Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2165 Taoist Weapon

In fact, it's not just the colorful starry sky, but also places with harsh environments like the Star Abyss, and areas where a large number of creatures thrive.

These realms basically come from various broken star skies and have been preserved due to some coincidences.

However, unless you are lucky, there is basically no guarantee for the realm in the Star Abyss. Perhaps just the aftermath of a confrontation between strong men can cause countless casualties or even break up the entire realm.

This giant city of the War Alliance can be said to be the human race's bridgehead on the battlefield, and it is also a protective barrier. As long as this barrier remains, the rear will be safe.

In front of a city gate, Kang Xing and the others led Lu Yeluo down and walked straight towards a main hall on the side.

Newcomers who want to enter the city need to go through some procedures. This does not mean that they can enter casually. This is also a means of prevention to avoid getting mixed in with spies. In fact, the main defense is against the vampires. Some vampires are proficient in the art of disguise. , can take on the appearance of a human race and act outside, in the starry sky, but many races have suffered in this regard.

Kang Xing had already mentioned this matter to Lu Ye on the way back.

After a while, I saw the steward here. He was a fat man with a big belly. He didn't look very strong. I don't know what kind of nepotism allowed him to sit here and take charge of things.

As required, Lu Ye first walked through an area covered by a formation. This formation has the power to remove the false and preserve the true, and can detect most disguises.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man in charge took out another mirror-like thing and took a look at Lu Ye, then nodded slightly: "It is indeed the human race."

After verifying his identity, nothing happened next. The manager collected a drop of Lu Ye's blood essence and a piece of divine soul power to help him make a waist badge.

After a while, a group of four people walked out.

Kang Xing told Lu Ye: "Brother Taoist, you must keep this badge well. It is not only a certificate for us to freely enter and exit various battle cities, but it is also a connecting thing. With this badge, as long as it is still in the beautiful starry sky, Basically all can reach each other.”

Lu Ye nodded.

In a sense, the communication function of this waist card is equivalent to musical notes.

"Exchange contact marks first?" Lu Ye suggested.

The three people in Kangxing couldn't get it.

With their strength, it is difficult to make friends with any strong people. Although Lu Ye is not considered a strong person, he is still a master of the Nine Paths. If he encounters something on the battlefield later, he might be able to ask for help.

After a while, a group of four people flew into the huge battle city. Now that he had a waist card, Lu Ye didn't have to worry about being attacked by the formations in the battlefield. If he didn't have a waist card and rushed in, he would definitely not end well. of.

Kang Xing and the other three have been fighting on the battlefield for a long time. This time they came back mainly for repairs, but also to purchase some supplies, such as elixirs for healing.

Lu Ye naturally did not join them.

After asking about the location of the Zhan Town garrison, the four of them separated, and Lu Ye headed straight towards the garrison.

He wanted to see Rong Dao here and ask him how to leave.

A moment later, in front of the glorious and solemn guard's mansion, a guard shouted: "No matter how many times, I come here to annoy the guard like you, how can the guard have any free time?"

Lu Ye was not annoyed. After all, what he said was right. He also knew that his trip would probably be fruitless, but he still didn't give up. He cupped his fists and said, "Fellow Taoist, I just want to ask if there is a way to leave." , since my fellow Taoist is on duty in front of the garrison, he must be well-informed, can you give me some advice?"

The guard couldn't help but sneered: "How to leave? Are you new? Every newcomer wants to leave, but you don't use your brain. If there is a way to leave, this beauty will not be called a cage." Come on, come on, come on, come on, don’t continue to make noise, otherwise I want you to look good.”

After all, he speaks softly, and even a guard guarding the mansion dares not to take him seriously.

Lu Ye left helplessly.

For the time being, even if there is a way to leave, he will not be able to contact him. Unless he also has the strength of Fusion Dao, he will be qualified to talk to other Fusion Dao.

But his path of cultivation is a little different from that of ordinary people. If he wants to advance to the Rong Dao, he doesn't know what happens in the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

For the current plan, we can only make peace with it now and plan for it slowly.

The realm cannot be improved in a short time, and Lu Ye does not want to expose his strength. A Taoist like him can control more than twenty powers. He is probably an outlier in the entire Xingyuan. Once he is noticed by others, it may cause some accidents.

If some strong man captured him for research, he would be worse than dead.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Ye turned around and walked in the other direction.

A moment later, Lu Ye stepped into a main hall in the war city. The main hall was large, but there were many monks coming in and out.

Looking around, it turns out that the majority are human race, and there are also monks from other races, but overall only less than 30% of them are human race.

This place is the battle merit hall of the Zhan Alliance, where monks from the Zhan Alliance plan their military exploits after killing enemies on the battlefield.

"Brother Lu Dao." A familiar voice came.

Lu Ye turned around and saw that it was Kang Xing and the other three who had just separated. When he shouted, the three of them were already coming towards him.

Lu Ye was not surprised that the three people would appear here. Any monk who had made gains on the battlefield would definitely come here when he returned to the battlefield.

"Brother Dao, are you here to settle your military exploits?" Kang Xing asked.

Lu Ye blinked: "How to settle?"

Kang Xing said: "It's very simple. You only need to hand in the useless Taoist bones, and the merits will be cleared automatically. At that time, the battle merits will be recorded on your waist card. All the materials in the alliance need battle merits to redeem them. In addition, if the battle merits are accumulated enough, If so, you can also increase the level of your waist card."

Lu Ye raised his eyebrows: "Is useless Taoist bones equal to military exploits?"

"Of course." Kang Xing smiled, "You can't hand over the unrefined Taoist bones. Then we will suffer a big loss."

In this case... Lu Ye couldn't help but glance at the useless bones piled up in the little flower world.

After these days, he kept all the refined Tao bones in his hands. His original intention was that if he encounters a star tree in the future, he can use it to cultivate the tree. Who knows that there will be an unexpected surprise here.

But he definitely couldn't hand over so many Dao bones at once. When he came to this colorful starry sky and suddenly handed over so many Dao bones, even a fool would know that something was wrong.

Lu Ye was more interested in another thing.

"What does the rank of the belt mean?"

Kang Xing said: "When I join the war alliance, I am a member of the war alliance. Whether it is for myself or for the war alliance, I need to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy."

Lu Ye nodded. There is no need for righteousness in fighting here. Killing the enemy is always beneficial. Any monk who is motivated will enter the battlefield to hone his skills without the supervision of others.

"But there are also three, six or nine levels of alliance guards." Kang Xing patted his waist badge as he spoke, "Brother Dao, didn't you notice that the color of my waist badge is different?"

Lu Ye had noticed this a long time ago, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Brother Dao, when he first came here, he had no military exploits and was just the most ordinary Iron Guard. The three of us are now considered Bronze Guards. They are all changes brought about by accumulating military exploits to a certain extent. After that, there are Silver Guards and Golden Guards."

"Is there any practical benefit to increasing the rank of the waist card?" Lu Ye asked.

"That's a lot." Kang Xing explained: "The most basic thing is that the consumption of exchange materials is different. For example, Silver Guard has a 20% discount for exchange materials, and different ranks have different materials exchange lists. Yes, there is no difference between the Bronze Guard and the Iron Guard, but I heard that there are many rare and rare good things on the lists of the Silver Guard and the Close Guard."

"There is a Taoist weapon!" Jiang Yuning interjected from the side.

"Taoist weapon?" Lu Ye was puzzled, "What is a Taoist tool?"

He had never heard of Taoist weapons before, only soldiers.

"Tao weapons are more powerful magic weapons, but if you have Tao weapons, you can control more Tao power!" Jiang Yuning explained.

Lu Ye was stunned: "Isn't this a treasure?"

"No!" Kang Xing shook his head, "It's not an attribute treasure. An attribute treasure is a derivative of a supreme treasure. But I heard that an attribute treasure can only increase one level of power, but a Taoist weapon... seems to be more powerful."

Lu Ye was shocked. The Taoist weapon was actually more powerful than the magic weapon?

Kang Xing's expression was solemn: "Almost ten years ago, I saw a Jin Wei use a Dao weapon to fight against the enemy on the battlefield. Both of them should have the strength of the Nine Dao, but the Jin Wei's opponent could only last ten Xi was beheaded by him on the spot."

Ten breaths of time separate life and death, so the difference in Tao power between them is at least three Tao powers.

Lu Ye was at a loss.

If there really is such a thing as a Taoist weapon in the Star Abyss, why has he never heard of it before? He really didn't know much about Xingyuan, but he didn't know even these most basic things.

But with that said, it's no wonder that the alliance guards are keen on accumulating military exploits to improve their status.

Taoist tools are indeed very attractive.

"Where did the Taoist artifact come from?" Lu Ye asked.

"I heard that it is made by refining. There are top weapon refiners who can refine Taoist weapons."

This is a bit remarkable. Top weapon refiners can refine Taoist weapons, which means that there are many Daoists above the Nine Dao on that battlefield.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ye asked again: "How much power can the Taoist weapon increase?"

Kang Xing was a little embarrassed: "I don't know. We have only heard about it and have never come into contact with it, but there must be three, six or nine levels of Taoist weapons."

I don't know if there is a Taoist weapon that can allow a Taoist to upgrade his strength to the level of Tao Fusion. If there is, it would be almost equal to his current strength.

Originally, he thought that he might have to hide his clumsiness properly in the future to avoid exposing his strength.

But now it seems that you still have to be more careful, and you can't look at your enemies with the same eyes as before. Maybe they have some Taoist weapons in their hands, and they will capsize in the gutter if they are not careful.

After chatting for a while, Lu Ye, led by Kang Xing, came to a table and cabinet, where an old martial artist sat. Lu Ye took out a few Dao bones at random and presented them with his waist badge. The meritorious officer's investigation was correct and the military exploits were recorded.

Immediately, Lu Ye asked the Gong Cao for a list of materials to be exchanged. He glanced at it and suddenly lost interest. The items that could be exchanged on it were basically used to heal injuries.

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