finds it incredible.

Because the top ten, except for Lu Ye, are all strong men who have accumulated at the level of Yunhe Realm for at least a year, but Lan Ziyi was able to defeat them all, which shows that he is powerful.

And the monks who have watched her fight can also see from it that this female nun is not the kind of person who has a cultivation level in vain but does not have the corresponding strength.

Her fighting style is changeable, she has a wealth of experience against the enemy, and she can perfectly display her own strength, so it is not difficult for her to win almost every battle.

Only the battle with Mu Qingyun was more difficult, but that wasn't because Mu Qingyun's strength was far superior to the others, but as a sword cultivator, every move and style of Mu Qingyun was a killer move. Lan Ziyi had to deal with it carefully.

In that battle, Lan Ziyi was injured, and Mu Qingyun was even more seriously injured.

Everyone is waiting for her next move, waiting for her to challenge Lu Yiye, who has always been at the top of the list and has not been challenged so far!

So when the sixth day of the fourth round came, countless eyes in Kyushu were fixed on the names of Lu Ye and Lan Ziyi, looking forward to the arrival of a shocking battle!

However, everything is calm...

Lan Ziyi, who maintained the rhythm of the daily battle, did not move at all on the sixth day, which was disappointing.

Some people also speculated that in the previous battle with Mu Qingyun, Lan Ziyi was injured, so today must be in the process of healing, and she will face Lu Ye in the best condition!

This guess is reasonable and has naturally been recognized by many people.

Under the eyes of everyone, the last day of the fourth round is here!

Even more focused than yesterday, paying attention to the names of Lan Ziyi and Lu Ye, the entire Kyushu seemed to be shrouded in an atmosphere of depression and anticipation.

In front of the Tianji Pillar, Lu Ye sighed slightly.

He originally thought that in the fourth round, he might not have to fight Mu Qingyun and Yang Yuan. These arrogances do not lack the courage to challenge the stronger ones, and they are willing to prove themselves in such an occasion. Even if it is just to see the means and demeanor of the stronger, they will not let go of such an opportunity.

Because Lu Ye would make such a choice if he was in a different situation.

But now it seems... probably out of play.

Now the second place is Lan Ziyi, this woman gave up twice, there is absolutely no way to challenge herself.

As for Mu Qingyun who was pushed down by her, it seems that her injury has not healed yet, it is good to keep the third place, how can she still have the energy to challenge others?

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