Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2474: Transfer of Blessing

His consciousness was groggy. It seemed that Tyrant's treasured soldier clan not only had the characteristics of sealing power, but also had some other strangeness, which had an all-round impact on his body and mind.

The talent tree was indeed burning the abnormality that invaded the body, but it would take some time after all.

If there was no interference during this period, Lu Ye felt that he should be able to recover slowly, but after experiencing a life-and-death battle with Perrin, he finally couldn't hold on.

He knew that he was taken away at this moment, and he knew who took him away, but he was powerless to resist. His current state was like being drunk. His consciousness was not completely sunk, but his body was out of control.

Fortunately, the guy who took him away did not show any malice.

He forced himself not to fall into a coma, and maintained a blurred state like this. It was not until a day later that he slowly felt relieved.

After a quick inspection of his body, he found that some of his flesh wounds had basically healed, except for the wound that Perrin had shot through his heart. For a Fusion Daoist, such an injury was not fatal, but it would consume his own vitality to recover, so Lu Ye became weak.

The most serious one was undoubtedly the wound cut by Tyrant Qiu. Before the strange power wrapped around the wound was completely burned, this wound could not be healed.

The situation inside his body was also a bit bad, and it was not as easy to recover as flesh wounds, but it was not a big problem.

"Brother Dao, this is a special healing medicine made by our clan. It is good for recovery. You drink it first." The voice that took him away before sounded again beside him.

Lu Ye slowly opened his eyes and saw a long-necked bald man.

It was the Bu clan he had seen before!

Looking at him calmly, the bald man immediately saw the vigilance in Lu Ye's eyes, and quickly took a sip of the healing medicine, and then brought it to Lu Ye's mouth.

He didn't know that Lu Ye was not alert to the so-called healing secret medicine, but why this guy appeared in that position!

I had let him go before, shouldn't he run away quickly and stay as far away from me as possible? But he seemed to have been staying nearby, otherwise it would not make sense for him to take me away at such a critical moment.

This couldn't be just a coincidence.

If he didn't let someone feed him, Lu Ye might have just put up with it if it was a beautiful woman, but how could such a bald man feed him medicine.

He raised his hand to pick up the secret medicine and drank it all. Anyway, he didn't care whether the secret medicine was poisonous or not.

It tasted very bitter, but it should be said that the secret medicine took effect quickly after entering the stomach, and some pain in the heart and body was obviously weakened a lot.

The Panshan knife was still there, not only that, the bald man also collected all of Perrin's relics and put them together next to him.

"Brother, take a rest first." The bald man said again, stepped aside, and sat down quietly.

Lu Ye immersed himself in his thoughts, checked the Panshan Knife, and transmitted his voice: "How do you feel?"

He spent so much effort to kill Perrin and broke his silver spear. Liao must have benefited, but he had no way of judging how big the benefit was.

"It's so-so. I feel that if I get another four, five, six, or seven of these treasures, I should be able to get through the second hurdle."

Four, five, six, or seven... Lu Ye wanted to beat it.

However, no matter how many treasures there were, if he spent enough time and accumulated enough Xingyuan coins, he could exchange them, but it was always dangerous to fight with people like this. As the saying goes, if you walk by the river often, you will get your shoes wet. Take this time for example. If it weren't for the power of Liao to help at the critical moment, he would not be Perrin's opponent if he continued to fight like that.

To be able to become the son of Xingyuan like him, Perrin also fought his way out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. How could he be so easy to deal with?

Of course, the silver spear attribute treasure of Perrin should not be of good quality. If he encounters a better-quality attribute treasure, he may not need so many.

For example, the Mingyue Wheel attribute treasure that is about to be born here! This thing can definitely replace at least two or even three silver spears.

Thinking of this, Lu Ye became more determined to seize the Mingyue Wheel attribute treasure.

At present, there is a Hunyuan Spear that he provided in advance on the battlefield. If he seizes the Mingyue Wheel, he only needs to exchange two or three more attribute treasures in the future to meet Liao's needs for promotion again.

In this way, Liao will have the opportunity to attack the treasure.

Although Tyrant Qiu helped him this time, it is also a fact that he injured him. Lu Ye has taken note of it. This guy has a Bing Clan treasure in his hand. Lu Ye thinks that if he wants to repay it in the future, not to mention the requirements for cultivation, Liao must also be promoted to a treasure, so that he can fight Tyrant Qiu.

The bald Bu Clan has been sitting nearby, without any abnormality.

Lu Ye didn't care what he wanted to do, he just recovered himself silently, but as his body recovered, he soon noticed some abnormalities.

His affinity to the surrounding Xingyuan aura seemed to be different from before.

The efficiency of the cultivator's hard work, and even the strength of his own cultivation qualifications, are directly related to this affinity. If this affinity is given a number, then the larger the number, the higher the affinity.

However, no matter how good the affinity of ordinary cultivators is with the Xingyuan aura, there is a limit, so the efficiency of hard work is not particularly high. If you want to accumulate Tao power in this way, you need a long time of precipitation.

Among the Star Abyss, only the Son of Star Abyss can break this limit. This identity is a blessing recognized by the will of Star Abyss. The Son of Star Abyss has a much higher affinity with the aura of Star Abyss than ordinary people, which means that their efficiency of hard work is many times higher than that of ordinary cultivators.

As early as when he took the identity of the Son of Star Abyss, Lu Ye noticed the change.

Over the years, this change has not changed.

Until now...

He thought it was an illusion after being injured, but as the injury continued to recover, this feeling became more and more obvious.

His affinity with the aura of Star Abyss has indeed increased, and the increase is not small.

Why did such a change suddenly occur?

He suddenly remembered that after killing Perrin, it seemed that something overflowed from Perrin and seeped into his body, but his condition was very bad at the time, so he had no spare energy to investigate carefully.

Then he remembered that before Perrin shot through his heart and tried to destroy his life, he said something like "I will accept the blessing of the will of Star Abyss for you."

Lu Ye had a flash of inspiration in his mind... Could it be that the blessing of the Son of Xingyuan can be transferred?

If a Son of Xingyuan kills another Son of Xingyuan, then he can take away the blessing of this identity?

Perrin knew about this, so he said that.

This seems to make sense, otherwise there is no way to explain the changes in himself.

If this is the case, what if another ordinary cultivator kills the Son of Xingyuan? Can he take away the identity of the Son of Xingyuan?

Lu Ye has no way to judge, but thinking carefully, it is unlikely. After all, the selection of the Son of Xingyuan is very difficult. Just say that in his time, only two of the tens of thousands of Rongdao survived, so even if the Son of Xingyuan accidentally died in the hands of other cultivators, this identity will not be transferred.

"Brother, it's time to take the medicine." The bald man came over again to give Lu Ye the medicine.

With previous experience, Lu Ye knew that this secret medicine was indeed very beneficial for healing, and judging from the reaction of the talent tree, there was no abnormality in the secret medicine that was unfavorable to him, so he took it and took it.

The bald man turned to leave, but Lu Ye stopped him.

"Brother, do you have any other instructions?" the bald man asked.

Lu Ye stared into his eyes and asked calmly, "Why are you there?"

The bald man blinked: "I was just passing by!"

Lu Ye remained silent.

The bald man felt a little pressured: "I was just passing by. After parting with Brother a few days ago, I was planning to leave here, but I was unwilling to leave, so I walked around. Who knew that I suddenly noticed someone fighting, and I hid in the distance and saw Brother's heroic figure. I was fascinated for a while. Later, Brother was injured. I thought we had some fate after all, so I took the initiative to bring you here. Brother, is it possible that the monster is meddling in other people's business?"

Lu Ye remained silent.

Bullshit, he was just passing by. If he was really just passing by, he couldn't have run out at the last minute. This bald man's cultivation strength is actually very good, so he should not have failed to discover Yifu City and Tyrant Qiu, but he still rushed out and took himself away.

Lu Ye was sure that this guy had some intentions, but he didn't see any malicious intent for the time being. As for what he wanted, he had no way to judge.

"What's your name?" Lu Ye asked, his voice still very weak.

The bald man grinned: "Bu clan, Fu Wei!"

"Human race, Lu Ye!"

Fu Wei bowed: "Fu Wei greets Senior Brother Lu!" He bowed his head and looked very sincere, but his neck was a little long, which looked quite funny.

"You are very accurate!" Lu Ye nodded.

With previous experiences, he had to admit that Fu Wei was indeed good at divination. He said that there was a great danger of life and death in that direction before, and it was indeed there. For a while, he couldn't help but be more curious about this Bu clan.

Over the years, he has met all kinds of cultivators from different races, but this is the first time he has met the Bu clan.

Fu Wei said modestly: "I'm still far from being good enough, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"Anyway, I have to thank you for this time."

Fu Wei waved his hand: "It's just a small favor, don't worry about it." After a pause, he showed some embarrassment again, and changed the subject: "If you really want to thank me, I have an unwelcome request."

Lu Ye narrowed his eyes slightly: "Tell me."

Just say that this guy has intentions, but even so, as long as the other party's request is not excessive, Lu Ye can consider it, and forget about it if it is too excessive.

In the final analysis, even if Fu Wei didn't take him away before, he probably wouldn't have worried about his life. Ba Qiu shouldn't have attacked him again at that time, but if he was unlucky and met another Rong Dao, there might be some danger.

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