Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 619: Lu Ye's Plan

Song Zhui knew Ying Wuji's ability to some extent, but he was a ghost cultivator who could cross the border and kill Zhenhu.

Such a powerful ghost cultivator would definitely not miss a shot against a Yunhe fifth-level guy.

However, due to the sudden change, Ying Wuji was seriously injured and fled, which made Song Zhui's originally confident plan vanish in an instant.

How did Ying Wuji get exposed? Song Zhui really couldn't figure it out.

But now it's pointless to think about these things. Ying Wuji fled away, and he could no longer count on it. If he wanted to kill Lu Ye...the only way was to attack!

Song Zhui was actually unwilling to act like this, because in this way, even if Lu Ye was killed, there would be little benefit to him in the end. At most, it would increase his reputation and prestige. Yiye would think that he died in an operation presided over by Song Zhui.

Fame and prestige are of no use to him? Only actual material is the real benefit.

The smile on Song Zhui's face disappeared, and his expression became serious. It wasn't until then that he realized that he seemed to have underestimated this Lu Yiye.

Exhaling lightly, Song Zhui said, "Fellow Daoist Lu hasn't responded to my suggestion just now."

"I reject!"

The decisive answer fell into his ears, and Song Zhui nodded slightly.

As expected, if Lu Ye really agreed to such a thing, then he would be mentally ill. As Song Zhui said before, ants are greedy for life, let alone monks.

"Then what is the deal that Fellow Daoist Lu said?"

The corners of Lu Ye's mouth were slightly raised, and he showed a rare smile to strangers, then raised his hand and waved lightly.

Ripples swayed in the space in front of him, and something suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Song Zhui's eyes shrank suddenly, and many Wanmo Ridge cultivators also looked at the thing that suddenly appeared in astonishment. It was something that every monk was familiar with, and everyone had come into contact with it countless times.

A low voice came from the crowd: "Tianjizhu!"

There is actually a Tianji Pillar in a small spiritual land, and it looks like it has been there for a long time, but it has been covered by the formation and has not been noticed until now, under Lu Ye's initiative, it is not exposed In the eyes of everyone.

What a fart!

With the Tianji Pillar, Lu Yiye and others can return to Kyushu through the Tianji Pillar at any time, let alone hundreds of them, so what if there are tens of thousands of people?

Unless those people can be stopped before they touch the Tianji Pillar, but at this time, many monks in Wanmoling are still outside the range of the spiritual land formation, so it is impossible to do this kind of thing.

In other words, Lu Ye and others can withdraw at any time.

Song Zhui finally came to his senses, no wonder Li Baxian and the others had been standing quietly behind Lu Ye, looking as if the mountain was pressing down on them, and it turned out that there was such a support...

At this moment, thinking back on his proposal and all kinds of words just now, Song Zhui felt extremely ridiculous.

He was filled with resentment, he had heard that Lu Yiye had invited a Heavenly Mystery Pillar in the hunting ground, and escaped from the surrounding environment, but now he invited another one in this spiritual land.

This is something worth a hundred thousand merits...

While the vast majority of monks were still making tens of thousands of meritorious deeds, Lu Yiye was able to invite Tianji Pillar one after another.

He couldn't help feeling the same indignation as Xia Liang and Tan Sheng back then.

How rich is the big dog!

What makes Song Zhui even more angry is that the person who secretly leaked the information did not mention it at all. If he had known that there was a pillar of secrets in Lu Ye's spiritual land, he would have acted more carefully and made sure to kill Lu Ye. It only takes one blow to act, instead of bringing hundreds of people oppressively like this.

This is Song Zhui's misunderstanding.

This time, the source of the news about Lu Ye's hiding place was Tu Guanxiong from Shengyu Lingdi.

Tu Guanxiong didn't know that there was a pillar of secrets here...

At the beginning, Xia Liang mentioned this to Huo Liaoyuan in secret, but Huo Liaoyuan didn't care because he had a death match, but Huo Liaoyuan died on the death match, and no one knew about it.

The only ones who knew about it were Xia Liang and Tan Sheng, but they had made up their minds to let the people from Wanmo Ridge force Lu Ye to give up the spiritual land, so they would not publicize it.

The monks of Wanmo Ridge, who had the chance to win, lost their fighting spirit after seeing the Tianji Pillar, and all of them felt that the trip was boring.

They were too far away, and it was impossible to stop Lu Ye and others before they came into contact with the Tianji Pillar. The ghost cultivators who had been hiding in the dark might have a chance, but they can learn from the past and the future. How dare those ghost cultivators sneak into the soul now? land?

After the Tianji Pillar was revealed, no one spoke for more than a dozen breaths.

In the end, it was Song Zhui who broke the silence: "The deal that Fellow Daoist Lu mentioned is related to this thing?"

Lu Ye didn't answer directly, but said: "So many of you gathered here for nothing more than Lu's life, maybe... I can give you a chance?"

Li Baxian frowned behind him, and suddenly felt something was wrong, Feng Yuechan also noticed it, and turned her head to look at Li Baxian.

Both felt that Lu Ye was acting a little weird today, but they didn't interfere with him out of trust, but they didn't know what Lu Ye was planning.

Only Ju Jia stood there as motionless as a mountain, with a posture of not caring, his mind was very simple, if he wanted to fight, he would rush to the front, if he didn't fight, then he would stay here.

"What do you mean by that?" Song Zhui was puzzled.

"It's very simple!" Lu Ye looked at him, "I'm leaving here, but you people from Wanmo Ridge must not destroy my spiritual land!"

"Little brother!" Li Baxian immediately shouted. Until now, he finally understood what Lu Ye was planning. He didn't quite understand Lu Ye's actions. To say such a thing?

Lu Ye turned his back to him, and said in a low voice: "Brother, since I am being targeted by the people from Wanmoling, there is no way to hide, unless I stay in Kyushu and do not enter the Yunhe battlefield, otherwise as long as I enter Yunhe On the battlefield, there will always be all kinds of people who want to kill me. Last time, Xia Liang and the others somehow found this place. What about next time? No matter how well I hide, someone will still come to me."

"Instead of hiding in a certain place like this, it's better to wander around, so that it's not easy for others to lock my position. As for safety, brother don't have to worry too much. There are indeed many people who are stronger than me on the Yunhe battlefield, but they are faster than me." Quickly, there should not be many, and besides, I am very familiar with being chased and killed. I have come all the way from the Lingxi battlefield, and those who chased and killed me basically have no good end."

Hearing the last sentence, Li Baxian was extremely sad... Recalling the various encounters of his junior brother on the Lingxi battlefield, it was indeed a situation where he was often hunted down.

"I understand what you said, but you can't act like this, junior brother, retreat to Kyushu as planned, and we will talk about the future."

"Brother, blindly dodging can't solve the problem, only a strong counterattack can make them afraid. Since they dare to target me like this, then I will kill them! Dodge this time, there will be another time, and the next time , Brother also doesn’t want to see me hide when things happen like this, does he?”

"Then I'll be with you!"

Lu Ye shook his head: "Senior brother, just stay here and practice well. By the way, help me watch the giant armor. If no one restrains him with his character, the giant armor may do something. Moreover, it is more convenient for me to act alone. .”

Li Baxian wanted to say more, Feng Yuechan gently tugged off his sleeve, and said: "Junior Brother Lu, if you really do this, you will be in danger all the time, are you sure?" ?”

"It's man-made!"

In mid-air, Song Zhui was stunned for a long time, and finally came to his senses, he said in astonishment, "This is the deal that Fellow Daoist Lu said?"


Song Zhui frowned, not knowing what Lu Ye wanted to do.

In the current situation, it is the safest and most correct choice for him to return to Kyushu with the help of the Tianji Pillar, but he proposed such a deal, which undoubtedly entailed a great risk, and at most it was just to keep a spiritual land, but gave them Magic Ridge Opportunity.

But there is no reason for Wanmo Ridge to refuse such a deal, and it is even something they like to see.

So after pondering for a while, Song Zhui nodded: "Yes!"

No matter what the other party wants to do, there is nothing wrong with agreeing.

"Do you need to make a secret oath?" Song Zhui asked again, this deal was too friendly to Wanmo Ridge, so friendly that Song Zhui couldn't afford the secret oath, and even felt a little uneasy.

"No need!" Lu Ye said lightly, and while speaking, walked to the side.

"Junior Brother!" Li Baxian still wanted to stop Lu Ye, and grabbed his arm.

Lu Ye looked at him with a smile: "Brother, don't worry too much, there is no harm in going through a little more hardship."

Looking at each other, Li Baxian saw the persistence in Lu Ye's eyes. He didn't know that what Lu Ye said before was right, he avoided this time, and the next time, and the next time, he couldn't dodge like this every time , but he is not at ease after all.

Even though Lu Ye is now able to take care of himself, the one in front of him is still the little junior who needs him and Weiyang to protect him on the Golden Light Summit.

After a long time, Li Baxian said in a deep voice: "Be careful in everything!"

He also wanted to be with Lu Ye, but if he followed, Feng Yuechan would definitely follow. By then, the giant armor would not be able to fall. Four people moving together would be far less free and convenient than Lu Ye alone.

"I know!" Lu Ye responded with a smile.

Li Baxian let go of his arm.

Lu Ye walked to the side and stood still, activated by his spiritual power, the lines of a large formation under his feet quickly emerged and lit up.

Song Zhui and a group of monks from Wanmo Ridge stared puzzledly, not knowing what the formation that suddenly appeared was.

During the formation, Lu Ye looked up at Song Zhui, and said softly: "Remember my deal with you, whoever dares to destroy my spiritual land, I will return to the Lingxi battlefield to destroy his sect's residence!"

Song Zhui finally understood why Lu Ye didn't need him to swear to heaven.

Although the oath of secrets has an absolute restraining effect, Lu Ye's threatening words at the moment are not bad. If I put this sentence here, before Lu Ye dies, I am afraid that no one will dare to make plans for this spiritual place.

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