Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 225 Feng Shi

The core flesh sac was broken, the living core was taken out, and the insect nest soon began to wither.

"The wounded clean up the battlefield, others follow me!" Ding Yushu greeted, and led more than 400 monks under the door to go out along the worm path.

After leaving the wormhole, the cultivators immediately rushed in one direction.

On the way, someone noticed something was wrong, because this direction was not the direction to return to the station, but the direction to Feng's.

Immediately, someone asked excitedly: "Senior brother Ding, are we going to beat Mrs. Feng?"

"Fighting the Feng family? That's great. I've been annoyed by those dogs for a long time. Last time, Senior Brother Zhang and I fought with a team of the Feng family and killed one of them."

"Don't tell me, that little lady of the Feng family is pretty, if she can be caught to warm Senior Brother Ding's bed...hehehe."

"Brother, you are laughing so obscenely. Also, don't ruin Senior Brother Ding's reputation. It's not like you don't know the style of that little lady of the Feng family. How can she warm Senior Brother Ding's bed?"

"Then warm the bed for me, I don't dislike it!"

"What are you talking about? Senior Brother Ding, are we really going to beat Feng Shi?"

Obviously, they had just fought against the insect swarm, and the group of Wujixuan monks had consumed a lot of energy, but when they heard that they were going to fight the Feng family, they suddenly became energetic. Obviously, Wujixuan and the Feng family monks often had conflicts on weekdays.

In the Lingxi battlefield, each sect's residence is basically adjacent to two or three other residences, and one of them must belong to this camp, because if they are completely surrounded by the camps of the hostile camp, then the monks in this camp will I'm afraid I can't even get out of the door, and I'm doomed to have no prospects for development.

Lu Ye has a ten-point map in his hand, which shows the situation of the camps of the various sects. He has observed and found that if the camps of the two camps are connected, it is like two big dragons being strangled in the Lingxi battlefield.

Among the three neighboring factions of the Feng family, apart from Wanmo Ridge, the other two are Jade Blood Sect and Wujixuan.

The previous situation of the Jade Blood Sect is there, and Feng doesn't need to pay attention to it at all, so they can use all their energy to deal with Wujixuan.

Wujixuan does not have this condition. They have to deal with not only the Feng family, but also another Wanmoling sect. It is nothing more than a small-scale friction on weekdays, but once there is a large-scale conflict with the Feng family, the other family The Wanmo Ridge forces will definitely intervene, making Wujixuan extremely uncomfortable.

The enmity between the two sides has accumulated day by day, and naturally they both look at each other and hate each other.

"Shut up!" Ding Yushu, who was at the front, snorted lightly, and did not reveal the real purpose of this operation. Even though Lu Ye sent a message telling him that the success rate is very high, there are always surprises in everything.

It can be seen that Ding Yushu has a high prestige in Wujixuan. After he spoke, the monks immediately fell silent, silently pouring the elixir into their mouths to recover themselves.

As an old neighbor who has been with him for many years, Wujixuan naturally knows where Feng's wormhole is, and Ding Yushu leads the people straight to this place with great momentum.

The monks of the Feng family who stayed here immediately noticed something, and while hiding in the wormhole, they sent messages.

In a short while, more than 400 monks of Wujixuan surrounded the entrance of the wormhole, staring at the bottom, and Feng Lianju, the deputy guardian of the Feng family who was leading the monks in the clan to fight against the wormhole in the wormhole, got the news at the first time, he just With a soft snort, he ignored it.

Being blocked by someone at the exit of the wormhole may seem dangerous, but in fact it is not a serious problem at all. As long as they don't show up easily, Wujixuan can't do anything to them. Wujixuan doesn't dare to rush down rashly, unless they want to die .

It is impossible for Wujixuan to be stuck there for a long time. If they really do this, the residence of Wujixuan will definitely be lost. The Feng family can join forces with another Wanmo Ridge force to launch an attack on Wujixuan's residence.

So Feng Lianju didn't panic at all.

This news also spread to Feng's resident immediately. The guardian of Feng's resident is a female cultivator named Feng Yue. She heard that Wujixuan dispatched four hundred monks to block the exit of her wormhole. She They were also stunned for a long time, although they were surprised at how quickly Wujixuan dealt with the bug swarm this time, but they really couldn't figure out the significance of what they did.

But to be on the safe side, she still sent a summons to go out together.

There will be a reply soon.

"Sister Yue, what's the matter?" The address was very friendly, and Feng Yue could almost think of the other party's ugly face.

This made her disgusted for a while, but she naturally wouldn't reveal it easily, and told the other party about Wujixuan's actions.

The other side was arrogant: "It's really courageous. I haven't taught that kid Ding Yushu for a month. This bastard is about to turn upside down! Sister Yue, don't worry, when the bug swarm on my side is finished, I will lead someone to kill them. Keep."

Feng Yue quickly replied: "That's not necessary, just tell the senior brother about this matter, the Feng family can handle it properly."

She wouldn't ask the other party to do something, otherwise this ugly guy would definitely make some rude demands. In case of any casualties in the conflict with Wujixuan, the Feng family might have to pay Lingshi as compensation.

However, Wujixuan has such a big move here, it is a good time to go to attack Wujixuan's garrison, according to the character of the opponent who is very happy, how can he easily miss it?

During the whole process, she just provided some information to the other party, which is a normal thing in the communication between monks of the two camps, so no matter how things develop, it is none of her business.

"It's really interesting." Feng Yue picked up the water glass on the side and took a sip.

"Boom..." When there was a sound, Feng Yue was startled, choked on the water again, and coughed violently for a while before recovering.

A monk from the Feng family hurried in.

"Who is it?" Feng Yue's expression was gloomy and cold. Although she didn't see what happened just now, the movement just now was obviously that the protective formation of her resident was attacked, which made her extremely annoyed. Well, someone actually dared to attack the Feng family's garrison?

The visitor looked terrified: "Insect swarm!"

"What bug swarm?" Feng Yue frowned. When she asked, she vaguely heard some strange noises and rustling movements.

Her complexion changed, she hurriedly rushed out to the edge of the station, looked up, her face paled in shock.

I saw all kinds of Zerg crawling on the light curtain of the protective formation in front. Those Zerg were not small in size, and Zerg with human length abounded everywhere. Spiritual power, where the Zerg gnawed, the light curtain became much weaker.

There are also some Zergs who spray green juice from their mouths, and when the green juice falls on the light curtain, there will be a piercing sound, corroding spiritual power.

Looking at the overwhelming Zerg rushing over, Feng Yue felt chills all over his body.

Which house's bug outbreak broke out? Such a scale is no longer something that monks in the outer circle can handle. She was the first to think of Wujixuan, but thinking about it, it is unlikely. If the bug swarm broke out in Wujixuan, then Wujixuan must be very busy. How could there be hundreds of monks betting on the entrance of their own wormhole?

It wasn't Wujixuan, could it be Jade Blood Sect?

But didn't the Jade Blood Sect recruit more than a hundred registered disciples and hundreds of casual cultivators? Even if there is a loss in dealing with the bug swarm, it is impossible to let the bug swarm explode to such an extent, and even if the worm swarm on the Jade Blood Sect breaks out, it will not come here so quickly. The Zerg will eat the life along the way first, until Only when there is no grass growing, will it push forward layer by layer, so the speed at the beginning is not fast.

"Senior Sister Feng!" Someone shouted from the side.

Feng Yue immediately came back to his senses. At this moment, it was useless to worry about where the bug swarm came from. No matter where it came from, this wave of bugs had already arrived at the door of his house. If it was not handled properly, the station would be over.

"Quickly, use all your strength to urge the power of the protective formation!" Feng Yue's crisp voice sounded, and soon, a monk from the Feng family rushed to the location where the large formation was placed, and a large number of spirit stones were thrown into it, and the spiritual power accumulated in the past was also released. Come out and strengthen the protective power of the formation.

Three miles away from the back of Feng's residence, at the bottom of a slope, seven hundred monks of the Jade Blood Sect are quietly dormant here.

In the past, so many people gathered here would definitely be discovered soon, but right now it is the time when the major sects are dealing with the insect infestation. A large number of monks go deep underground, and a small number of monks stay in the garrison. There are basically no people in the wild. The reason why cultivator Zong can hide here safely without being discovered.

"Fifth Senior Brother, when will you be here?" Someone asked, after having tasted the sweetness of conquering other people's garrison once, everyone couldn't wait to do it again.

"No hurry." Lu Ye responded, and sent a message to Ding Yushu, and learned that their side was already in place, and the deputy guardian of Wujixuan had also set off and was on his way.

He raised his head and looked towards Feng's garrison again, and seeing that their protective formation was as stable as before, he couldn't help but feel a little muttered in his heart.

The reason why he didn't take action immediately was because he had to wait for Wujixuan's deputy guard to come over, and secondly, Lu Ye also wanted to kill more monks of the Feng family.

Simply capturing other people's garrisons, although it will cause huge losses to others, but if they kill their monks on this basis, wouldn't it be beautiful?

According to what the fourth brother said, the Zerg has a very powerful characteristic, that is, breaking the formation. The gnawing of the Zerg is extremely destructive to this light curtain-shaped protective formation.

If they rushed out at this moment, Feng's response would definitely be the same as that of Tiansha Temple. The monks who stayed behind withdrew to Kyushu and left the station.

So Lu Ye wanted to wait for the Zerg to almost destroy their protective formation before making a move. At that time, as long as they blocked the Palace of Secrets, the Feng family monks who stayed in the station counted as one, and no one could escape.

It was a bad thing to let the deputy guardian envoy of the Tiansha Temple run away before, because the output of a resident is a lot, so there must be a lot of good things in the storage bag of the deputy guardian envoy.

This time, Feng's can't be allowed to run away too.

The capture of the garrison is a matter of raw life for the first time, familiarity for the second time, and familiarity with the road for the third time. Lu Ye is also slowly summing up his experience and choosing the most beneficial method for himself.

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