Humanity’s Great Sage

Chapter 2150 Fifteen Ways

Dao power is slowly poured into it, disappearing like water immersed in the soil. While being consumed, it is also slowly transforming the selected Dao bone, causing extremely wonderful changes to occur inside it.

Gradually, a faint golden light appeared on the Tao bone. As more Tao power was consumed, the golden light gradually became richer.

Just when Lu Ye thought there would be no problem this time and was full of expectations, there was a sudden pain in his body, and a clicking sound clearly reached his ears along with the blood flow.

The chosen piece of Taoist bone is broken!

Under the impact of the out-of-control Dao force, the entire bone was turned into powder.

Lu Ye endured the pain and realized that he had made things simple.

Thinking about it, when Jiuyan and others were polishing their moral integrity, which one of them did not achieve success after failure again and again?

According to their statistical rules, the success rate of polishing one's Taoist bones is basically only 10%. This is still for people like them. Those with worse backgrounds will undoubtedly have a lower success rate.

For example, some monks in Xingyuan may have to polish it dozens of times before they are lucky enough to succeed once. Therefore, the cultivation of Tao realm is not simple, and every improvement in Tao power has to pay a huge price.

This failure cost Lu Ye more than a hundred Dao power, but compared to his Dao power reserve of up to 6,000, this loss was still affordable.

The painful area suddenly felt itchy. Lu Ye immersed himself in watching and suddenly discovered something interesting.

The bones that had turned into powder were actually re-condensing.

It is not the rebirth of broken bones, but the condensation, just like going back in time, the bones that were almost broken into powder are put back together again, and gradually become complete.

Logically speaking, if this piece of bone is broken like this, it will regenerate into another piece. As for the broken bones, Lu Ye will find a way to expel them from the body. This kind of thing will be done in the later stage of Xingxiu, let alone Lu Ye now.

But it is clearly not rebirth.

Lu Ye was very surprised. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case, but it just happened.

Is this the change brought about by the fierce fire that burned his body before? Lu Ye didn't know, but what was certain was that if his bones were broken into powder before today, they would not be reunited like this.

In just one stick of incense, the broken bones were restored to their original state. Not only were there no scars at all, but their strength had also been improved due to the previous tempering of Tao power.

The failure just now was not completely useless!

Lu Ye quickly realized that this was a good thing for him. The bones that failed to be polished would become stronger, which undoubtedly meant that the success rate of the next polishing would increase!

He immediately started polishing it again.

It's a pity that although I was still cautious this time, I still fell short at the last moment.

It wasn't until the third polishing, which took nearly 500 steps of effort, that it was considered a success.

Upon closer inspection, the bone glowed with golden light due to the polishing force, which was obviously different from other bones.

With a thought in Lu Ye's mind, some of the Tao power carried on the leaves of the talent tree was transferred to this Tao bone, making the golden light brighter and brighter.

The Tao power of the ordinary Tao realm is all stored in the Tao bones. Unlike him, the leaves of the gifted tree can carry it.

The Tao power in the Tao bones is then transferred back to the talent tree without any loss or consumption in the process.

Lu Ye was pleased. Now that he had his own Dao bone, if he could control the power of the ten paths... would there be any pressure?

The reason why monks at the Dao level need to polish the second Dao bone is, firstly, to reserve more Dao power, and secondly, they need more Dao bones to share the load of controlling Dao power, of which the latter is the most important. , so the more Tao bones there are, the more Tao power can be controlled.

Lu Ye can easily control the power of the Nine Paths by himself, but if he is supplemented by this Dao Bone...

Lu Ye showed joy after activating the power of the ten paths.

Sure enough, there was no pressure anymore. He could clearly feel that his Dao bone seemed to have turned into an invisible pillar, supporting his control of Dao power, and he could not feel the original load at all.

But after being happy, he felt a little confused.

Whether it was Yin Luo, Duan Bo, or Jiu Yan and others, they all proved that at the level of entering the Tao, the nine ways are the ultimate, and only with the help of attribute treasures can the power of the ten ways be activated.

So what's going on here?

This is the first Tao bone that truly belongs to you. If you can polish it successfully, can you polish the second bone or even the fifth bone...

Calculating this, if I successfully polish the fifth bone, wouldn't I have the power of the fourteenth path?

Although the power of the Fourteenth Dao is still far behind the Fusion Dao, it is much stronger than the ordinary Dao. With almost half the difference in Dao power, the ordinary Nine Dao can easily be killed.

This is somewhat inconsistent with his knowledge.

What went wrong? Is it a problem with the talent tree, or is it a problem when creating the Taoist base yourself?

Lu Ye didn't quite understand, and there was no one to ask for advice.

Now he only knows that his path to the Tao realm seems to be a little different from others...

There is still a lot of Tao power, and Lu Ye continues to polish his Tao bones.

After several more failures, the second bone was successfully polished and he could easily control the power of the eleventh bone.

Then the third bone, the fourth bone, the fifth bone...

The fourteen powers predicted by Lu Ye have really been achieved!

While being dumbfounded, Lu Ye was even more excited. At the Tao level, the more Tao power he could control, the stronger his strength would be. With the power of his fourteen Tao realms, he could almost be said to be invincible under the fusion of Tao realms. Even if you encounter the worst melting path, you may not have no chance of survival.

It's a pity that he is in the starry sky at this moment. If he is in Xingyuan, Lu Ye would like to find some Xingyuan monks from the Nine Paths to practice his skills.

After checking his own Dao strength, after polishing five Dao bones, the original reserve of more than 6,000 was now only more than 2,000.

The further you polish the Dao bones, the lower the chance of success. When Jiuyan and others were promoted from the Eighth Path to the Ninth Path, they experienced countless failures. If Yin Luo hadn't provided so many intact Dao bones every month, everyone would have never been able to do so. It was impossible to achieve promotions and breakthroughs repeatedly in those years.

Although the situation on Lu Ye's side is not as serious, it is generally the same trend, except that every time the Dao bone he chooses is broken, it will become tougher, thereby increasing the probability of success, so the success rate is relatively higher than that of ordinary people. It is very high, and the winding is like this. The polishing of five Tao bones also consumes three to four thousand Tao power.

You must know that it is not easy to accumulate these Taoist powers. Lu Ye had practiced in the Qing Palace for so many years and only had so much wealth. He squandered most of it this time. However, compared to the improvement of his strength, this small amount of effort is nothing. , Dao power can be accumulated after all.

The five Dao bones were ready, but Lu Ye did not stop, but chose to polish the sixth Dao bone...

He is not the only one who has done this, Jiuyan and others have done it, but without exception, they all failed. Limited by the constraints of the nine extremes at the entry level, there is no possibility of successfully polishing the sixth level bone.

The reason why Lu Ye wants to try is because he has broken the constraints of the nine extremes, so he wants to know whether he can succeed.

The first attempt ended in failure as expected, with more than a hundred strength wasted.

The second attempt still failed.

The third time, the fourth time...

It wasn't until the eighth attempt, after spending nearly a thousand efforts, that the sixth bone was successfully polished!

Although he felt that he had the possibility of success before polishing, when the result appeared, he was still stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

He controlled the power of the fifteen paths, his face was calm, but his eyes were filled with excitement.

The success of the Sixth Path Bone not only brought him an improvement in his strength, but also an infinitely broad future. This meant that he was really not constrained by the Nine Paths and could continue to polish more paths. bone.

After a brief inspection, he found that his bones are 206. Doesn't this mean that if they are all polished successfully, he can control more than 200 powers?

As far as he knows, a peak Fusion Dao like Yin Luo only has the power of a hundred Dao. However, for some reasons, the Dao power at the Fusion Dao level is more powerful than entering the Dao. The same Dao power can exert stronger lethality and protection.

But even so, the peak of Fusion Dao is the limit of one hundred Dao.

After the Hundred Ways, it is the level of Hedao.

While excited, I felt a pain in my heart. It took nearly a thousand Dao energy to polish the sixth bone now. The more Dao energy it takes in the future, the more Dao energy it will take. If you want to polish all the bones in the body into Dao bones, that Dao strength will be enough. What a huge figure the cost should be?

Thinking back carefully, Lu Ye vaguely felt that his abnormality had nothing to do with the talent tree. If it were the root cause, it should be the result of using the power of the three flowers to ignite the Dao Fire to burn his body. Although there is no direct evidence, but Lu Ye had this feeling in his heart.

Sanhua's cultivation is extremely difficult. Using that flawless, pure and extremely condensed foundation to ignite the Dao fire and transform into a furnace to be burned should lead to some unusual results.

It's a pity. If it's because of Sanhua, then he can't repeat his path.

He has always felt that Sanhua's cultivation is not that simple. If it is just to allow monks to reach the extreme in one realm, the conditions required would be too harsh. But if all the hardships create such a result, then all the previous The effort and effort are worth it.

With less than 2,000 Dao power reserves left, Lu Ye thought for a moment and gave up on polishing his Dao bones.

The current power of fifteen paths can stimulate the power of sixteen paths under overload. Under the fusion of paths, no one can beat it. One more path will not make much difference.

Moreover, the talent tree requires Dao power reserves. He was able to exert the power of the Tao realm initially because the talent tree had enough Dao power reserves. When the Dao power reserve exceeded two hundred, he could activate the power of the Six Paths and surpass four One hundred corresponds to seven paths, six hundred corresponds to eight paths, and nine paths requires eight hundred. If the reserve falls below eight hundred, then he will not be able to exert the strength of nine paths.

Including the talent tree clones, his Dao power reserve must be maintained at at least two thousand, so that he and his clones can perform at their due level, so the remaining Dao power must be retained.

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