Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 661 Human nature is complicated

After all, the Zerg has a source, and that is the Zerg Nest.

As long as the insect nests are eliminated, the hidden dangers of the insect race can be eliminated. Of course, if Xianyuan City can fall into this situation, the scale of the insect nests is definitely not small, or even more than one, otherwise it will not be able to breed a monster comparable to the sea of ​​​​shen. Zerg of border monks.

Lu Ye had experienced bug swarms in the Lingxi battlefield, but those Zerg races were only in the Lingxi realm, and the protection in the bug nest was not strong.

There are also insect nests in the Mysterious Territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts, but that is something that the monks in the Cloud River Realm can work together to solve.

The power of Xianyuan City is definitely not weak. Although the city lord in front of him is only a spiritual land and has not shown any power, he is definitely the most powerful Shenhai Realm.

With the power of Xianyuan City and the immortality of spirit bodies, it shouldn't be difficult to solve the insect nest.

Ji Yuan smiled slightly: "You forget what I told you just now, although we have an immortal body because of the soul pool, we are also completely bound to Xianyuan City, we spirit bodies, there is no way Leaving the environment of Xianyuan City easily. You may have noticed a gap in the sky before, and there is indeed the location of the insect nest, but we... can't get in!"

Lu Ye suddenly realized: "So it is."

That's why the entire Xianyuan City was set up with a forbidden formation, because the spirits of Xianyuan City couldn't go deep into the insect nest, so they simply set up a large formation, so that the Zerg and monks couldn't fly too high. In this way, monks can kill Zerg more conveniently.

It is true that the existence of the air-forbidden array has some disadvantages for monks, but compared to the convenience it brings, those disadvantages are nothing.

"Thousands of years of continuous reincarnation, the spirit body of Xianyuan City is always immortal, but human nature is complicated after all..."

Ji Yuan said this sentence once before, and said it again now.

"During this process, some people have a lot of bad emotions, such as remorse, annoyance, irritability, depression, etc. Don't underestimate these negative emotions. For spirit bodies without physical bodies, these emotions can often produce great There are even people who have tried self-death, but of course, they are doomed to fail."

Lu Ye listened quietly, with complicated expressions on his face.

As an outsider, it is indeed difficult for him to experience the consequences of these negative emotions that the city lord said, and it is also difficult for him to imagine how desperate and irritable a spirit body must be before it tries to die.

But he knew that what he said casually before had been verified by the spirit bodies in Xianyuan City.

Thousands of years... really hard.

"How did you get through it?" Lu Ye asked. The number of spirit bodies that came into contact with this time was not many, but it seemed that the immortal guards had no particularly abnormal emotions except that they were not afraid of death.

When I came in last time, I met quite a few Xianyuanweis, but most of them didn't seem to have very high spiritual intelligence, even those at the captain level, their behavior was very rigid.

"So Xianyuan City has become a secret place!" Ji Yuan suddenly said something that Lu Ye could not understand at all.

Fortunately, he quickly explained: "The breath of a living person can largely dissipate the negative emotions of the spirit body, so a long time ago, every once in a while, when the Zerg would not attack the city, the people of Xianyuan City The entrance will be opened somewhere, allowing monks from Kyushu to enter here."

The topic changed again.

Ji Yuan first asked Lu Ye what a secret realm is, and Lu Ye gave the answer, and then he asked what kind of secret realm Xianyuan City is.

By this time, the answer had surfaced.

The secret place of Xianyuan City is entirely due to the need for the breath of living people to dissipate all kinds of anxiety in the city, so the entrance is opened from time to time, allowing monks from Kyushu to enter it.

Lu Ye didn't expect the truth of the matter to be like this.

In fact, the last time he came in, he felt very strange, because no matter what kind of secret realm, monks could get some opportunities or benefits after entering.

But as for Xianyuancheng, it doesn't seem that there are too many benefits. He himself got some soul water to take out, but that's just an example.

The Kyushu monks didn't seem to have a good impression of the secret realm of Xianyuan City. When those monks came in, they realized that this was Xianyuan City.

It can be said that the monks who entered Xianyuan City last time, except Lu Ye gained some benefits, the others gained very little, and the monks in Wanmo Ridge were almost wiped out.

If the purpose of this secret realm is not to benefit the monks, but to make Xianyuan City itself more stable, then it makes sense.

"That's why Xianyuanwei arrests people everywhere and sends them to the dungeon?" Lu Ye remembered something again. He had entered the dungeon with the token given by the woman in red, and there were all arrested Kyushu monks inside. There are members of the Haotian League in Moling Ridge, but the vitality of the monks locked inside seems to be passing away quickly.

If Lu Ye hadn't been there in time, Gu Shenyang, the guardian of Shenyin Palace, would have died.

The so-called breath of living people is nothing more than real vitality.

Ji Yuan nodded: "There is a life-absorbing magic circle in the dungeon, which is connected to the soul pool, which can eliminate the negative emotions of the spirit bodies to a certain extent, so when the secret realm is opened, Xianyuanwei basically does not have to. To kill is to arrest people."

Lu Ye thought about it and found that it was true.

Of course, there is no unparalleled road, and based on the true level of the monks in Xianyuan City, the monks in the Lingxi Realm can hardly make any waves when they enter here.

Therefore, when the secret realm of Xianyuan City is opened, the strength of the Xianyuanguards depends entirely on the overall level of the monks who enter here. If the monks who come in are strong, the Xianyuanwei will be strong, and vice versa. It gave the Kyushu monks room to resist.

Another point, the reason why the entrance to the secret realm of Xianyuan City will be opened on the Lingxi battlefield is that the group of monks in the Lingxi realm is large enough, even if it is damaged, it can be easily replenished.

Over the past countless years, many monks from the two camps have died in Xianyuan City, some from Wanmo Ridge, and some from Haotian League. It is useless to judge Xianyuan City by pure good and evil. , there is no pure good and evil.

Furthermore, in the Lingxi battlefield, the monks of the two camps are always in a state of confrontation, and the secret realm of Xianyuan City can at most provide them with a stage for confrontation.

"My lord said before that the opening of the secret realm relieved the negative emotions of the spirits to a certain extent. Could there be other means besides the vitality brought by the opening of the secret realm?" Lu Ye asked.

Ji Yuan was surprised: "Did I say that?"

Lu Ye nodded.

Ji Yuan was surprised by Lu Ye's insight, and pondered for a while, "Do you still remember why the Lord of the City appeared in front of you when you first came here?"

Lu Ye thought about it carefully. At that time, he seemed to be about to do something, and then the city lord suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked him because he didn't notice it at all before the city lord appeared.

Just what were you going to do at that time?

It seems to be stopped by him...

"Fruit core?" Lu Ye suddenly recalled.

At that time, he was bored in the small courtyard where he was sheltered, and was about to stimulate the power of the breath fruit core to experience in the mirage, but just after taking out the breath fruit core, the city lord appeared.

He vaguely remembered that the city lord said something like this to him at that time: "This thing cannot be used in Xianyuan City."

Lu Ye asked him why, and the city lord only said that it would cause some bad consequences. As for the consequences, he didn't say clearly at the time.

When he came in last time, Lu Ye felt that the mirage he entered with the help of the fruit core might have something to do with Xianyuan City, but he didn't find any conclusive evidence at that time.

Now it seems that there is indeed a relationship between the two. At the very least, he entered Xianyuan City again through two fused Xiguo cores, and he entered in this extremely special state.

"Let's call it Xiguo Core for now." Ji Yuan smiled slightly. I have to say that this city lord is still very attractive. There must be many women who secretly fell in love with him when he was alive. "You stimulate Xiguo The power of the core, entering the mirage, and beheading those things are actually the condensation of negative emotions from the spirit body of Xianyuan City."

Lu Ye was stunned, never expecting that there would be such a connection between the Mirage Realm connected to the Xiguo Core and Xianyuan City.

But soon he realized something was wrong: "Those Zergs with their teeth and claws are also the condensation of negative emotions in the spirit body?" Which immortal guard's negative emotions will form something like Zergs.

"Have you met the Zerg yet?" Ji Yuan was a little surprised, "Of course not the Zerg, it should be...a means to enrich your training process."

Lu Ye raised his brows, faintly aware of it, and raised his finger to the sky.

Ji Yuan nodded imperceptibly, showing a childish expression.

"That's why I didn't let you use the breath fruit core in Xianyuan City. It doesn't matter if you use it outside. The spirit bodies were sleeping that day. If you use it in Xianyuan City, it is very likely to alarm them. Then Increase the consumption of the soul pool."

"So that's it." Lu Ye nodded, and then thought of something else, "So, after the fusion of the two fruit cores, they will connect to Xianyuan City, is it also a means of...?" He raised his finger to the sky again.

"It's good that you know it well, and you don't have to go to the bottom of it." Ji Yuan said: "The number of breath fruit cores in this world must not be too small, and the breath fruit cores that can connect to the mirage are definitely more than the two you got. They entered the mirage to hone their skills, which can also help Xianyuan City relieve some pressure."

"As the city lord said, it is very likely that someone has obtained more than two breath fruit cores and fused them together. No one has entered Xianyuan City like me before?"

Ji Yuan shook his head: "Unless the secret realm opens, as an outsider, you are the first."

If it wasn't for the chosen one, no matter how many breath fruit cores he got, he wouldn't be able to enter here inexplicably, but Ji Yuan would naturally not talk about this kind of thing with Lu Ye. Guessing, you can only pretend to be confused. (To be continued.)

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