Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2467: The Bu Clan

Those who dare to enter this place to seize the treasure this time are basically at the peak of Fusion Dao, because only those with such strength are qualified to participate.

Therefore, there is actually not much difference in everyone's cultivation level, which means that their basic Tao power is almost the same. What really causes the difference is their respective Tao soldiers and fighting methods, especially the latter, which is often the difference between life and death. Determining factors.

Rong Dao, who attacked Lu Ye, could not imagine that there was someone in this world who could take his full blow with bare hands without relying on Dao soldiers.

This is very unreasonable. He has 249 Dao in one attack with all his strength. What kind of Fusion Dao can have such strength with bare hands?

At this moment, he almost suspected that he had met a Hedao.

Then he saw Lu Ye's other hand clenched into a fist and punched him in the face.

Will die! A warning sign sounded in his heart, and he immediately wanted to run away, but it was too late. After a moment of panic, his consciousness sank and he fell into darkness.

Lu Ye kept walking, just casually shaking off the blood on his hands, and continued walking forward like a leisurely stroll.

On the other side, the bald Rongdao was resisting the opponent's attack and wanted to leave. When he first saw Lu Ye, he didn't pay much attention. He casually called Brother Gao, just to divert trouble to the east.

But with Lu Ye's response, he quickly realized something was wrong, because Lu Ye acted too calm, so calm that it made people feel uneasy.

In such a situation, of course he did not dare to stay for a long time, because he vaguely sensed that Lu Ye's strength might be a bit extraordinary. Only people who are very confident in their own strength can break into a fighting circle so calmly.

But that opponent just kept pestering him.

Just when he was secretly having a headache, he saw how Lu Ye brutally killed the enemy. Not only did he see this horrific scene, but the opponent who was pestering him also saw it.

Now the two of them didn't dare to get entangled, and fled in two directions.

Dao power suddenly surged, and as Lu Ye slashed down with his long sword, the sword light shot out in the air, and instantly arrived behind the previously killed Rong Dao companion.

He turned around hastily and tried to resist, but it was in vain. The sword light penetrated his body without any hindrance, and the terrifying destructive power took away all his vitality.

Lu Ye turned his eyes and looked at the bald Rong Dao. Standing on the spot, the Panshan Sword that had been swung down was raised high again, and his spiritual mind was locked on him from a distance.

The bald Rongdao Dahao had already seen Lu Ye's terrifying methods of killing enemies. Although he had protective Dao soldiers and his protective power was much stronger than the two dead guys, he was not confident that he could block Lu Ye's attack. kill.

If you continue to run away... you will definitely die!

I made a decision in one thought.

Just when Lu Ye was about to take action again, he was shocked to find that the bald Rong Dao suddenly stopped, then quickly turned around, bent his knees and knelt down, in a posture of prostrating himself on the ground, and shouted: "Brother Dao Spare me!"

As if to show his sincerity in begging for mercy, he even restrained the power of his Tao soldiers, calmed down his Tao power, and assumed a posture of never resisting.

Lu Ye's eyes twitched...

Since entering the Star Abyss, whether in the outer world or the inner world, he has encountered too many Fusion Dao and killed too many Fusion Dao. These Fusion Dao had different postures before death, and some of them did ask for mercy.

But no one has ever done it as thoroughly as the bald man in front of me.

In such an undefended state, if he really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't even have room to resist.

Of course, he will not be merciful because of the other party's begging for mercy. They have no friendship with each other. This guy just wanted to divert trouble to the east. Now that he has entered this place, he is an enemy.

If you kill him, you might get a Star Abyss Coin.

On the blade of the sword, the light of the sword was spitting out, and the light of the sword was as bright as a rainbow. Just when Lu Ye was about to make the cut, the bald head said anxiously: "Brother Dao, please be merciful, I can help you find the location where the treasure was born!"

The murderous intention that enveloped him slowly dissipated. The bald man took a long breath and realized that what he said was right. If not for what he said just now, he would definitely be dead.

A pair of feet suddenly appeared in the field of vision. The bald head Rongdao slowly raised his head and met Lu Ye's condescending eyes. He twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a flattering smile.

Lu Ye knelt down and looked directly into his eyes: "If you dare to lie to me, you will know what life is worse than death!"

"Don't dare!" Bald Rongdao shook his head quickly and tried to straighten up. Seeing that Lu Ye didn't respond much, he said, "Brother Taoist, don't you know about our Bu clan?"

Lu Ye had never heard of it, but the creatures in the starry abyss came from different starry skies, and there were all kinds of weird races. There were many races that he had never seen or heard of, which was not surprising.

The bald head said again: "There are only a few members of our Divination Clan. It's normal that Taoist Brother has never heard of it. However, we have an innate magical power that can help people predict the future. Of course, we can't predict everything. There are many restrictions and conditions, but …”

Lu Ye interrupted his chatter: "So, you want to use your innate magical power to help me divine the birth location of the treasure."

The bald man kept nodding: "Brother Dao is really smart, that's it!"

Lu Ye looked at him dubiously, somewhat confused as to whether he really had this ability or if he was simply trying to take advantage of the opportunity to survive.

After thinking for a while, he said: "If you really have this ability, why don't you go get the treasure yourself?"

The bald man smiled sarcastically: "Just like a doctor who doesn't heal himself, our Divination clan can calculate all things in Xingyuan, but we can't calculate ourselves. If we force divination, we will have endless troubles."

Seeing that Lu Ye was still in deep thought, he quickly persuaded him: "It won't hurt you anyway, why not give it a try?"

Lu Ye thought so, so he nodded and said: "Then you can try it."

The bald man finally straightened up completely, and kept kneeling in front of Lu Ye: "Brother, if I'm right, can you spare my life?"

"No problem, this is the first time I've seen a Rong Dao who is so afraid of death like you, it doesn't matter whether you kill me or not." He originally wanted to say that I was afraid of dirtying my hands if I killed a Rong Dao like you, but considering that he still had to help him with divination, he changed his words.

The bald man said indifferently: "It's okay to be afraid of death. As long as you are alive, it's not shameful to kowtow and beg for mercy." He hesitated again: "Brother, will you really let me go?"

Lu Ye looked at him expressionlessly.

"I believe that Brother Dao must be a man of his word." The bald man didn't dare to ask again, mainly because he was not as strong as others, and he didn't dare to let Lu Ye swear in the name of Xingyuan's will.

"Let's get started!" Lu Ye urged.

The bald man immediately sat up straight, flipped his hands, and took out three turtle shell-like things from somewhere. Lu Ye looked up and saw that these three turtle shells had obviously experienced long years of erosion. It was unknown how many years ago they were preserved. The surface was mottled and the lines were complex. There was some dark red between the lines, which seemed to be the residue of blood.

"Brother, I need a drop of your blood." The bald man blinked and looked at Lu Ye.

Lu Ye's long knife was unsheathed three inches, and his finger touched the blade. Then he flicked his finger, and a drop of bright red blood flew out.

The bald man immediately caught the drop of blood in his hand, and his whole temperament changed dramatically at this moment. He was extremely flattering just now, and he was a cowardly villain who was greedy for life and afraid of death. At this moment, he looked solemn and solemn.

He moved his other hand slightly, and three turtle shells suddenly flew up, lingering around him, followed by a wisp of blood mist, which was the result of Lu Ye's blood mist.

The blood mist wrapped the three turtle shells and turned around him faster and faster. After a few breaths, the three turtle shells turned into phantoms, and replaced by strange and complex words around the bald man.

The bald man was mumbling something, but even if Lu Ye listened carefully, he couldn't hear what he was mumbling. He only knew that the syllables he made were extremely difficult to pronounce.

After a while, the bald man's expression suddenly became difficult, and as he spurted out a mouthful of blood, all the strange phenomena around him disappeared.

The three turtle shells fell one by one, forming a straight line in front of him, and the surface of the turtle shells with gullies and gullies was flashing with fine runes.

Lu Ye didn't know what this seemingly easy divination would cost, but the bald man was obviously a little depressed at the moment, and of course it was not ruled out that he did this on purpose to gain sympathy.

"Brother..." The bald man panted slightly, "Brother, if you follow this direction, you will get the biggest gain of this trip!"

Lu Ye looked down at the direction indicated by the three tortoise shells and asked, "Can it be wrong?"

"It must be right!" The bald man's tone and expression were very sure.

Lu Ye nodded. He came here to seize the Mingyue Wheel treasure. If the result of the divination of the bald man, a member of the divination family, was correct, then the direction indicated was undoubtedly the location where the treasure was born, so it could be called the biggest gain of this trip.

Since there was a result, Lu Ye didn't plan to stay any longer, and got up and left.

The bald man behind him saw that he really had no intention of killing him, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. However, when he looked down at the three tortoise shells again, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and he couldn't help but frowned and raised his hand and said, "Brother, wait a minute!"

Lu Ye stopped and looked back.

The bald man's expression was extremely solemn. He stared at the runes that kept changing on the three tortoise shells and said, "Brother, it seems that you will be in great danger on this trip!"

Lu Ye asked casually, "How dangerous is it?"

The bald man raised his eyes and said solemnly, "A line between life and death!"

Lu Ye looked at him indifferently, then turned around, raised his hand to press the handle of the Panshan Knife, and slowly drew the knife.

It's not that he couldn't listen to the unpleasant words, but mainly doubted this guy's ability to predict.

With his current strength, he can be said to be unrivaled in this starry wonder. Unless he is looking for death to provoke the treasure Mingyue Wheel, how could there be a great danger between life and death?

And given his personality, it is impossible for him to do something stupid like provoking an intelligent treasure.

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