Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2405 Recent Situation

"Ah, this matter is indeed my fault for not being able to control my words, but you don't know the situation at that time. Hua Ci and the others were heartbroken. I have to explain things to them clearly, so some things have to be explained. You have to understand my good intentions." After all, the old tree is highly respected and can't bear the pressure of Lu Ye's eyes.

As he said, three years ago, Lu Ye suddenly turned into a phoenix egg. No one knew what happened. Even the old tree himself didn't react for a while.

But Lu Ye had a mark of the reincarnation tree on his body after all, so he spent some energy to investigate, and remembered something Yang Qing told him many years ago, and finally made an accurate judgment.

But he also saw the phoenix nirvana for the first time, and he was not sure what would happen next, so he could only try to comfort Hua Ci and others.

"Thank you for your hard work, old tree." Lu Ye nodded. He didn't blame the old tree.

To be honest, this time it was a blessing in disguise. At least, after experiencing that, the faint alienation between Hua Ci and others should be gone.

I couldn't help but imagine that if I came a few more times, I might be as carefree as the Lord of Wen Shenlian.

"Tell me about the recent situation in the starry sky, how is the Xingyuan Gate recently?" Lu Ye said.

Seeing that he really didn't mean to blame him, the old tree was relieved and told the story immediately.

Since the seventh Xingyuan Gate was repaired by Lu Ye, there was no trace left. Fangcun Mountain was left there because no one was driving it, and Lu Ye could take it away at any time.

Although Fangcun Mountain consumed some of its original power in the process of repairing the Xingyuan Gate, it did not affect the fundamentals, so it was not a big problem.

However, for the sake of insurance, the old tree still dispatched some people to stay in Fangcun Mountain for a long time to monitor the situation there at any time.

"Old Tree, you said before that Senior Yun would guard it for thirty years with his obsession. What about after thirty years?" Lu Ye has always been curious about this question, but he didn't have the time to ask it before.

Calculating the time, twenty-six years have passed since thirty years, and there are only four years left.

It was Yun Shiwang's sacrifice that gave Lu Ye enough time to repair the Xingyuan Gate.

This door was opened by Yun Shiwang, but it was also because of him that he could repair it. He brought great disaster to the starry sky, but he used all his own to make up for this mistake.

The ancestors are respectable, but their fate is tragic.

"Since it is an obsession, then I will persist. As for thirty years later... Yunsheng is already a sword slave of Tianxuan Sword. If you enter the inner world in the future, you may have a chance to meet him!"

Lu Ye's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Can it be saved?"

The old tree sighed: "It's difficult! The power of the treasure is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If the many treasures in this starry sky are ranked, I am actually only in the middle level, but I am lucky. I have my own spiritual wisdom. Tianxuan Sword can be said to be the strongest treasure in this starry sky. It is almost impossible to get rid of it after becoming its sword slave."

In another four years, without that trace of obsession, Yun Shiwang will completely lose himself. At that time, he will be a walking corpse, and Tianxuan Sword can control his body at will.

"Does the Tianxuan Sword have its own intelligence?" Lu Ye asked.

"I haven't felt it. Very few of the treasures in this starry sky have given birth to intelligence. I am one of them, Xingxiu Palace is one of them, and the Fortune Wheel is one of them. But apart from me, neither Xingxiu Palace nor Fortune Wheel has high intelligence, especially Xingxiu Palace. After the last Xingyuan invasion, the source was consumed. I don't know if that trace of intelligence still exists."

It should still exist.

Lu Ye has contacted Xingxiu Palace. It seems to have some thoughts, but very weak.

The Tianxuan Sword has no intelligence, but it does not mean that it will not control Yun Shiwang, just like Xingyuan will is only a will, but it controls the entire Xingyuan.

"The situation of the other six Xingyuan gates is very stable. Xingkong is now powerful enough to resist the invading enemies."

Over the years, the three thousand Dao Entry that Lu Ye borrowed from Banlan have entered the starry sky, and the number of Dao Entry in this starry sky is also increasing rapidly. Even Rongdao has produced nearly ten Dao Entry.

The reason why the strength of the Starry Sky cultivators has increased so quickly is because the efficiency of killing enemies has been greatly improved. If they can kill powerful enemies more easily with minimal effort, then they can naturally get more benefits.

Moreover, after so many years, there are rarely large-scale enemy invasions at the Gate of the Starry Abyss. They are all scattered and not difficult to deal with.

"We have already contacted Banlan. Since ten years ago, many cultivators from this Starry Sky have been sent to Banlan for training." While speaking, the old tree told Lu Ye another good news.

Lu Ye had already planned to use Banlan as a training place for the Starry Sky cultivators, because only Banlan can allow those who enter the Dao to improve themselves better.

The old tree also knew Lu Ye's plan, so he had already started to prepare.

The Starry Sky does not belong to Lu Ye alone. He has done enough. In the future, there will always be a time when Lu Ye is not in the Starry Sky. Therefore, if you want to protect the Starry Sky well, you can't rely on Lu Ye alone. You need the efforts and contributions of more people.

In this way, when Lu Ye leaves the starry sky one day, he will not have any worries.

No matter from which aspect, Lu Ye cannot stay in the starry sky forever. He needs to improve his cultivation level and find a way to completely solve the crisis of the starry sky, so he still needs to go out again.

The old tree can foresee that day will not be too late.

While talking, Shu Lao suddenly asked: "What is your current level of cultivation?"

"Shenhai!" Lu Ye responded casually.

Shulao was surprised: "Can it be restored?"

"There is no need to re-cultivate, and it will recover slowly. It is not a bad thing. Speaking of it, even if my cultivation was deliberately suppressed in the past, it still progressed very quickly. Now I can accumulate insights again, which is actually a good thing."

Shu Lao realized that Lu Ye's words were not to comfort him, but that they were indeed true, so he said: "Isn't this a blessing in disguise? No wonder Yang Qing said before that the Phoenix Clan is in Nirvana. The more Nirvana, the stronger it becomes!"

"Then, has Senior Yang told you that the Phoenix Clan's Nirvana is also risky, and it is not guaranteed to succeed. If it fails, it will really lead to death."

Shu Lao said with great interest: "Did you really get to know a Phoenix Clan in the Star Abyss?"

"You all know the Phoenix Yuan Blood. If it weren't for the Phoenix Clan, where would I get the Phoenix Yuan Blood?" Speaking of this, Lu Ye remembered something again: "Shu Lao, what should I do if I want to find Senior Yang Qing?"

The more he practices, the more powerful he can feel Yang Qing.

What Yang Qing left in the starry sky back then was probably just a clone, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to enlighten a star beast like Yin Luo at that time.

Lu Ye now wants to know how strong Yang Qing is!

So far, the strongest person he has encountered should be Qi. Although Lu Ye has never seen her take action, after facing the power of Hedao, he can still clearly realize that Hedao is not enough in front of Qi. look.

Su Yan said that it was a senior from the Feng Clan.

This senior of the Phoenix Clan is so powerful, what about Yang Qing? Does he know how to solve the crisis in the starry sky? If you know, why don't you help?

Shulao said: "Yang Qing's origin is very mysterious. I couldn't see through him before, but later I found out that he was not a Starry Sky monk. I did chat with him about many things, but most of the time it was just casual chatting. When he left He didn't leave any words when he was there, so if you want to find him, you have to find a way yourself." At this point, Shu Lao said again: "However, the world says that dragons and phoenixes bring good fortune, and Yang Qing is a dragon. Maybe you. If you have a chance in the future, you can ask the Feng Clan, they may know something about the Dragon Clan."

When Lu Ye thought about it, this was indeed the truth.

It happened that he still had a phoenix feather gifted by Su Yan, but Su Yan said at that time that he should go to Phoenix Nest to find her when he reaches the peak of Hedao.

The peak of Hedao is still far away from him. Before Nirvana, he only had the fifth level of Fusional Dao, and now he only has Shenhai.

However, for Lu Ye, as long as he has enough Dao power, it is not difficult to improve the level of Fusion Dao, because the biggest difficulty for the Fusion Dao next to him is to engrave Dao marks, but he has the talent tree to help him, as long as he can withstand the pain, inscribe There will be no mistakes in the Dao pattern.

After a long conversation with Shu Lao, Lu Ye felt relaxed.

Nowadays, there is no need for him to intervene in the entire starry sky, and there is nothing he can do with his cultivation.

He hurried back to Cuizhufeng leisurely. He hadn't experienced this feeling of weakness for a long time. Even rushing on the road was as slow as a turtle crawling compared to before.

However, Lu Ye did not call Xiao Jiu for help, because this was a rare experience. During this special period and process, Lu Ye could discover things that he could not discover when he was stronger before.

As he and Shu Lao said, even if his monks deliberately suppressed it, their cultivation speed was extremely fast compared to ordinary monks. Although there had never been any major problems with unstable foundations, there were always areas that could be improved.

He planned to take this opportunity to cultivate his moral character and check for leaks and make up for his shortcomings.

When he returned to Cuizhufeng, he saw Yiyi and Amber waiting for him there.

When they met again, Yiyi and Amber both had red eyes.

One Spirit and One Beast is no less worried and concerned about Lu Ye than Hua Ci and others. They did not come with Hua Ci and others before because they wanted to leave time and space for Lu Ye to be affectionate with his women.

Yiyi has always been very sensible.

On the swing, Lu Ye held her in his arms. The two of them were talking in a low voice. Hu Huo was lying next to her. The sun was rising and the moon was setting. When she had nothing to say, Yiyi was still clinging to Lu Ye's chest, reluctant to get up. .

Xiaojiu wanted to bring the little girl to play several times, but she could only retreat silently.

For the next period of time, Cuizhufeng continued to be lively because people kept coming to visit Lu Ye. They all heard from different channels that Lu Ye had woken up. Those who had friendship with him would naturally come to visit him.

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