Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2171 Guarding Order

"Someone else will take action." Fei Lian spoke slowly, obviously having a plan.

The insect mother hesitated and said: "Basically everyone in Rongdao performs their own duties. Where do you want to transfer them from?"

The human race has obtained the earthworm. Regardless of whether it is compatible or not, using the power of the earthworm can exert the power of more than a dozen Dao at least. If you want to take back the Taoist weapon from such a person, you must use the Rongdao to take action.

But both the enemy and our fusion path have their own responsibilities, and it is not an easy task no matter where they come from.

Fei Lian smiled slightly: "No need to be transferred. I just got the news that some new Rong Dao was born in our clan before, but they have never been seen. When the time comes, he will act secretly to find out the whereabouts of that person."

The insect mother understood: "This is really good news."

A Fusion Dao that has not been paid attention to is undoubtedly very suitable for use as a hidden object.

"When will we act?" asked the insect mother.

Fei Lian said: "Let's calm down the dispute at hand first. The human race may have become suspicious due to the huge commotion this time, so we have to wait for a while until the enemy relaxes, and then attack violently. We should get a good harvest. If we can seize the opportunity to seize the blue water..."

That can further compress the scope of activities on the human side.

"as you wish."

The movements of the two Insect-blood clans were still very fast. Following the order given by the Insect Mother, the monks of the two clans withdrew in an orderly manner from the chaotic place where they had been fighting for more than two months.

Blue Water Battle Star, Ziying quickly received the information.

Unlike the sentry monk who came to report with a happy expression, there was a trace of sadness between her eyebrows.

At first glance, it seemed that the human race alliance and the giant race had joined forces to block the crazy offensive of the two insect-blood clans. It could barely be regarded as a victory, but Ziying suspected that the human race that made the noise before had probably been killed by the insect-blood clan. The two clans have been found, and their fate is dire.

Otherwise, there is no reason for the enemy's army to just die out.

Of course, small-scale encounters continue, which is also the eternal theme of the entire war zone.

"Sir, is there any problem?" The sentinel asked cautiously, observing the words and expressions.

Ziying shook her head slowly and just waved her hand: "It's okay, go down."

I was actually a little annoyed in my heart. No matter who the person was, and no matter what caused such a big fuss, since he knew that he was being targeted by the two insect-blood clans, why didn't he come to the guard house to ask for help from him.

She was ordered to sit here, not only to protect this war zone from being captured by the enemy, but also to protect the lives of the monks under her command to the best of her ability.

She has actually done very well over the years and has gained a reputation throughout the war zone.

But now that the two insect-blood tribes have retreated, what happened to that person will probably remain a mystery forever.

On a floating land, Lu Ye and two other figures sat upright, each healing his injuries.

Of these two, one was huge, five feet tall, and was obviously a giant. Although the other was humanoid, he had a demonic aura, and was obviously a demon.

These two men, who belonged to the giant tribe, had encountered a wave of enemies before, and two of their companions died in the fight. They were about to be surrounded by the enemies. At the critical moment, Lu Ye came out and saved them. At the same time, he also saved the two companions. Several enemies were killed.

However, Lu Ye has been hiding his clumsiness recently, only using the strength of the Twelve Paths to fight against the enemy, and also hiding the Panshan Sword, so it is inevitable to get injured sometimes.

He asked someone to inquire about it, and found out that the Zerg tribe had something called stoneworms, which were extremely hidden and scattered in various locations on the battlefield, acting as the insect mother's eyesight.

The last time I killed the Claw Vampires, it must have been seen by the Stoneworm, so it attracted the attention of the Mother Insect.

Unable to determine whether there are stoneworms watching nearby, we can only hide.

The injury was not serious and he recovered quickly.

The demon clan said: "Brother Taoist, the war zone is dangerous, why not go together? If you get the spoils, you can take half."

After the fight just now, he saw how powerful Lu Ye was, so he naturally wanted to win over him. The human race and the giant race had always joined forces, so it was not uncommon for them to join forces to kill the enemy.

Paying half of the spoils to get a strong man like Lu Ye to accompany him, not only would he not lose money, he might even make a profit.

The giant clan also buzzed: "Yes, Fellow Daoist Li, it's better to go alone than to go together, so that everyone can take care of you."

They had informed each other of their names before, and Lu Ye of course announced Li Taibai's name.

Lu Ye shook his head and said, "I understand with good intentions, but I'm used to being a loner."

It is true that using the power of the Twelve Paths to fight against enemies and teaming up with others is indeed a good choice, but he does not only use the power of the Twelve Paths. Even if he encounters a strong enemy, he can retreat calmly. It's not good for people to be together. You can't care about the life and death of your companions. When the time comes, you may have to be watched by the insect mother again.

Hearing his refusal, both the demon clan and the giant clan were a little disappointed, but they did not try to persuade him.

Lu Ye added: "The war seems to have eased a lot recently. Is there any news about you two?"

The demon clan said: "It has indeed eased a lot. I don't know why before. The two insect-blood clans were very active, but now they are showing signs of dying down. But this is a good thing after all."

The giant said: "I heard that there was a powerful guy on your human side. The insect mother was worried about it, so it sent a large army to encircle and suppress it. Unfortunately, he broke out of the encirclement. Gee, I really don't know what kind of person he is. How can the Insect Mother care so much?" Turning to look at Lu Ye: "Fellow Daoist Li, have you ever heard of such a person in the human race?"

Lu Ye's expression was calm: "I've only come to Melancholy not long ago. I'm not familiar with the place, so how can I know."

After chatting for a few more words, Lu Ye said goodbye and left.

The fierce fight subsided and the days returned to how they were before. For Lu Ye, the difficulty in operating in this war zone was not to kill the enemy, but to find traces of the enemy.

Fortunately, he has also accumulated a lot of experience during this time.

Many enemies like to hibernate on the Death Stars or floating land, waiting for something to happen, so he rarely wanders around in the void now. He usually searches on the Death Stars, and there are always some surprises. .

Another month later, after refining the Tao bones in his hands, Lu Ye checked his own Tao power. Excluding the ones that he had to keep as spares, the accumulated Tao power already exceeded a thousand.

It's time to polish the bones again.

He has done this kind of thing more than a dozen times, and he is very familiar with it. However, what makes him complain is that so far, he has only encountered such a good thing once. At present, polishing the bones of the Tao basically requires It takes about a thousand Daoli to succeed.

So every time he accumulated more than a thousand Dao power before starting.

This time was no exception. After repeated failures, the broken Dao bones reunited and became stronger. Finally, after almost all the excess Dao power was consumed, they were successfully polished.

Lu Ye gently clenched his fist and activated his power.

He has the strength of twenty-six Tao, and there are as many as seventeen Tao bones in his body. Although he is still far from the goal he set earlier, he has finally walked firmly on this road.

It has to be said that accidentally falling into this beautiful starry sky is not a bad thing for him, and it is in line with his current need to become stronger in practice.

As for leaving... When he is strong enough in the future, he will naturally be able to talk to those Fusion Dao as equals and find a way to leave.

Just as he was about to stand up, Lu Ye suddenly frowned.

A touch of warmth came from his chest.

He quickly reached into his arms and took out his waistband.

When fighting outside, human monks usually keep their waist tags close to their bodies. Although they can also be hung around the waist, if so, the enemy can roughly judge the strength of the belt by the color of the waist tags at a glance.

The waist card is not only a certificate for human monks to enter and exit various battle stars and alliance stars, but it can also be used to communicate and communicate.

So far, the only people Lu Ye can contact are Kang Xing and the other three.

But at this time, the waist card suddenly became abnormal, so there was only one explanation.

Sure enough, as Lu Ye's spiritual thoughts penetrated into the waist card, a capable female voice came into his ears: "Under the command of Ziying, who is guarding the Blue Water Battle Star, the enemy attacked the star. All the monks in the war zone immediately returned to the Battle Star to fight together. There must be no mistakes in foreign aggression!”

Guard order!

Kang Xing told him that there was only one person in each war zone who could contact him without the help of contact marks, and that was the Rongdao guard of the war star in this war zone.

Once such a guard order is issued, there is no possibility of refusal or cheating, because subsequent investigations will be carried out. In other words, everyone who receives this order must comply with the order.

Once a slacker is discovered, the consequences will be extremely serious.

Lu Ye hasn't been to Blue Water Battle Star yet, because he came here to kill enemies and practice, but he didn't expect to go to Blue Water in this way.

Since it is a guard order, of course it cannot be avoided.

Without hesitation, Lu Ye immediately set off from his hiding place and flew towards the blue water battle star at high speed.

Along the way, we could meet some scattered human teams from time to time. They all gathered together with a tacit understanding and rushed towards the Blue Water Battle Star.

The team continued to expand, and in just half a day, dozens of people were gathered.

"There are signs of the enemy ahead!" In the crowd, a monk with white eyes suddenly whispered. Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he had practiced some eye skills, so he could see further than others.

"How big is it?" someone asked hurriedly.

"Dozens of them, almost the same as us, are heading towards the Blue Water Battle Star. They are all Zerg."

"Kill him!" Someone said aggressively.

"No, our mission is to return to Blue Water quickly. The enemy is not much different from us. If there is a confrontation, the outcome is uncertain, so I think we should take a detour."

"How can you succeed if you are timid and cowardly? If you don't kill the enemy, it is intolerable to God!"

"Who are you calling timid?"

"If you are brave enough, then rush in with someone and see who kills more."

“If you want to succeed, use your brain more!”

There was endless noise, and a group of hastily gathered members of the Taoist group had disagreements even before they returned to Blue Water.

"That's enough, shut up!" Someone suddenly shouted angrily.

Everyone looked around and saw that while the man was speaking, he reached into his arms to take out his waist badge and waved his hand: "This is Jin Wei Yanhong. Are there any other Jin Wei present?"

The golden waistband dazzled everyone's eyes for a moment, many people showed envy, and the noise stopped abruptly.

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