Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 646: Strange Familiarity

There was a rustling sound, and a large number of Zerg in the field of vision rushed towards this side. At this moment, it was too late to activate the concealment and restraint spirit patterns. Lu Ye immediately flew up, ready to face a certain side escape.

However, he only flew up to a height of ten feet, and suddenly he felt a feeling of being overwhelmed by a mountain, making it impossible for him to fly higher.

For a while, Lu Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

In his return to the Heavenly Valley Spiritual Land, he used the Forbidden Formation to deal with those Ten Thousand Demon Ridge cultivators many times, causing the attacking Ten Thousand Demon Ridge monks to be wounded many times, but he didn't expect that he would be suppressed by the Forbidden Formation today.

This is really a cycle of karma, and the retribution is not good.

Although I don't know what this place is, but there is obviously a large air-forbidden formation here, and flying ten feet in the air is the limit, and it is impossible to fly to a higher position.

After being delayed for a while, the Zergs got closer to his position, their mouthparts neighing, and the sound of their wings vibrating continued to pass into their ears.

Lu Ye had already jumped out of the second floor where he was, and flew in one direction.

Looking around, that inexplicable sense of familiarity flooded my heart again.

This place seems to be a city. Although you can't see too far away, you can still see neatly planned streets in the direction of your vision. On both sides of the street, houses stand tall, and many houses have been destroyed by Zerg. , became ruins, and some houses were still intact.

The house he had appeared in before was obviously one of them. At first he thought it was a safe place, but it turned out not to be.

It seemed as if a handful of salt had been sprinkled into the frying pan. The moment Lu Ye's figure appeared, the Zerg races in the huge area boiled up, outflanking Lu Ye's direction from all directions, and there were some powerful beings among them.

A fiery red light ignited on the Panshan knife, and Lu Ye's perception was pushed to the limit, trying to avoid the direction of some powerful auras, and fighting a bloody path in the heavy encirclement.

The light of the knife kept flickering, and the Zerg who rushed to them one by one spilled green blood, their vitality dissipated, and a bloody storm ensued along the way.

While fleeing, Lu Ye also discovered some strange things. For example, his perception was much stronger and more detailed than before.

When he sensed his surroundings before, he could only produce some vague sensations, and the range was only about ten feet.

But now that he activated his perception, the range suddenly expanded to tens of feet, and the perception was no longer vague, and many external feedbacks could clearly appear in his mind.

This kind of change should have something to do with the way my soul came out of the body. I was bound by the physical body before, so although I have a strong power of the soul, I can't exert its full power.

Without this layer of restraint right now, the power of the soul can be fully manifested.

The perception became more detailed, and many feedbacks appeared in the mind, and there was already a trace of signs of spiritual thoughts.

In addition, the spirit pattern I constructed... seems to be different from the usual ones.

But at the moment when he was fleeing, Lu Ye didn't have time to think about these things, so he could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

There are a huge number of Zergs in this city, and almost every corner is filled with Zergs of various shapes and strengths. Although Lu Ye was able to escape for a while, he couldn't escape forever.

As time passed, his situation became more and more difficult, because those powerful Zerg that he avoided were chasing after him, looking like they were going to drive him to death, which caused him to run farther and chased him. The more powerful Zerg there are.

If Lu Ye hadn't worried too much in the previous mirage, he would have died, and he would be a good guy next time he came in.

But what is going on in this mirage now, Lu Ye has no idea at all, who knows if dying here is really dead, so even if there is still a little possibility, Lu Ye dare not relax.

While fleeing, a pink, conical Zerg suddenly appeared in the sky in front of it. The Zerg had a round body and four legs. At first glance, it looked like a fat man with a bald head.

This Zerg has no wings, and Lu Ye doesn't know how it flies, but the pink Zerg feels extremely dangerous to him.

The moment it appeared in the field of vision, Lu Ye felt a warning sign in his heart.

Even if Lu Yedang wanted to change direction, it was already too late. The Zerg opened his mouth, and a crystal clear thin line flew out, turning into a big net in the blink of an eye, covering a huge area.

Lu Ye couldn't dodge it for a while, being tightly covered by the big net, he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

This inexplicably appearing big net not only has the effect of restraint, Lu Ye clearly felt that the talent tree in his body was moving abnormally.

I don't have time to investigate anything, but when there is an abnormality in the talent tree, it usually means that I have been poisoned.

In other words, the mesh of this great net is highly poisonous.

In any real lake environment encountering such a thing, even if it can get rid of the shackles of the big net, the poison is enough to make the other party lose their mobility, and even kill the other party.

But things like poison have never had any effect on Lu Ye.

Before landing on the ground, the lingering knife light spread in all directions, and Lu Ye had already escaped from the net. He stabilized his body hastily and continued to escape.

However, at this moment, the dense shadows above the head have covered the sky, and it is those Zerg who are chasing after them...

This momentary delay has already put him into an extremely passive situation.

The Zerg race surrounded the sky and the earth with water.

There is no escape!

This thought turned in his mind, and Lu Ye had already swooped in one direction with a knife, fighting with the Zerg in that direction.

The short escape career made him understand that in such a strange environment, no place is safe. No matter where he escapes, there will be Zerg hunting him down.

So if you want to survive, there is only one way to kill all the Zerg in your vision, so that you may have a chance to breathe.

But this is undoubtedly very difficult.

At this moment, the Zerg that surrounded him all had the strength of the real lake, and there were at least dozens of them. Among them, the pink and fat Zerg felt the most dangerous to him.

And fighting together, it's hard to say whether it will attract more Zerg. According to the situation observed before, this situation is very likely to happen.

But Lu Ye couldn't just sit around and try to see what would happen if he died here.

So he has only one choice.

In the past, no matter how dangerous the situation was, there was always Amber and Yiyi by his side.

But this time, he was really alone. Yiyi Amber was not around, so he couldn't use any external force. Although his strength had reached the level of the real lake because he had got rid of the shackles of his body, the enemies he faced were even stronger.

This time, I'm afraid more bad luck than good luck.

During the battle, Zergs were constantly being beheaded, Lu Ye's figure was moving up and down in the battlefield, and the light of the Panshan knife criss-crossed.

Although there were many grievances and grievances with Xia Liang, at this moment, Lu Ye was very grateful to him, because in the Fox Immortal Valley, Xia Liang taught him the secret art of mind and eyes.

When fighting alone with the enemy, the effect of the mind-eye secret technique is not very obvious, but in this environment where there are many enemies and enemies on all sides, the effect of the mind-eye secret technique is too strong.

Many times, Lu Ye was able to block fatal attacks by relying on the secret art of mind and eyes.

But it didn't help. Although Lu Ye kept beheading Zerg, the remaining Zerg didn't have the slightest fear at all. They still attacked him bravely, and Lu Ye continued to add scars.

No blood flowed out, but the many effects of the injuries were the same as under normal conditions. Many injuries made him feel pain and accelerated his own consumption.

As time passed, the battlefield was full of broken limbs from the Zerg, and Lu Ye's offensive gradually weakened.

going to the limit...

I can't help but think of the question that troubled me again. If I die here, will I really die?

If so, then Yiyi and Amber will not be able to survive. Amber has concluded the Art of Life with herself, and their lives depend on each other. up.

Somewhat sorry for the two of them...

When he saw the second door, Lu Ye knew that the world inside the door was very dangerous, but based on his previous experience, he always had a kind of reliance that if he died in the mirage, he would not really die, so he opened the door and left. enter.

However, the reliance he thought was only preconceived after all, and it turned out to be what it is now.

A huge impact came from the front, and Lu Ye was thrown into the air by a Zerg that was as big as a hunting dog. At this moment, Lu Ye's vision became a little blurred...

At this moment, a red light flashed in the field of vision.

That glimpse of red light gave Lu Ye a strange sense of familiarity again...

At the time of life and death, time seemed to have stopped flowing, and many thoughts flashed through Lu Ye's mind like lightning. At this moment, he actually remembered what happened to that familiar feeling.

That glimpse of red light...he had seen it before.


how could be?

It would be unbelievable if things were really as I thought.

But no matter whether things are really what I think, I need to verify it. If that is the case, then I may not have a chance of surviving.

When Lu Ye's figure soared into the air, many Zerg races rushed in from all directions, and what greeted them was a half-moon-shaped fiery red slash!

The power of this knife is stronger than ever before, and it is the strongest knife that Lu Ye has slashed since he practiced.

Several Zergs were dismembered on the spot, and more Zergs were sent flying. Lu Ye landed, immediately supported Feng Xing on his legs, and killed in the direction where he saw the red light just now.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lu Ye dragged his bruised body out of the siege. Looking up, he saw a red lantern hanging in front of a building not far away.

The red light he saw was the color of the lantern's envelope.

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