Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 735: Liuli's Decision

Looking back now, Yiyi regrets not persevering on the road of medical training. back

But the way of practice can't be easily changed, especially since she is also a monk in the cloud river realm now, at most she can only train in the faction of medicine.

He secretly made up his mind that if he could go back alive this time, he must ask the second senior sister for more medical advice.

"Where's Liuli?" Lu Ye turned his head to look, but he didn't see Ye Liuli. Yiyi shook her head, expressing that she didn't know. She was so sad that she had no energy left to focus on anything else.

Inside the thatched cottage, the little fairy doctor was preparing medicinal materials, and Ye Liuli stepped in.

As expected, the little doctor did not raise his head: "Are you awake?"

The words were inexplicable, because Ye Liuli did not wake up from sleep or coma.

"Sister." Ye Liuli called softly.

If Lu Ye heard it, he would definitely be surprised.

Because since coming to Medicine Valley, Ye Liuli and Yiyi have called Little Doctor Immortal a senior, and this call of elder sister is undoubtedly very abrupt.

What's even more strange is that the little fairy doctor didn't have any abnormal reaction to this.

"Thank you sister for taking care of me. If it wasn't for my sister, I might have disappeared a long time ago, and it would be impossible for me to become spiritual." While speaking, Ye Liuli bowed to the little doctor Xian Yingying.

The little fairy doctor's hands kept moving, and a soft voice sounded: "It's all about fate, don't thank me... You have already made a decision?"

Ye Liuli nodded: "Sixth brother... he did a good job, he is the one I have been waiting for, and he will definitely succeed."

The little fairy doctor sighed: "I hope your obsession can be resolved."

"Yes!" Ye Liuli nodded heavily. "Go."

Ye Liuli prostrated herself on the ground, respectfully kowtowed to the little doctor, got up, and smiled: "Sister, take care!"

When turning around, it is Yongjue. Looking in the direction outside the door, the little fairy doctor was silent for a long time, his heart full of disappointment finally turned into a sigh.

In the thatched cottage, Lu Ye was lying on the bed, and Ye Liuli fed him medicine.

Thanks to Lu Ye's sword that borrowed the power of heaven and earth, he cut into Tianhe, which weakened the blood world's attachment to the Dragon Realm. Since the bloody battle in Tianhe, Ye Liuli's condition has also improved rapidly, and the old problem has no signs of relapsing .

"I'll just do it myself." Lu Ye was somewhat unaccustomed to being served like this.

Ye Liuli pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "In the past, Brother Six took care of me, but now I take care of Brother Six.

Yiyi on the side was amused, and Lu Ye couldn't help laughing. Hu Po raised her claws and covered her eyes, as if she couldn't bear to look directly.

Ye Liuli was annoyed: "Sixth brother, my sister-in-law is laughing at me!" The little girl's face was full of anger, and she acted like a baby to her heart's content.

Even if she doesn't want to correct Ye Liuli's address to herself, Yiyi can't help but blush every time she hears her call that.

He sneaked a glance at Lu Ye, but there was no reaction, as if he didn't hear it.

"You didn't take care of her either!" Ye Liuli pouted and fed the medicine in the spoon into Lu Yekou.

After feeding a bowl of medicine quickly, Ye Liuli put down the medicine bowl in her hand, wiped the corner of Lu Ye's mouth, and said softly, "Sixth brother, let's go!"

Lu Ye was puzzled: "Where are you going?" "Where you want to go." The little girl's expression was a little yearning and anticipating, "I have been staying in Fengzhou before, but this time I came out with you, so I know the wonderful things outside, let's walk around casually." , to see the scenery around the world, to taste the famous snacks from all over the world? It's better than staying in this thatched cottage all the time."

As she spoke, her heart moved: "Maybe if you go out for a walk, your condition will be better?"

Yiyi listened from the side, originally wanted to stop it, Lu Ye's current state made it inconvenient to go out and walk around, but after hearing Ye Liuli's last words, she swallowed them again.

Lu Ye pondered for a while, and was moved by Ye Liuli's words.

It's not that Ye Liuli's words make sense.

Rather, he recalled that in the past few years, since he was rescued from the Evil Moon Valley by the Haotian Union and embarked on the road of cultivation, he has been working hard to improve his cultivation, and has been fighting wits with the monks of Wanmo Ridge fight bravely. No matter what kind of growth I have, I will never feel that it is enough, and there is a sense of urgency pressing on my body and mind all the time.

He traveled all over the Lingxi battlefield, and also traveled to many places in the Yunhe battlefield, but all the places he passed were full of fights and killings.

He didn't even carefully appreciate the beautiful scenery of these two battlefields.

What's more... In the Kyushu, he has never even left the Jade Blood Sect's main sect, and has never seen the real Kyushu style.

It would be a pity if he died like this.

At the last moment of life, although I can't enjoy the scenery of Kyushu, take a look at the Dragon Realm, it seems... not bad?

Perhaps it was because of his physical condition that he changed his mentality, Lu Ye suddenly realized, what is the rush for cultivation?

It's a pity that I didn't think of this before, and it's not too late to understand now.

"Then... let's go?" Lu Ye raised his eyebrows. Just leave without saying hello to anyone, that night Ye Yiyi and Ye Liuli took Lu Ye away quietly from Medicine Valley, set off from the extreme north, and headed south, because Ye Liuli said that the south of Longteng is a land of beautiful mountains and rivers, with outstanding people. , the most beautiful scenery.

A group of two people, one spirit and one tiger, left Medicine Valley like thieves.

In the days that followed, the group took their time, entered the most prosperous city, watched the most beautiful scenery, and left extremely good memories along the way.

In order to make it easier for Lu Ye to travel, Ye Liuli and Yiyi personally built a wheelchair for him, and when they arrived in the bustling city, they pushed him forward to see how the world changes.

The previous bloody battle in Tianhe had a huge impact on the Longteng practice world, but it had little impact on those mortals. Although many mortals had heard about the ups and downs, those things were too far away from them, and they were not at all able to intervene.

Their life and death depended entirely on the monks' efforts. If Brother Longteng was successful, they would survive. If Brother Longteng was defeated, they could only let themselves be left to themselves.

It can be said that this is a kind of sorrow, but sometimes ignorance is a blessing.

Lu Ye's mood was unprecedentedly calm. Since he left Medicine Valley, he had never thought about cultivation. As a result, he felt that his state of mind had improved a lot.

Correspondingly, his physical condition gradually deteriorated.

As the little doctor said, the world has its origin, and people also have their origin. He has too much deficit in his origin, so it is difficult to replenish it no matter what means.

The deterioration of his body made him gradually become a little lethargic, and he often fell asleep inexplicably.

Occasionally when I woke up, I could hear Yiyi's suppressed crying.

Coming to Fengzhou again, in Badao Mountain Villa, Ye Liuli pushed Lu Ye's wheelchair and walked in the familiar environment.

Although it hasn't been long, this once-famous mountain villa has become dilapidated.

The night was charming, and on the small island in the center of Daohu Lake, Ye Liuli opened her arms, as if to embrace the entire starry sky, and a cheerful voice sounded: "Brother Six, do you remember what happened when you were young?" "Which one?" Lu Ye asked. Where does he remember anything from his childhood? After coming to this world, the information he got was actually very limited.

"You and the elder brother and the second brother stole an ancient scroll from my father, and I don't know what was written on it, but my father found out, and then hanged here to beat me."

Lu Ye imagined that scene, and couldn't help but twitch his eyes: "There's another thing."

Ye Liuli smiled lightly: "I'll bring you food, the elder brother and the second elder brother ate it all, but you were stubborn and didn't eat a bite, but you fainted from starvation. Daddy was so frightened. After that, there was no more food." scolded you."

Mu Ye listened quietly, he had never experienced the love of brothers and sisters, but now listening to Ye Liuli's narration, thinking about such a scene is quite interesting.

"Sixth brother, what is recorded in that ancient scroll?" Ye Liuli asked.

"I didn't see it, and I don't know." Lu Ye shook his head, telling the truth.

"Okay..." Ye Liuli stopped asking, raised her hand to caress her, and her tone became calm: "The wind is blowing."

There was a murderous aura in the wind, and in the darkness, figures gathered from all directions, surrounding the island in an instant.

Lu Ye's expression was calm, Yiyi's expression was calm, and even Ye Liuli didn't panic at all.

Seeing this, a burly and hulking man in the lead couldn't help feeling a sudden in his heart, instinctively feeling that something was wrong, but the matter had come to this point, and there was no turning back.

"Xiong Tieshan?" Lu Ye looked at the burly man, and immediately understood who it was.

Xiong Tieshan, the leader of Shenyi Sect, is also the one who killed Ye Ying. In the war under Tianhe, the entire Longteng cultivation world was swept away. No sect was spared, and Shenyi Sect naturally participated.

In that battle, Shenyi Sect suffered heavy losses and was almost wiped out by the entire army killed by the blood clan. Xiong Tieshan survived by luck.

These days he has been uneasy, because he recognized Lu Ye's identity, which shined brilliantly on the battlefield, and it can even be said that the young man who saved the entire Dragon Realm by himself is actually Ye Ying's sixth son!

How did this come about?

He and Ye Liu had a hatred for killing his father, and this hatred is indelible.

After that battle, Ye Liu has become Long Teng's savior, and even the guest of the three overlord sects. For such a person, if he wants to kill Xiong Tieshan, it will be a matter of lip service.

Xiong Tieshan tossed and turned sleeplessly, and more than once wanted to strike first and wiped out Lu Ye.

However, there are monks coming and going in Medicine Valley, so it is not convenient to do it.

Who would have thought that Lu Ye would leave Medicine Valley without making a sound, let alone hide his whereabouts, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.

He tangled up a group of people and followed him all the way here, unable to restrain himself anymore.

"It's me, Xiongmou!" Xiong Tieshan admitted without hiding his head and showing his tail, and stared at Lu Ye like a falcon: "Ye Liu, hand over the dragon seat!"

(end of this chapter)

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