Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 658 I traded my military exploits

Looking at the whole of Kyushu, even those in the Divine Sea Realm would not be able to have such a sum of military exploits. It’s not that the Divine Sea Realms can’t get so much military exploits, but the Divine Sea Realms also need to consume military exploits to exchange for some cultivation resources. Who would? It's okay to save so many military exploits.

And more than 300,000 battle achievements, even the golden spirit lottery can be exchanged for 20 pieces!

Based on Lu Ye's cultivation at the fifth level of Yunhe, if he had twenty golden sticks, he could easily advance to the eighth or ninth level!

Although the city lord could clearly see some small movements of Lu Ye under the soul pool, he had no way of knowing how much military exploits Lu Ye had. After getting the answer from the butcher, he immediately became concerned.

But even if he is the lord of Xianyuan City, there is no way for him to obtain the corresponding amount of soul water by consuming Lu Ye's combat achievements. This kind of thing has to rely on the power of heaven.

Just right, you can also try to see if this person is the chosen one.

If it is, there must be a response from that day, if not, naturally there will be no response.

After making up his mind, he clasped his fists in both hands, turned to the void, and softly chanted: "Xianyuan City Jiyuan, I respectfully invite heavenly secrets. Today there is an outsider, surnamed Lu and named Ye, who will enter my Xianyuan City and fight to the death in blood to kill the invading Zerg race." , Tired spirit body is damaged, allow him to enter the soul pool to cultivate, when he wakes up, he has a bad heart, steals the soul water of the soul pool, and destroys the foundation of my immortal city. I should have shot and killed it to warn others, and remember his merits. Yuan also can't bear it, please ask Tianji to exchange his military achievements for the power of soul water!"

In just a few words, Ji Yuan spoke forcefully and without pause.

The moment the words fell, there was a secret in the dark!

Ji Yuan frowned, and the butcher standing behind him showed an intriguing expression.

It's confirmed, that kid is indeed the chosen one!

Although the secrets of heaven are everywhere, any monk can respectfully ask for secrets to witness or sign some contracts, but it is rare to grant special powers to a single person in this way.

Especially this matter also involves the soul water in the soul pool.

This is the foundation of Xianyuan City. How can the high-ranking Tianji not know the importance of soul water, but after Ji Yuan finished speaking, he still gave a response.

That kid was definitely chosen, that's why he was able to receive such special treatment from Tianji.

Since Tianji gave Lu Ye the power to exchange his military exploits for soul water, what else could Ji Yuan say?

Ji Yuan doesn't know what the exchange ratio is, but he doesn't need to worry about this kind of thing, Tianji will make a judgment, and soul water is extremely important, if that kid is really like what the butcher said, he only has tens of thousands of battle achievements If you don't, you probably won't be able to exchange much soul water.

He thought so...

Lu Ye couldn't detect the movement beside the soul washing pool. At this moment, he was concentrating on condensing the soul water.

When he came here last time, he was only at the eighth level of Lingxi, but now he is at the fifth level of Yunhe, but because of some special circumstances, his current strength is comparable to that of the real lake.

Therefore, the spirit-gathering funnel he built this time is much larger than last time, and the commotion is naturally not comparable to last time.

Infinite devouring power came from the huge funnel, swallowing the thick soul mist into it, and then condensed into soul water.

Lu Ye originally used a jade bottle to hold the soul water, but found that the soul water condensed too fast, and a jade bottle was filled quickly.

Simply take out an empty water sac and place it under the spirit-gathering funnel, listening to the sound of the soul water falling into it, Lu Ye is in a good mood. He only feels that this is the most beautiful sound in the world. There was a strong man secretly gnashing his teeth.

When collecting the soul water, he was always paying attention to the movements in all directions.

When I built the Juling funnel here last time, I don't know why the funnel was often broken, which caused him to need to rebuild it from time to time.

How did he know that the reason for such a situation last time was that Ji Yuan, the lord of Xianyuan City, was behind the scenes...

If it weren't for this, the amount of soul cleansing water he could bring out last time must have been much more.

At that time, he only thought that the Juling funnel he built was not stable enough, and he didn't think too much about it.

This time I was prepared to take precautions, but the situation never happened again.

Just when Lu Ye was enjoying collecting the soul water, the back of his hand suddenly felt slightly warm. This strange familiarity made him feel stunned, because this kind of movement was clearly a reaction only when a large number of meritorious deeds were deducted.

Just like when he pushed open the door that cost 10,000 merits...

But now he is only collecting soul water, how could he be deducted a lot of merit?

Puzzled, he quickly immersed himself in the investigation, and then he discovered an incredible thing.

What is deducted is not meritorious service, but military exploits!

I originally had more than 300,000 military exploits, but now I have lost 50,000 to 60,000, and it is still decreasing at an extremely fast speed.

What's happening here?

Lu Ye panicked.

This time entering Xianyuan City, the biggest gain besides the soul water is these military exploits. Although there are a lot of them, they are all in exchange for his life.

He had already planned that when he returned to the Yunhe battlefield, he would immediately enter the treasure house of heaven to exchange for a batch of golden spirit sticks, so as to improve his cultivation base. It doesn't need to be too high. At the seventh level of the river, there are not many people in the entire Yunhe battlefield who can threaten his safety. If he can be promoted to the eighth level, it will be even more wonderful. At that time, he can walk sideways on the cloud river battlefield. Who doesn't have eyes? The monks from Wanmo Ridge who came to make trouble were all seeking their own death.

The beautiful plan was broken by sudden changes.

Lu Ye couldn't figure out why his combat achievements decreased for no reason, and the rate of decrease was too fast, almost an integer of one thousand points and one thousand points.


Although he did use some means to obtain these combat achievements, and he also mastered the power far beyond his own cultivation, but he killed them one by one, so why did he disappear like this?

Moreover, he had never heard of any monk's feats or military exploits disappearing in such a bizarre way.

Even in the face of desperation, Lu Ye can be safe and calm, but at this moment, he panicked. Seeing the rapid decline of his military achievements, he couldn't help feeling a heartache of being cut by a knife.

More than 300,000 military exploits, more than twice as much as his current merit. In the Kyushu practice world, I am afraid that there is no monk who has more military exploits than meritorious service.

It's not hot yet, but it just disappeared little by little.

Lu Ye told himself to be calm. First of all, at least he had to figure out why his military exploits disappeared for no reason.

But after thinking about it, he didn't have any clear idea.

At most, he was stealing the soul cleansing water...


Lu Ye suddenly came to his senses and stared at the huge funnel in front of him.

The reduction of military exploits is regular, and each time is an integer of one thousand points.

Regardless of meritorious deeds or military exploits, in terms of statistics and consumption, there are secrets operating in it. This is common sense.

Therefore, the reduction of his combat achievements is also caused by the secrets of heaven.

If Tianji really wants to erase his huge military exploits, he can just erase it directly, there is no need to cut flesh with such a blunt knife.

An integer of one thousand points is also an intriguing number.

While sensing the condensation of the soul washing water, Lu Ye paid attention to the changes in his combat achievements, and gradually figured out a pattern.

Every time his water sac received a drop of soul cleansing water, his combat achievements would decrease by a thousand points.

In order to verify his conjecture, Lu Ye removed the water bag placed under the funnel.

Sure enough, the number of his combat achievements will not change, even if new soul water is condensed, as long as he does not collect it, the combat merit will not be deducted, because the condensed soul water will soon be re-atomized and returned to the soul mist.

I see!

The military exploits consumed by myself are exchanged for soul water, and each drop of soul water is worth a thousand military exploits.

Realizing this, Lu Ye completely relaxed from his tense mood!

He was sneaking here originally, and he was a little worried, for fear of being discovered by others. After all, taking things without warning is not a good thing after all.

But since it will consume your combat achievements in this process, it doesn't matter.

This certainly ruined his original plan to improve his cultivation, but compared to his cultivation, soul water is undoubtedly more precious.

This thing can only be obtained in Xianyuan City, but the cultivation base can be gradually improved, as long as an individual can understand this point.

Moreover, one drop of soul water for one thousand points of military exploits is so cheap!

Lu Ye did not expect that the price of exchanging soul water here would be so affordable.

What is the thousand point battle function for? For a monk, one thousand points of battle merit can be exchanged for one blue spirit stick and two white spirit sticks, which will not bring much improvement to the monk.

But what about a drop of soul water? If it is released, I am afraid that those major cultivators of the Divine Sea Realm will have their heads smashed. No matter which major cultivator of the Divine Sea Realm can have a drop of soul water, it can strengthen his soul to a certain extent.

Compared to this, some cultivators at the ninth level of the real lake have a greater need for soul water, because a drop of soul water may allow them to break through the current bottleneck and be promoted to the level of the divine sea.

The two are not at the same level at all.

After figuring out the reason for his wasted military exploits, Lu Ye completely relaxed.

I'm not sneaking around, my soul water is exchanged for a lot of military exploits!

Even in front of the Lord of Xianyuan City, he can still straighten his back!

At the same time, beside the Soul Cleansing Pool, the expression of the Lord of Xianyuan City, who was remembered by Lu Ye, became ugly, because he sensed... something was wrong with the development of things.

"Butcher!" Ji Yuan shouted, "Didn't you say that he only has tens of thousands of meritorious service?"

The butcher quickly argued: "I don't know how many merits he has, I'm just guessing." Then he asked: "What happened?"

Ji Yuan turned his head slowly, stared fixedly at the butcher, gritted his teeth and said, "He has collected more than two hundred drops of soul cleansing water! And he hasn't stopped yet!"

How could there be only tens of thousands of merits? I'm afraid that kid's feats far exceed the butcher's expectations. (To be continued.)

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